Gag of the Month


”Come right this way!” Mistress told me.
I eagerly followed her out of the room, and into the next. Nothing special about the room. Or so I thought, at first.

Then I saw what the room is all about. Aside from a single 'table', the room is empty. Empty way beyond Spartan. It's in the middle of the room. Finding myself walking right up to it.
”Walk up to the table!” she instructed me, and I did, just as she told me.
I could feel my belly pressing towards the edge of the table. Did not feel all that uncomfortable, after all.

”Bend over, as far as you can, till you feel the table stop you!” she continued.
I bent over, feeling the top of the table toward my very own flesh. Not as hard as it first had looked. Looking down, I could see where I was expected to place my hands.

”Good, now place your hands, right on the spot, and look up!” she continued.
I found myself, placing my hands, exactly where she had indicated. Looking up, forwads.