The Only Hope for Me is You

Waking Up

I woke up, with my eyes still closed, I stretched. Everything hurt. It felt like I've ran in the Olympics non-stop for weeks. I opened my eyes a tad, and looked up, then above my head, and then rolled over to my stomach to look at my clock, quickly realizing it wasn't there. I was puzzled; I rubbed my eyes and heard a steady beep. Looking up I saw a heart monitor, this must mean I'm in a hospital. Still puzzled, I gave it deep thought. Not even a second later I recalled the fact I supposedly have insomnia . Last time I checked, insomnia meant you couldn't fall asleep, right?

I looked over to my right and saw a boy. Once our eyes met he looked away quickly. Probably hoping I didn't notice he was looking in the first place. Turning to me back, I looked at the ceiling wondering what I could do. Feeling uncomfortable suddenly, I turned to my side. I felt some kind of object by my knee as I moved, so I took my hand and tried to grab it. Pulling it up, it felt as if it had a thin wire attached to it. I finally had it in sight. My mp3 player. "Hey, there's something I could do." I thought. I sat up, put the headphones in my ears, and turned it on. The song that started to play was 'Love Hurts' from 'Incubus.'

After staring at my blanket for five minutes, mouthing the words to the song, I looked up. The boy had longish-short, light brown hair with a hint blonde it seemed. He was lying on his back, with his hands folded behind his head, looking up at the ceiling. He turned his head my direction and looked at me. I gave him a smile to let him know I'm friendly, he looked away in the process of me making a smile. Wondering if he saw the smile, I looked down to my mp3 player, and pressed next to try to find a song I want to listen to. After going through about fifty songs, I found a song worth listening to at the moment; 'Hands Held High' from 'Linkin Park.' 'I love this song' I thought. Mouthing the words to that song too, I saw someone in the corner of my eye quickly looking up I saw it was a nurse.
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Boring? Good? Bad? Tell me what you think!

Sorry it's short!!

It'll get more exciting later in the story. promise!
next chapter will be better too, by the way.
Thanks for reading lovely people!