Even Magic Can't Mend Broken Hearts


A small group of people stood, gathered around a headstone in Godric's Hollow. Just ten steps from the group stood a lone figure, shrouded in a black coat. The figure seemed to be watching the others, judging their reactions, as if waiting for them to spot it. Slowly, it stepped forward, footsteps muffled in the thick snow. The cowl of the cloak slipped back, revealing a young girl with long brown hair and wide blue eyes. Still, the group didn't notice her.

She was like her mother, a bit odd and off-her rocker. But she was also like her father. She held her friends in highest regard, and found it hard to stand up for herself. She moved slightly, crunching over the soft snow, relieved when no one looked up. A wand was hidden up her sleeve, 12" Redwood with Unicorn blood in its core. Her eyes swept over the headstones scattered throughout the small cemetery. She paused in front of a random headstone, before moving to stand behind the group.

The group in question was none other than Harry Potter, his wife, and their three children, with, of course, their God son in tow. They were gathered around the headstone of James and Lily Potter, which Harry had made a habit of visiting when he got the chance. The six people didn’t even turn around, though Harry did speak out when he heard feet shuffling.

“We’ve been expecting you, Laurel.”

The slight girl started in surprise, stepping back several paces when the dark haired, green-eyed man turned to face her. His smile was warm and welcoming, and he had a nice air about him, but still, the girl paused in semi-fright, her eyes froze almost half-way open. After a moment though, she lowered the hand (which she hadn’t realized she’d raised in the first place), that clutched her wand, and then gave him a hesitant smile back.

“Sorry to creep up on you, Mr. Potter-”


“Er…Harry,” She paused and then cleared her throat before continuing on. “But they told me to report to you if there was a change with my parents.” Her voice was soft, barely carrying over the space between them. She noted, uncomfortably, that the three boys and the girl had turned to stare at her, while Ginny simply gave her a gentle smile before politely looking away.

“How are Neville and Luna, then?”

Laurel took in a deep breath and then raised and lowered her shoulders slightly. “Dad’s woke up, but…they don’t know what’s wrong with mom.” It was obvious that the words were causing her grief, because she avoided looking at his eyes. She licked her lips a little nervously. “They say that if it is to be much longer, they’ll have to move her to another ward, one for the comatose patients.” With a sigh, she raised her broken gaze to his face.

“And where are you staying?” He questioned her softly.

“With some Muggle friends of mine. They know nothing about what’s really going on, naturally. They think my parents are on holiday. I feel bad lying to them, but what else can you do?” With a little shake of her head, the girl straightened and then jerked her hood up to hide her face in its shadow once more, though the tears in her voice were clearly there. “I must be going now, Goodbye, Mrs. Potter, Harry.” She tilted her head towards the kids and within a moment had Disapparated.

Harry stared at the place the girl had stood and then shook his head slightly. He moved an arm to wrap it around his wife’s shoulder.

“Such a shame that magic can’t mend broken hearts, eh?”
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I saw the midnight premiere for the new Harry Potter movie and this just suddenly struck me. I don't really know where I was going with it, though, its obvious that Neville and Luna were in St. Mungo's for one reason or another. Haha.

I hope you guys enjoy it though its short. ^_^
