I Don't Belong to Anyone!

Your light ,light's up the room

"Come on Rachel,we've got to go NOW!" i hugged my friends as tears ran down my face "bye guys "i sniffed "i love you all" "bye rache!" they all cried back.This is the worst day of life EVER. my mom is driving me 5000000 miles away from my best friends "Rachel ,its not that far ,don't exaggerate!" "and honestly what are you wearing you know its cold down in forks!!"
i looked down at my outfit :stripy vest top,denim skirt and heels.For once i think i actually agree with my mom, it looked cold outside.

-5 hours later-

I get there OM MY GOSH its so Grey everything here is just Grey even the people! then i see uncle billy coming up the drive in his wheel chair ,woah he looks the same ! "hello Tiffany and Rachel wot a tall girl you've grown up into!" "hey uncle Billie!"i reply leaning over to hug him there's a tall boy coming up he's not Grey he's tanned ,tall and pretty cute! "Rachel ,you remember your cousin Jacob,right?" my mom asked noticing that we were related i blushed .they went off talking and Jacob approached me."hey rach ,you look different ,and you might wanna think of wearing jeans or something.." "why is that " i asked ,raising an eyebrow
"urr its cold maybe?" he said sarcastically but he had his shirt off .Then he laughed "its a wolf thing"

i went through it over and over and over again in my head :whats a wolf thing??

NEXT day:
i went on the hunt for friends ,couldn't really see any interesting people round ,then i got a text from my old friend back in Dallas it said :
HEY missing u SO much
meet any ha-wt boy's?? don't text back scince I'm in a test LOL
lots of love
i sighed i will never find a friend like that again...
then as i walked into the cafe i ordered fries and a milkshake and sat down .I start my new school tomorrow and the only person i would no is my cousin,life's a beach i guess...
Then a few rays of color entered the door, a few tanned boys with Jacob came in. Jacob gave me quick smile and continued walking with the rest of guys they sat one table away from me.i sort of watched them as they orded all this food ,i laughed to my self,how can 3 guys eat all that food !That's when it happened:
my eyes became fixed on what seemed to be chocolate it was so addictive ,but it was staring right back at me that's when i realized,it wasn't chocolate but two warm brown eyes meeting my green contacts.i broke away and blushed full on red. i left straight away.

As i curl up in my bed i dream of seeing those eyes again ,i need to see them again.