Second Glance


The lights were all on when I got home, glowing warmly in the chilly black air.
I remember absently raising my camera to my eye and quickly capturing the alluring image. It was pretty, but my mind was already drifting back to other places. Other people.
Fog swirled around my face when a sigh slipped past my lips. I had always considered myself different from the dizzy vapids that live on our street, I never got stupid celebrity crushes or giggles over guys with nice bodies.
Then I saw him.
Now what?
I'm obviously never going to see him again...and even if I do, what's gonna happen?
I remember wishing I could just make the butterflies filling me from head to toe go away.
The door creaked loudly when I forced it open, announcing my arrival.
"I'm home!!" I yelled out, dumping my crap on the floor surrounding the enterance that was already cluttered with shoes and coats and other unidentifiable objects.
"Where up here!" somebodys reply drifted through from downstairs, followed by muffled complaints telling him to shut up.
Rubbing my eyes even though I wasn't tired, I remember shuffling into the tiny kitchen and leaning back on the counter, letting my eyes glaze over as my brain, heart and gizzards battled fuzzy feelings that I usually only get on the rare trips to rollarcostar theme parks.
Faint sounds of a movies seeping through the upstairs floor made me glance up, wondering if I should join my friends.
"I'll be in my room!" I called up, starting to walk down the narrow hallway before waiting for a reply.
My room was dark when I stepped in, my eyes not yet adjusted to the dim light thrown from the magical fairylights hanging over my open window. After closing my door as gently as possible (it had a habit of coming off the hinges) I remember collapsing back onto my small single bed, the bedsprings squeaking in complaint.
"Shut up." I muttered at them, pressing my fingertips against my temples in an attempt to organIse my thoughts physically.
Surprisingly enough, it didn't work.
Growling in unsatisfied annoyance, I banged my head against the wall. A headache would be preferable to this.
Handcuffs, stolen during escapes from police and security gaurds by my more rebellious friends, clinked and jingled melodically above my head from where they hung like dangerous, outcast windchimes.
When I first started collecting them everyone would tease me about how lucky the boy I decided to bring home would be, but that passed eventually.
Until I started up photography and kept my camera next to my bed on my desk.
I don't think that would ever pass.
Another thing I'm unwillingly stuck with.
I remember thinking mournfully, pressing my palm over my left chest pocket on my denim jacket, feeling the ragged beating of my heart.
Groaning in self annoyance, I shut my eyes and tried to sleep.
I couldn't though, of course.
Justin Bieber saw to that.