Storm Before The Calm

Chapter 3

Jon Shuffled silently down the cloudy street as he exhaled he gazed at the smoke, not happily as some children do when they’re amazed by the swirling patterns. No. Jon stared in a blank uncaring fashion until he was rudely interrupted. Jon was ‘enjoying’ his usual after school non pleasure; a girl about Jon’s own age was frowning semi seriously at him.
“You shouldn’t smoke y’know” she moaned at him.
“It’s a free country isn’t it” replied Jon, stubbing out his cigarette. “I’ve never seen you around in school, who are you?”
“I’m Katy, but don’t change the subject! Why do you smoke?” she said sternly.
“Why do you care? Are you my mother? No!” Jon displayed his irritation by kicking his cigarette as he spoke, “why do you care?” he repeated.
“Someone’s got to care, and anyways its my air you’re polluting too!”
Jon went to reply and then stopped. She was not really beautiful, but something about her…it unsettled him. Jon shrugged off his thoughts, conscious of the fact she expected a reply and muttered a few words of apology, and then stared at the floor in embarrassment.
“Anyways,” she broke the awkward silence, “I’ve got to go. But you should stop smoking.”
“Yeh….whatever” he replied as she crossed the road, his usual response would be to bitch about her being an interfering cow. This time, somehow…it seemed different.

As Jon rounded the corner he was disturbed from his thoughts rudely , Daniel and his dumbass friends rode by ringing their bells loudly as they went, “please keep going,” said Jon with a hushed voice, “please.” But as they turned around their bikes, Jon’s heart sank, he couldn’t run, they would catch him too easily. The only thing he could do was to hold his round, so he continued at the same pace, and ignored the fact he was about to get a proper kick in. When they reached him the they circled round him like vultures, getting as close as they could to scare him. They were jeering and shouting and blocking Jon’s path. Then Daniel stopped in front of Jon.

“Set me a brown! Now!” Daniel demanded.

“Fuck off, don’t have any,” Jon Replied.

“You’ve always got some, twat. Stop being a stingy wanker,” Daniel retorted spitefully.

“No really, I just smoked my last” said Jon.
Daniel was angry, it wasn’t the suppressed explosive anger that Jon had, it was a mindless anger. Ramming the tire of the bike into Jon leg he growled like a stupid great Pit-bull. This was the final straw for Jon, with his suppressed anger now controlling him he punched Daniel in the nose, stream of blood ran down Daniel’s face but this act had made him angrier. He lashed out at Jon, abandoning his bike in a fit of fury, pounding at Jon’s chest and stomach. Jon Winced in pain and guessing the fight was unwinnable punched Daniel in the face again before running as fast as he could. Daniel grabbed at his bike and cycled as fast as he could he was gaining on Jon and when he was level with him swung his fist at his face, smashing him in the eye. Jon was shocked by the sharp pain and as he tried to recover his sight he saw Daniel’s blurred figure off in the distance through his one tear filled unhurt eye.
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For those who do not understand englishisms i will be happy to explain. One i know you probably wont get is
Brown - a slang word for cigarette used by teenagers mostly.