The Inquisition and the Discovery.



Chapter Three - Tao.

"The inside of this train looks like a bloody fruit cake."

The words that left Meilin's lips were much more fact than opinion, which was made quite clear by the over abundance of reds, greens, and yellows occupying every nook and cranny of every single compartment.

"A moldy one, if you notice all of the putrid green. . ." Portia remarked casually as the trio strolled steadily down the isles of the train, searching for, as you might've guessed, an empty compartment or at least one containing a safe amount of blue.

"Nah, Portia. I'm pretty sure fruit cakes normally have some short of verdant shades to them. . ." Meilin corrected curtly, trying her best to recall if what she'd just stated was actually true or not.

The three of them passed by a compartment so overcrowded with green that it looked like Oz's Emerald City, but was much less pleasant according to the sneers that lit up every Slytherin's face.

"What I'm wondering is, where are our people?" Tansy inquired in between rounds of her favorite, Ravenclaw tradition. . .flipping the bird.

"I bet they've forced us to bleedin' assimilate, those goddamn bullies!" Meilin cried in outrage, glaring pointedly at a compartment full of Gryffindors in particular.

"I highly doubt it, we're a valuable community here. Especially in comparison to the badgers. . ." Portia replied, feeling smug that at the very least Ravenclaw was better than Hufflepuff.

"That's right, yeah? I should be seeing more shades of glorious blue than mustard yellow-" Tansy piped up, looking around expectantly.

However, it seemed inevitable that she would be cut off.

"What are you lot on about. . .?"

Meilin was often infamous for her lack of common sense, but that was something she definitely didn't need to recognize the familiar, masculine voice of her elder brother.

"TAO!" She exclaimed before promptly latching onto the tall seventh year.

In a desperate attempt to keep his cool, Tao Chang shoved his sister off of him.

"Not in public, Linny." He scolded, brushing off his nearly identical uniform.

It was of course this particular, Germophobic action that discreetly drew his fellow Ravenclaws' attention to the shiny badge, pinned ever so proudly upon his chest.

". . .Ravenclaw Head Boy?!" Tansy called, her eyes nearly doubling in size.

Almost immediately the two Ravenclaw girls rounded upon their friend who was, unbeknown to them, equally as shocked at the sight.

"LINNY! Why didn't you tell us?! We could have definitely held this over Evans' head!" Tansy continued, narrowing her eyes at the fumbling girl.

Faltering ever so slightly, Meilin parted her lips to speak. "I-"

"She didn't know, Fulke. I mean, she's Linny. This is what you'd expect of her, right?" Tao defended jokingly.

Even he could openly agree that his sister was the ultimate space-case, and it didn't bother him in the slightest. . .most of the time.

"Meanwhile, what's this I hear about Lily Evans? Have you done anything devious, Linny? Because I swear if mum finds out you've got detention on the first day again-" Tao replied, clenching his jaw. He knew very well how apt that particular Gryffindor Prefect was to punish those that were even a smidge out of line.

"We didn't do anything, Tao. You know how much Tansy and Portia loathe her, s'all. . ." Meilin lied swiftly.

Even though he didn't believe the younger Chang in the slightest, he quickly realized probing about the matter further would result in more of a headache than it was worth. So instead the raven haired youth simply settled upon pouting.

"No, I don't know. In fact, I have no clue why those two are suddenly following you around, at your bloody beck and call. . ." He grumbled, although his earnest statement came off as incoherent jargon more than anything.

He couldn't help but take note of the fact that whereas last year his sister was a loner by choice, only this year had she willingly had someone, let alone two people, tagging along with her.

"What?" Portia inquired, not comprehending his prior response.

Realizing that whatever he said would probably not bode well, Meilin hurriedly changed the subject.

"Never mind what he said, he's a right prat, anyway. So, ladies. . .let's continue our endeavor to find our fellow Ravens!" She trilled, pumping a dainty fist in the air.

At her statement, Tao snorted. "Ravenclaws!" He corrected promptly, before continuing down the hall.

If there was one thing Tao Chang, aka Mr.Perfect-Head Boy-Quiddich Captain lacked, it was definitely patience. . .or at least the unfathomable amount in which it took to deal with his sister every day.

"And talons too!" Meilin piped up, followed by an amused giggle from her companions.

"You know, Linny. We could have just asked your brother where all our house-mates are. . ." Portia reasoned after a moment or two of subsiding laughter.

"I knew that!" Meilin assured them with a wave of her hand.

Tansy and Portia were highly unsure if they could believe her or not, even so.

"But I was thinking. . .wouldn't it be much more interesting if we went looking for reds instead of blues?" She suggested, smirking mischievously.

Fortunately for her, her little companions were in favor of her new ploy.

"Tch. Yeah, that will be hard. . ." Portia scoffed, crossing her arms and looking off in the direction of a compartment inside of which crimson and gold was definitely distinguishable.

As Meilin and Tansy followed their gazes, their grins grew.

"And rather fun, don't you think?"
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Am I the only one that actually snorted at the, "And talons too!" thing. . .? >_>