Gag of the Month

Arival, The:

I had gotten there, or rather, here, with no problem. Not quite the excitement you had expected. Though that leave me alert, ready, for what she was to hand me?

Now, nonetheless, she did handle me quite the chock. A collar, a choker nonetheless. I should have expected the collar, it's tradition. Such an ancient a one, I guess I missed it.. To the eye, it is just a black leather strap? On the inside, there is the chock, as well as the black rubbery elastisity. Rigid enough, not to let you take it of off you. Not to get your fingers in the slitest. Not in the least. Though I have no plans of getting out of it. Guess it grew on me, even before I actually layed my eyes upon it, even?

Then I got that small room, holding a bed, barely. I mean it. Barely, with a Capital”B”. I managed to slip in, but I fear I'd be getting problems, making the bed.

Enough of that whining from me for now. Can't pick up these kinds of habits now.