Status: hiatus~

Left With A Vacant Smile

Day one

My first day at St. Christopher's was a strange experience. The halls were colourful and bright, there was a big green field and the teachers smiled. A lot. Well so did everyone. I walked past the many classrooms, seeing the cheery faces of my new friends. Or maybe not. My first day consisted of sitting in the head teachers office learning the rules and then having an hour of science. Now one spoke to me, they carried on with their conversations, pretending that i wasn't even there.

And that's how it stayed. I can't complain, I never tried to make friends. Honestly I didn't want them. We'd be moving again and I didn't want to have to say any goodbyes. I sat in the lunch hall alone, eating the rather stale and old food they served and watching people. They all had friends to laugh with, make jokes and discuss important issues.

Where as I had no one to help me with my maths homework or whether to have my hair up or down. That's where I'm different, I didn't care. I thought that this time was going to be like normal, start, ignore, leave.

But it wasn't.

I woke up to the sound of my Mom calling,

"Sarah, up up up!"

I showered and changed for school and left to catch the bus. Another chance to sit alone. I sat through lessons, barely paying attention and waiting for lunch. This was my only time for peace and quiet. I looked around the room, watching the girls giggle at the boys. When I someone caught my eye. He walked in, scanning the room for his friends. He had large brown eyes and sandy brown hair. He was tall looked slightly weak. I smiled for the first time at this school. He walked over to one of the busy tables... Only to pass it and sit on the one opposite me. It was empty too. He took out an apple and a flapjack along with his iPod and a book. He read for half an hour, taking a few bites of his apple before packing away. As he slung his bag over his shoulder he looked up at me.

His eyes were dark and gloomy. It made me feel cold inside but in a good way. I stopped breathing for a few seconds. What had he done to me? I'd never felt this way before. He smiled slightly and walked over, my heart beat slightly faster,

"I'm Jake Andrews, you're new right?" His voice was deep and calming. I nodded slowly, unsure if words were necessary.

"What's your name?"

"Sarah Marcs"

"And Sarah Marcs why are you sitting alone?" He didn't sound happy, there was no feeling to his voice, he was just talking.

"Because I don't want to make friends... Not here"


"Because I'll be moving within weeks, I always do. I don't want to face the good byes again really... and no one here seems to want to know me" I opened my mouth and poured out my heart almost. Why had he made me do this?

"Well Sarah Marcs... You need at east one friend... I suppose I could be him? Here," He took out a piece of paper and wrote something down, "my number... call, text... what ever, we could hang out I guess." He smiled slightly again before turning away and leaving.

I looked at the untidy scrawl before letting out a sigh... What was I getting myself into?
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Next chapter up soon, hope you liked it :)
tell me what you thought, I need some criticism ;D
- K.