Status: Right now, I'm really pissed with the internet..I'll wait 'till I get home to continue..cheers!

If We Ever Meet Again

Chapter 8- Can I Ask You Something?

I woke up late the next morning after Jasper's unexpected visit. Dad was yelling his head off when I got out of the shower. I guess I shouldn't've daydream about Jasper when I was in the shower.

" Anna! Hurry up! You're going to be late! And there's a car waiting for you outside!" A car? Waiting for me? I hurried downstairs aand flew past Dad, who was just about to yell for me again.

" Whoa! What about breakfast?" he called as I ran across the lawn.

" No, thanks! I'm running late!" I called out. " Bye, Dad!" I said, before throwing myself into the car. I waved at him and saw him wave back, perplexed.

" Thanks, for stopping by," I said, to the driver. Jasper turned slightly to face me before smiling.

" You got up late?" he asked matter-of-factly.

" kept barging into my mind when I wanted to shower. I couldn't get to shower in peace," I muttered. He lauged.

" Well, my apologies, ma'am," he said, laughing still. I laughed with him. After a few seconds of thought, I decided to ask whether he did came last night or it was just a pleasant dream.

" So, uh..Jasper..did you really came last night?" He fell silent. Then, he sighed and looked at me ,smiling slightly.

" I thought you'd get over it," he said, shaking his head. I giggled.

" No way am I going to give up. I think you should know more about me. Okay, how about this: you ask questions about me, then I,in return, will ask you questions about you," I suggested. I saw him think about it for a second before he gave in. He smiled at me, this time more genuine.

" Alright, then. You asked for it. You will have to tell me everything about your life. Your likes and dislikes. Why you moved here, everything! " he said, enthusiastically.

" I thought I told you about why I moved here when we first met," I said, sounding confused. He chuckled.

" Yeah, you did. But I'm not satisfied. Okay, first question: What is your favourite color, food, pastime. Basically, everything about your personality," he fired his questions in a breath.

I laughed. " favourite colour is blue. And my favourite food is-"

" Blue?" he asked. " Why blue?"

" Because it reminds me of skies on a sunny day. Of the gentle breeze that blows my hair reminds me of everything I did with my mum," I said sadly. I realized there was a tear falling.

Before I could wipe it, Jasper's cool hand reached there first. He wiped it away, looking at me questioningly

" Sorry," I apologized, laughing half-heartedly. " I tend to cry whenever I think of Mum," I explained.

" Can I ask you something?" he asked me, suddenly. " If it's not too upsetting," he added. I stared at him, encouraging him to go on. " I've always wondered how your Mum died. Can you tell me?"

That was like a blow to me. No one ever asks me that. Well, no one because I didn't get to talk to anyone besides Amy and Ruth. I felt touched at his sympathy. Next thing I knew, I was telling him everything.

" It was my birthday that day. School just ended. Mum came to pick me up, which was a rare thing for her to do, since she had to work around the clock to make sure there's enough food in the fridge. I was quite suprised to find her at the school's front gate but I was thrilled enough to jumped on to her," I began, looking out of the window. Jasper paid close attention to my story. " She had planned to surprise me. We walked down the streets towards our favourite restaurant, talking and joking. Like I said, we were the best of friends," I chuckled.

" When was your birthday?" he suddenly asked.

" 12th of March," I said, startled. " I just turned 17 that day..sweet 17," I laughed weakly. " We heard a honk from behind. I managed to jumped out of the lorry's track...but Mum didn't," I started to cry. " The lorry ran her down. When it stopped, Mum was still breathing, but only just. I yelled for help, my hands tried to stop the blood from flowing out of her body." I don't think I could go on. I sniffled a bit and continued, " She just looked at me with her brown eyes and said that she will love me always...and then, she was gone. Gone forever."

There was silence for a while. I was crying and he was rubbing my back anxiously. I didn't realize that we had stopped at the shoulder of the road. I was sobbing onto his chest continuously. He kept apologizing for bringing the subject up. When I calmed down a bit, I looked into his perfect face.

" I think I should start first," I croaked. He laughed at the sound of me but nodded in agreement nontheless.

" But later, okay? We're getting late," he said, glancing at the clock on his dashboard. With that, he sped off in the direction of the school, arriving at approximately 8:30am, just as the first bell rang.

" See you later," he said, as we got out of the care. He dashed to his first class while I jogged in the opposite direction towards mine.

When I entered my first class, Trigonometry, I saw Amy and Ruth talking whisperedly to each other. When they saw me, they waved at me and pointed to an empty seat next to them.

I hurried towards them, ignoring the wispers. As soon as I sat down, Amy and Ruth started to fire questions.

" Did you ride with him, again, today?" Amy asked, breathlessly.When I nodded, they both squealed in delight. " I.Can't.Believe.It!" Amy said, looking at me in disbelief.

" Have you guys kissed yet?" Ruth asked me. I felt my jaw fell in disbelief.

