The Inquisition and the Discovery.

Wild Jarveys.


Chapter Four - Wild Jarveys.

To Meilin, Tansy, and Portia - Peter Pettigrew's face was priceless.

Being the most unattractive of his suspicious little social circle, it looked aghast most of the time anyway. . .but the expression he made when Meilin Chang's face collided with the glass of his compartment door was just - great.

"I knew this would be fun! Did you see him squirm?" Meilin exclaimed through bouts of nasty laughter.

Unfortunately for dear Peter, the glass was not exactly sound-proof and as such, he heard every solitary statement and chuckle made on his fearful behalf.

Although he could not bare to insult them aloud, silently he was most definitely cursing their existence.

"S'alright, Wormtail. . ." To the right of him, James Potter smiled as he placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder in comfort.

"J-James. . .I wasn't scared!" He squeaked, quite like a mouse, attempting not to reveal how much of a spineless loser he really was to one of the boys he most definitely idolized.

"Sure, sure, Peter. . ." James dismissed with a wave of his hand.

As the Ravenclaw girls outside their compartment continued to taunt his Marauder friend, he felt slightly compelled to come to his rescue.

So, after straightening his glasses, he rose to his feet and steadily walked towards the door.

"Good afternoon, ladies. . ." He called charmingly after clearing his throat to get their attention.

In response, three craniums turned to face him.

"Hullo, Potter!" Meilin chirped, using the sleeve of her school robes to wipe jovial tears from her almond eyes.

"Hey, Linny. Is there something. . ." James greeted back, pausing to glance at her two companions, "The three of you wanted?"

In response, a smile became present upon Meilin's face.

"Why yes, we couldn't help but notice how much room there is in your compartment. . .perhaps room enough for us?" She questioned carefully.

In response, James blinked. "You're asking to sit with us?" He stated rather than questioned.

"Is that a problem?" Portia interjected, narrowing her eyes.

In response, James Potter smirked.

"Well, sort of. You see, Peter and I were partaking in a particularly dangerous game of exploding snap when you lot pounded upon our door like a bunch of wild Jarveys - well, it almost resulted in an injury or two!" He revealed, nodding to Peter.

"I-It is very dangerous. . ." He stuttered out, agreeing with his bespectacled friend.

"So, taking that into consideration. Why would we let you sit with us?" James reasoned, drumming his fingers against the side of the door casually.

"Because - erm, we have nowhere else to go, mate!" Meilin countered, pleading with the Gryffindor boy.

"We're not mates, Linny. Besides, you can go find some fellow Ravenclaws to sit with, right?" James suggested curtly, beginning to slide the door shut.

Meilin quickly saw a glorious opportunity disappearing, and as such, took the liberty to secure it.
Without hesitation she slid a tiny foot between the gap in the doorway.

"Actually, I have a theory about that. All the other Ravens have assimilated into stupider - I mean, cooler houses! And we are the only ones remaining true to the blue." She explained with a pleasant although somewhat desperate smile.

Although he knew that the "assimilation" theory was straight bullocks, James couldn't help but take pity on a pretty girl in need.

"Alright, Linny. I'll tell you what. . .I reckon I could let you all in, if you answer a riddle for me."
He bargained as Meilin went absolutely slack-jawed.

Of course, with one of his lot there was always a catch. And, she should have known that. . .but still, a riddle was absolutely uncalled for!

"You fucking prick! You know that I can't stand riddles-" Meilin began, eager to let foreign profanity slip past her lips.

Before she could completely go off on the poor sod, her friends placed comforting hands on her back.

"It's okay, Linny. We'll answer any riddle Potter throws at us with expertise-" Tansy reassured her.

Before Meilin could feel better about the riddle subject, James shook his head in dismay.

"Tsk. Tsk. I only want Linny Chang to answer. You know, I'm only trying to help, really." He responded chipperly.

At this, Meilin had had it.

"Oh yeah? How in the - enter a string of Chinese swears here - is that supposed to help me?!" She inquired furiously.

In reply, it was not James Potter than answered her question but rather another personified thorn in her side.

"Well, Linny. Clearly it will help prepare you for those countless nights of unanswered riddles and door knocker arguing that you will inevitably face. . ."

At this new, slightly familiar voice, several things occurred.

Portia and Tansy resisted the conflicting urges to swoon and hex him.

James and Peter looked ultimately glad to see him.

And Meilin? Well, she was just plain livid.

"Fuck you, Black."
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If you don't know what a Jarvey is you should really become more familiar with the works of Newt Scamander. Fantastic Beasts & Where to find them, eh?