Riding With Death

Riding With Death.

``Is this what you wanted! `` Alex yelled as he drove as fast as he could ``I didn’t know what he would do, ``Alex I swear he told me he was just going to help`` I yelled well I was strapped to the back seat of his car. He had used duck tape too keep me there. I was scared out of my mind I didn’t know what to do or say ``I would have rather been killed then this why! `` He said as he kept driving at top speed down the street I was starting to get desperate so I started to plea ``please Alex you can do what you want with me but let rob go`` Rob was my husband who he had tied up in the front seat beside him ``OH no my precise Robert! What would I ever do if he ever got hurt`` Alex mocked `` haha your going to regret your choice of words Alex then opened the side door and grabbed Rob by the back of the neck and said ``well I hope hell is more fun for you then it was for me`` then threw him out the door I looked back and seen his body bounce of the concrete and hit the cop car that had been fallowing us from behind I couldn’t help it I immediately started to cry my husband was dead ``I don’t know about you but I am having fun`` he mocked I could see his sadistic blue eyes throw the front mirror. I could tell he was barely watching the road because his eyes stayed planted on the mirror ``what dieing isn’t that bad he should find himself lucky you didn’t do to him what you did to me`` Alex said strangely calm ``I always knew I wasn’t good enough for you I always knew that but you didn’t have to have me turned into…`` I couldn’t take it I wanted to just kill him`` I didn’t know that they where vampires they told me they where going to make you move somewhere else`` I screamed at him, after I screamed this Alex busted into historic laughter `` ya they tried to make me one of them im lucky I am even alive but… they only half succeeded now apparently ive only got a week before im one of those vile creatures … there it is`` I had no clue what he was talking about in my confusion I looked out the front window to see the ocean rapidly getting closer `` no Alex what are you doing no! `` I screamed for my life, all of a sudden like a bullet he ended up in the back seat with me looking me dead in the eyes I could see my old love in his eyes I felt the heat go up my spin these eyes weren’t the same they where dark and hurt. He looked deep in my eyes as he said `` I am sorry and I know you will never forgive me but I love you`` and just as quickly as he got into the backseat I was out on the sidewalk laying there I barley understood what just happened as I got my composer back and looked up I could see the black car ahead of me still speeding. I watched it in till it hit the side of the ocean and flew into the deep waters. I sat there frozen in amazement knowing this was entirly my fault and that I would have to live with this the rest of my life because there was still that huge part of me that still loved him.