" Guys, we're just friends. And I'm not like Lana or Amanda who is pretty..,"I murmured, as Mr. Varner strolled in to the class. " And cut it out, for a minute. I want to concentrate on Trig. I suck at it, so stop bugging me," I muttered, crossly.

" still have us to answer lunch!" Ruth muttered, giggling. Amy had to stuff her fist into her mouth to stop her laughing out loud.

For the rest of the day, I couldn't concentrate much. I was getting eager to meet Jasper, to ask him the deadly questions I've been dying to ask. I've been fidgeting all day and this seems to please Amy and Ruth much, much more

At lunch, as soon as I got my tray of food, Amy dragged me to a table where Ruth sat. I muttered protests but she ignore it. I saw Jasper and Emmett laughing their heads off, probably at the pitiful state I have landed myself in.

" So, start your story," Ruth and Amy commanded. I nearly choked on my orange juice when I heard that.

" Amy, Ruth...I don't have anything to tell you. Jasper and I are only friends," I muttered, pretty embarassed because some of the nearby tables had fallen quiet to listen to my conversation.

" Impossible," Amy hissed. " How can you just be only friends when he picks you up at your house and drove you to school?" she asked, stuffing salad into her mouth.

" Well, I met him. He took pity on me. He invites me to go to school with him. End of story," I said simply.

" Please..we're not that idiot," Ruth scoffed. " Have you kissed?" My jaw fell open for the second time. Before I managed to answer her question, shadows fell on us.

" Well, well, well...if it isn't the new kid. Trying to hatch a plan on how to steal Jasper from me?" a snotty voice said from behind me. I didn't to turn to check if it was Lana and her henchmen, Amanda.

" Go away, you snobs," Ruth hissed menacingly. Instead of going away, they sat at the empty chairs at our table.

" Listen here, Annaliese," Lana sneered. " Jasper is mine. No one is going to take him from me...copy that?" she asked snobbishly.

" On the contrary, I have never taken a particular liking to you, Lana. Not even since Alice died," a cool voice said from behind us. All of our heads snapped to the side, just to see Jasper leaning against an empty table behind us. " Just what gives you the right to claim that I am yours? he asked, slowly taking a step towards us.

" J-j-jasper," Lana stammered. Apparently, whatever she had boasted, she never had proper conversation with Jasper, face-to-face. Like me. Perfect, I thought smugly.

" I would really appreciate it if you don't disturb Anna and her friends," he said, twiddling with a coin between his fingers. " Can you?" he asked her, staring at her piercingly. She stuttered something before scuttling off with Amanda tagging behind her.

" Thanks, " I muttered to Jasper.

" Don't mention it." With that, he went back to the table where his brother and sister were waiting.

For the rest of the lessons, I couldn't concentrate much because I couldn't wait to ask Jasper the questions I've been saving.

As soon as the bell rang, I walked slowly to the parking lot, wondering whether Jsaper would give me a lift. I was fairly relieved when he was leaning against his car, waiting for me.

" My sister is going to kill me if she saw this. So, best hurry up," he said, smiling slightly. He drove the car out of the lot quickly when I got in.

" They don't know I'm taking rides with you?" I asked him. He shook his head. " Oh...," was all that I could say. I didn't know whether or not should I ask him. Well, worth of try. " Jasper..are you really a...vampire?"

" I did told you that last night," he replied coolly.

" So, you did break into my house and my room?"

" If I didn't, who were you talking to last night?"

" I thought it was a dream." He bursted out laughing when he heard my excuse. " Should I run?"

" If you think that's the best. Humans aren't suppose to know. How did you figure it out?"

" I didn''s probably my conscience," I replied. " And anyway, not many humans can look as something like you guys do," I added.

" You're better than Bella," he commented.

" So, if you're a vampire, don't I make your mouth water? I mean, you feed on humans, right?"

" Yes, you're so mouthwatering that it takes a lot of efforet from me to not bite you," he said, laughing. " But I don't feed on humans." Well, that surprised me.

" You don't feed on humans? What do you feed on, anyway?"

" Animals," he replied. This is way freaky. Is he really what he said he is? I'm just trying to fool him.

" So, you really are a vampire?" I asked again. He laughed harder.

" You don't believe it, huh?" I shooked my head. " Good for you. Well, see you later." To my astonishment, we had already arrived in front of my house. " Well, what are you waiting for? Your dad's gonna flip if he thinks we're having a liplock thingie. Get out!" he said jokingly.

" Whatever...thanks for the ride, anyway. And..," I hesitated. " Will you come over tonight? I really need a major chat with you. I think you've got a multiple personality disorder. Not to mention mental," I muttered the last line under my breath. He just laughed when he nodded. With that, I hopped off and slammed the door before running into the house.

Secretly, I felt a little afraid if what he said was true. Still, we have a lot talk tonight. If he comes.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, Anna's afraid of Jasper. Pretty logical, right?