The End.

Thank You For Making Me Worthless in Your Eyes

I shoved past all the other kids. I needed to get out now. My blood was boiling. The second I saw Gabriel I wasn’t going to hold back. That little fuck told everyone. They know the one thing I didn’t want them to know.

The worst part is that I trusted him…

“Ivy wait the hell up!” Gabriel shouted from behind me.

I flipped my choppy black hair back and continued walking. The spiral on my notebook was irritating the slits on my wrists. I forgot to wear my bracelets today. Damn.

I guess you’re wondering what Gabriel did. Well, last week I was contemplating on committing suicide and I obviously didn’t. Gabriel was the only person who tried to stop me. I truly loved him with everything in me last week.

He was so sweet and caring up until yesterday. You see he will tell anyone anything they want to know. Since someone noticed my cuts they asked if I was emo. I hate that word. It’s disgusting and degrading to society.

But, I am labeled it anyway. Gabriel put his arms around my stomach. I turned around and smacked him. He told that person of course and my day has been hell on earth let me tell ya.

“What was that for?” He pouted. He was just so stupid. I thought his black hair and the piercings were cute. That was a mistake in itself. Never go out with a guy because he’s cute and wears tight pants.

You need to actually know him. His smile always made me melt no matter how mad I was at him. Well he was all the happiness I had in my life. My parents are divorced and my mom has custody of me. I haven’t seen my dad since I was two.

I’m an only child and guess what? I hate every second of it. My mom hasn’t gotten over it yet so she’s always pissed off about something. Since I’m the only one there she takes it all out on me. How sweet of her.

She doesn’t care for me. She never did and never will. Gabriel tried to kiss me but I punched him right in the jaw. Now he had me pissed off. Two pissed off bitches didn’t mix well at home.

“It’s not a big deal.” He said as he rubbed his red jaw.

“Yes it is. That was personal and you throw it on out there like you’re giving fast food to fat kids!” I yelled at him.

Some blonde girls giggled as they walked by us. I glared at them. Soon as they met my eyes they shut up and ran down the hall in their heels.

When no one was anywhere around he continued. “I’m sorry babe.” He hugged me.

“No you’re not. You’re satisfied now aren’t you? You think I’m going to forgive you for this? You’re dead wrong.” I was right up in his face.

He let go of me and he held his hands up like a criminal. “Not my fault your brain is fucked up.” He spat. His eyes were full of rage.

I shook my head. “You getting pissed with me won’t help the situation. We’re over!” I shouted.

I walked away from him without another word. He didn’t run after me, which shocked me. I heard his footsteps going the other way. A hole was forming in my heart. Did I take it too far?
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All my stories start off somewhat slow. Like it? Hate it? Let me know :D.