Storm Before The Calm

Chapter two

Jon stood in the corridor out of sight. He stood with his head bowed in misery and anger. Once again the system had proved itself hopelessly useless. Jon took a look at his watch and realising he was probably in for a long wait, sat down on the floor. The punishment he wasn’t bothered by, after all, he hated maths but the injustice of it all. It made him angry…. Jon sat with his hands in his brown hair and thought about how he would get his revenge. Although these daydreams comforted him, he was still angry; In fact anger was like a visible colour on Jon. At the end of the lesson Jon was nowhere near finished. He scribbled down the work he had been unable to do…maybe he’d do it later. As Jon left the room he sighed and pulled his bag over his shoulder, maybe the next lesson would be better. Maybe.

Jon almost always spent lunch alone, it was best for him not to stay in any one place for too long. Some of the guys thought it was funny to start fights with Jon. It had always baffled Jon what gave them satisfaction out of beating him, after all, five to one? Was that a fair fight? “Life’s never fair is it?” Jon muttered to himself as he ate his sandwiches on a bench, the sandwiches however, were interrupted. As Jon stared up at James he gave into primal instinct and ran. James always snuck up on Jon, he preferred to get so close that he could see the whiteness of his face and the fear in his eyes. Jon experienced this feeling almost every lunchtime, this game of cat and mouse in which the mouse inevitably got a good kick in did not amuse him as it James. He was an unwilling playmate for James’s violent and unfair hunting game.

The next lesson was maths, “Great,” Jon thought aloud as he sat down at his desk.

“what’s great?” said Samantha as she turned back from her own desk,

“Nothing, don’t worry,” snapped Jon as he opened his book

“You’re so weird Jon, why can’t you just be normal like everyone else?”

Jon thought to himself “Why am I not like everyone else, what’s wrong with me?”
He ignored her till she got bored of waiting for an answer and got out her own books.
The class went slowly, Jon understood barely any of the maths, he wasn’t into all this logical there’s only one answer bullshit, he preferred to have more freedom than that, but that didn’t help him when the teacher came round to check his work.

“Jon did you even READ the textbook? Are you entirely sure that you didn’t just plot down random numbers on a page?” Mrs Hent enquired in a spiteful embarrassing way that only a teacher can. Jon sat in silence for the rest of the lesson, he was no more successful in doing his work and was thoroughly relieved to be out at the end of the day.
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I hope you enjoy it. I stayed up till 3am to finish it off. Be thankful.