Sometimes I Wonder

The Storm

Thunder and lightning is all you can hear and see outside. It's pretty, yet kind of annoying. Any who, Imma go outside and run around my territory. I quickly leaped out of my burrow and pounced onto a small yellowish wolf. The wolf began to squeal. I tried to calm it down but suddenly another wolf appeared and began to growl at me.

"Why are you on my brother you perve!" she said through her teeth that were showing. I looked at her teeth and cleared my throat.
"I'm not a perve. It was an accident," I said in a low calm voice.
"C'mon Derek," she directed her brother to move to her side. Slowly, they began to walk away. "Wait," I howled. They turned back around. "Who are you?" the older wolf said. "A wolf. My name is Bella. And yours?" I asked trying to make a conversation.

"Cynthia,and this is Derek my brother. Well see you around," the older wolf said as she walked away with Derek. My fur began to get soaked and I started to look like a poodle that just got out of a bath. In my opinion, yuck! I peered into the forest and saw a small fire. As I walked toward the fire I saw a couple of wolves. I recognized three of them, but i didnt know the fourth one. I could hear their laughter as I got closer. When I finally got there I sat next to Justice and the other wolf I didn't know. When I sat down everyone went silent and stared at me.

Since everything got quiet I thought I should introduce myself. " Hi, my name is Bella," I said as I took a deep breath.
"I know you. Your my neighbor," said a black wolf.
"I know. Whats your name?" I asked shyly.
"That's your most asked question today huh?" Justice chuckled. I smiled back at her, blushing.

"Anyway my name is Ryan and this is my brother Matthew," he greeted. Matthew stared at him as he ate the squirrel Justice found earlier. "What is that?" I asked knowingly.
"A squirrel. Want some?" he asked me. His forehead scrunched up as he took a bite. "Naw, I don't eat meat. I'm a vegetarian. It's disgusting," I said with a disgusted face. "Suit your self," he laughed. I leaned over and whispered in Justice's ear.
"Who's that next to you?" I whispered softly. She bumped her elbow against him. "Introduce your self," she said firmly. "Oh-oh. Hi,"he said. "What's your name," I asked. Justice began to laugh. "Marshaun. Justice i'm going inside," he stood up. Ryan cheered silently. "Shuddup," Marshaun said as he walked by Ryan. Marshaun walked behind Justice's burrow to go home.

As everyone still talked, I took a blackberry off a nearby bush and slowly nibbled on it. "Well i'm out," Justice slowly stood up. "Ya'll live next to each other right?" she asked. We all nodded. She made her way back inside her burrow. We all stood up and began to walk in the direction of our burrows. I was terribly hungry, so instead of going their slow speed, I said bye and ran off. Once I made it into my burrow I scurried into my hallway. I walked down the hallway into my room where there was my own small blueberry bush. I used my teeth to pick a few off and swallowed them.
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I know its kinda boring now but it gets better, promise! x]]