Eternal Blood

Chapter One.

Before you read this story, there are some things that you should perhaps know. Firstly, I’m a daydreamer. So, I rarely focus on what is it I should be doing and tend to slip away into my whirlwind of thoughts quite often. Secondly - apart from the first thing, and my wild imagination - I am the most indifferent, normal human being you could ever have the displeasure to meet.

A street. My street. With my house. Where I live. It was, as most streets are, averagely boring. The trees, stood to attention along each footpath, were shedding leaves in every direction. The autumn breeze, swallowing up the orange, red and yellow danced along with my ever tiring feet. Cars passing by noisily hardly ever paused for a moment to notice the 20 mph speed limit. That was, until they reached the end of the pot-holed road and suddenly it would be packed with people.

Eventually, I ended up at my white painted, cracked wooden front door. It wasn’t much, but it was home. With the wallpaper peeling away and carpet, which was worn to the floorboards, it wasn’t exactly modern. In fact, far from it. It was completely out-dated and in a personal opinion, my bedroom was the only one that at least made up to date with the 80’s. The walls were painted purple, except for a single red one. Though, that one was plastered in my drawings and paintings to add that person touch. I threw my bag down onto the floor as it collided with a carefully scattered pile of magazines. My three guitars: Tom, Robin and Kenny, stood in the dark corner. The dressing table was a bombsite. No, my room was a bombsite. I could barely see the threadbare rug beneath my mounds of clothes, books, CD’s, DVD’s etc. And, as surprising as it may seem, I know exactly where everything was. If I needed something, I would know exactly where to find it.

So my Dad keeps asking me to tidy it up? He knows it’s never going to happen. Plus, I just remind him what a state the rest of the destitute house was in and as you can imagine, he didn‘t like it when I did.. The conversation usually went something like this:

“Tidy your room!”
“When you fix the house I’ll clean my room!”

After that was over with, he sulks back down to the lounge. I’m a rebellious 16-year-old teenage girl. Was he seriously expecting a yes?

By instinct, I made my way lazily back down the creaky stairway I had previously just climbed. The Kitchen; was as usual, empty waiting for me to get home and make something for my Dad and Brother who as males, eat an extraordinary amount of food. Whereas myself, I don’t eat much at all. I don’t really know why, but I can’t seem to force myself to eat the normal amount required and yet the doctors say I’m perfectly healthy. It all is just, tasteless to me.

While I put a pizza in the oven for a quick Friday night dinner I checked my mobile for texts or missed calls, I had one from Sally. Sally is my best friend. At first glance you wouldn’t really notice her, but then you do a double take and see that she’s the type of girl you expect to see on the front cover of a fashion magazine, or a movie star. Her long blond hair hung about her shoulders and ocean blue eyes, which seemed to match. Prominent cheeks bones, not unlike my own usually always red with fake blush, and she shovels make-up on like there’s no tomorrow.

“Hey, we’re going down to the brook tonight, do you want to come? Give me a call.x”

As I read the text my brother bounded into the room. He like me, also had pale skin though his hair was black like Dads and eyes of green. I have brown eyes, personally, like my Mum did. I’m not the most liked student at school, there’s always one that gets the names called across the room, even though Sally protects me with her popularity now. It happens to be me, the favourite is ‘vampire‘. I seemed to pick that up in primary school when I said I liked the rain and not the sun, and it never dropped. I can see where they’re coming from, pale skin, also my hands always appear to be cold. But, they are crazy fools. Sure I’m into the vampire thing, I’ve drawn one large on my wall I love the idea that there are mythical dark creatures out there. But in all honest truth, how are you really suppose to believe that they’re out there? It’s all fiction.

My best friend Sally, had been overly excited through the entire day, practically bouncing off the walls. There’s a new student joining the college tomorrow, Sally can’t wait to find out who it is. See, if it’s a girl, she’ll get pounced on to join our group of friends, Sally will latch onto her with claws and hawk eyes. If the new person happens to be a boy, well, let’s say they’re in for a little bit of trouble. Sp basically, which ever sex they happen to be, this new comer was in for a pretty warm welcoming from a certain someone.

“Sally?” I answered my phone as it vibrated in my hand.

“Hey! Caitlin, Did you get my text?” Sally high pitched voice rang down the ear piece. “So are you coming down or what?”

“Sure, I’ll be about 10 minutes, I’ll meet you there.”

“Ok, and Kat. I’m bringing someone new with me, He’s just moved down my street, where something nice you want to impress him don’t you?”

“Sal, are you forgetting someone? Y’know, Danny. My boyfriend. Honestly woman, it’s not like we haven’t been together for say, 8 months? Anyway, I’ll meet you down there in 10, Bye.”


Someone new? Great, I get terribly shy around people as it is, never mind someone new. After shouting to my Dad about the pizza and to tell him I was going out I made my way down to the fields before the house. Sally’s street was down another side of the field so it never took long to meet up. The damp grass compressed downwards sinking my foot into the floor.

Danny was half way down the field when he spotted me, suddenly jolting to a halt. I caught up and leapt at him, as he caught me, soft lips pressing against my own. He was almost the opposite to me in looks. He had tanned skin, dark brown hair and grey eyes. He wore his usual t-shirt and jeans get up and a jacket he’s had for around two years now. I’ll never know what he sees in me. When we first got together and he asked, I thought he was joking. Sally’s far prettier than myself and a lot more glamorous.

“So, how you doing vammpy?” He asked his words sharp in the crisp Autumn air.

“Don’t call me that.”

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it. Good day?”

“Same as usual. I had to help Mrs. Bowerman with the music stands at dinner. Sorry I didn’t get to see you.” We wandered gradually down the low hill swinging our combined hands together.

“Ah, it’s ok. I was in a Math detention anyway, you wouldn’t have missed much.” Finally reaching the water, the small bridge we frequently hung out at sat in waiting cold and undisturbed. Resting on it a group of familiar people came into view just over the hill. Wondering down slowly compared to Amy’s energetic sprint. Amy was slightly different to all the rest. She dyed her hair black and wore lenses to darken her eyes, she’s a darker character to most people. But once you know her, you know that really, she’s the most energetic and enthusiastic person ever to grace this earth. She like Sally was extremely glamorous and beautiful. While my jeans, t-shirt, shirt and plain blue jacket did nothing for my figure, they were comfortable. Which reminded me, the school dance was coming and they were forcing me into a dress.
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Older piece of writing, sorry if it's not as good as what I write now.