Killjoys Never Die

Chapter 4

~Libbyloohoo94's story

One day, the Killjoys were driving through the zones during a high speed chase from the SCARECROW unit. They escaped from them, easily as usual. The 'Joys were driving when all of a sudden, they saw a BL/ind motor bike speeding fast from other motor bikes across the horizon.
One wondered aloud, "Why is that bike going away from the others??"
He quickly got that answer answered. The bike turned at a fast pace, and skidded to a stop. The driver of the bike was shooting blue laser beams out of her gun. As quickly as it started, the chase stopped. All the Dracs were dead. The Killjoys slowly approached the bike and driver not knowing what to expect.

The driver clutched her gun protectively, not knowing what and who they were.

"Lady, put the gun down. We won't hurt you." A Killjoy stated as she approached her. She noticed that he had a potato peel in his holster.

"Ummm, if you don't mind me asking, sir, why do you have a potato peel in your holster? May I know your names, as well? You all are the first people I've seen out here, and I've been here for months" The driver said shyly.

"Sure 'nough girl. I'm Jet Star, that over there is Fun Ghoul over there is Kobra Kid, and in the car is Party Poison. We saw you driving and holding your own. We have an opening and room for a chick like you. Would you like to be a Killjoy?" Jet Star said.

"Uhhh, sure, but if you don't mind me asking what is a Killjoy? Like I said before I don't really know anyone." The driver asked.

"A Killjoy basically is someone who wants BL/ind to be destroyed." Fun Ghoul finally piped up. "We usually have lots of fun together."

"Sounds fun, I'll join ya." The driver hopped on her bike as she said this.

"For security reasons, we need to know your name obviously. What would it be?" inquired Kobra Kid.

"Katja, but everyone calls me Libby."

She hopped on her bike and followed them back to the headquarters, and for the first time, in 6 months, she felt needed.