Could This Be It

Could this be it

It was a warm beautiful day as the two lovers hiked down the path. The male was a tall, lean man about 19 years of age in the prime of his life but not yet in adult. He had short blond hair, spiked up just in the front wearing a black t-shirt with cut up blue jeans on. The woman was about 17 years old just finishing high school and about ready to go off to collage. She was a petit girl with sort dark hair and wore a baggy sweater with tight blue jeans. The two trucked down the dusty pathway of the forest together hand in hand seeing the beautiful scenery around them and enjoying the pure silence that the forest gave them. Taking in the site of the brisk sun breaking through the roof of leaves overtop of their heads. Smelling the calming scent of pine and aging wood as they trucked through this peaceful place ``Where are you taking me Alex`` the female asked ``you will see`` he replied ``but I want to know`` she whined ``don’t you trust me Alice? `` Alex asked in a concerned voice ``of course I do`` Alice reassured him `` then we just have to keep going down this pathway`` he insisted ``what ever you say`` they kept moving foreword seeing every beauty the forest had to offer. Alex made sure they paced themselves not wanting her to miss the elegance of this place that he had spent so many meaningless days and lonely nights walking threw. He was very close to this place and knew the grassy plane inside and out. He came to see it as a complete home away from shattered home and would know Alice would see it like that too. They eventually reached a steep hill half paved over with hard concrete designs and half still a dusty dirt trail it seemed a very odd place to put a concrete and in even stranger way to place it. It was a crisscross design all the up the hill forming circles all over the walkway. As the two attempted to climb up the impossible hill Alex held Alice’s hand all the way to the top. In the middle of the climb Alice tripped and almost fell back down but luckily for Alice Alex was swift enough to catch her and help her regain her balance and get back on track. When they reached the top the sight that was waiting for them was beyond words. They had arrived at the top of the hill at the exact right time to see the mixture of yellow purple blue and gold in the sky. The descending sun shined over the trees and the downward pathway in front of them. From where the two stood they could see almost forever down the dirt path and they could see overtop the bristle of trees. They where position so perfectly that they only needed to look straight to see the sunset. It was like a golden arch across the sky there own piece of heaven upon the top of this mountain of a hill. ``Its beautiful`` Alice said in shock ``not as beautiful as you`` Alex complemented Alice smiled and looked deeply into Alex’s baby blue eyes wishing that this would last a lifetime ``you know this isn’t the only reason I brought you up here`` Alex told her in a sweet voice ``oh? `` She replayed curiously ``yes we have been together for about three years now and…`` ``yes`` Alice interrupted ``well I love you… if three years isn’t enough to show that I don’t know what is`` he finished awkwardly Alice just giggled ``of course it is and I love you two`` Alex looked deeply into Alice’s lovely green eyes building up courage for what he was about to do ``and I know your going to Quebec to study to be a doctor and I will be heading to Niagara soon to be in actor soon but`` just then Alex got down on one knee and pulled out a little white box with a golden lace made from velvet when Alice saw the little velvet box her heart fluttered and she felt blood rush all to her face as she anxiously awaited Alex to finish ``I believe love lasts forever and I know our love can last forever I would be the happiest man in the world if you would let me prove this to you, Alice Ann Arch would you marry me`` he flipped the little box open to reveal a pure gold ring with a diamond on top that sparkled in the light of the sunset Alice could think of nothing to say but to throw herself at Alex. Alex stood up quickly and caught her ``is that a yes`` he asked ``Yes! Yes of course I will`` she insisted tears running down her face ``through anything and everything I will always love you make me so happy`` the tears falling out of her where not those of sadness but extreme happiness. For the rest of the time they sat there watching the sun descend down past the trees they pulled out a blanket and just laid and watched the burning ball fall from existence as the sky turned to the dark blackness you could see each blinking light burst through the darkness like fireflies in the night sky and the moon come out like a giant crystal illuminating the darkness of the forest. The full moon shined over both of the lovers as they enjoyed their final night together hoping wishing that this would be forever.