Status: Right now, I'm really pissed with the internet..I'll wait 'till I get home to continue..cheers!

If We Ever Meet Again

Chapter 10-The Cullens

I kept fidgeting in my seat along the way to the Cullens' house. Jasper noticed my distress and let out a low chuckle.

" You're tension, aren't you?" he asked. I nodded a bit. " Don't be..wait, do you actually believe in the story I told you about myself?"

" Which story?" I asked breathlessly.

" The story about me being a vampire?"

There was a pregnant pause. " Oh...that," I said. " Well, I actually don't know whether to believe it or not. It sounded kind of...impossible," I explained. " I mean, is there a vegetarian vampire? If so, I've never heard of them."

" There are vegetarian vampires. Aside from my family, there's another coven up in Denali. You've seen how fast I can move, right?"

" Have I?" I asked, sounding surprised.

" You are impossible, do you know that?" he laughed. " But I think it's better if you remain oblivious. Just, don't be shocked or scared when you meet my family..oh, and you do know my brother, Edward married Bella Swan, right?"

" Should I?"

He laughed again. " I like you better this way," he commented as he turned around a corner. He drove on further until I could see a clear space that looked like a garden. A well taken care of garden, mind you. And then, that's when I thought my nightmare might come true.

A huge white house, could be a mansion actually, loomed ahead. The house looked colonial, with its unique designs and all. There was an old-fashioned shaped door and stairs. It was really beautiful, well, to me because I'm a History and Arts freak.

" It's beautiful," I whispered.

" It is," Jasper said and I was surprised to see him standing next to my door. " Watch your steps." he said as he opened the door for me. " Oh, and don't be surprised if a 6-year-old kid came bouncing on you. Because here she comes," he muttered, sounding amused.

" Uncle Jasper!!" a girl's voice rang. " You've brought her! And about time, too!" A pretty girl was suddenly standing next to Jasper, clinging onto his arm. " Wow..she's pretty!" I blushed when I heard her. " And she smells nice!"

" Nessie! Get back here!" a man's voice called, exasperated. " Oh, there you are, Jasper. We've been wondering when you'd get back. Bring her in!"

" That's my grandfather, Carlisle!" the girl named Nessie said. " Come on! We've been expecting you!" she said, pulling me towards the house. " I'm Nessie."

" I'm Anna," I said shyly.

" Oh, we know all about you already. Uncle Jasper would always come home and blabs about you all the time. We already know his speech by heart," she snickered.

" I do not blab about her," Jasper said, trying to sound mad.

" Yes, you do!"

" No, I don't!"

" Jasper! Nessie! You're both going to give dear Anna a nervous breakdown if you don't stop bickering!" a soft, gentle woman's voice said. Next second, a very beautiful, gentle-looking woman appeared, with a handsome man next to her, his blond hair sleek with his arm around her waist.

" Hello, Anna," the man said. " I'm Carlisle Cullen. Welcome to our home," he said gently. So, this is the famous Dr. Cullen.

" Nice to meet you, Dr. Cullen, Mrs. Cullen," I said softly, scared that I would make silly mistakes.

" Oh, please, call me Carlisle. This is my wife, Esme," he said, smiling warmly. " I see you've met our granddaughter, Renesemee," he noted, nodding towards the little girl who was holding onto my arm. She snorted.

" I thought I told you all to call me 'Nessie'!" she muttered angrily. I heard another laugh from behind me and turned around to see who it was. It was the other Cullens: a tall, handsome young man with bronze hair who had his arms around a pretty young woman with soft brown hair, and next to them were Emmett and Rosalie, the only Cullens I'm familiar with, besides Jasper.

" Hello. I'm Edward Cullen and this is my wife, Bella," the bronze-haired young man said. " And that little critter who is currently hanging on to your elbows is our daughter, Renesmee," he added again, eyeing the girl.

" I told you: It's Nessie!" she snarled. Bella and Rosalie laughed.

" Welcome to our family," Bella murmured. I could see Esme staring at Jasper with hopeful eyes.

" Oh...sorry," Jasper said suddenly. " Anna, this is my family. Family, this is Anna, the girl I've been blabbing about for ages," he said, glancing smugly at Nessie. The girl huffed her hair and turned her attention to me.

" You know, Aunt Anna," she began, " Uncle Jasper been broken beyond repair since Aunt Alice died...I think your presence made his life more meaningful since then," she chattered on, ignoring the stare from her family. Jasper let out a bark of laughter.

" Really, Nessie..was that necessary? Do you have to tell her how useless I was at the time?" he asked her, ruffling her ringlets.

" Hmm...I think it was," she said playfully. " Come on, Aunt Anna!" Okay, this is definitely weird. I'm meeting my boyfriend's family for the first time and this little girl is already calling me Aunt Anna?

" Have you had your dinner, Anna?" Esme asked suddenly.

" Oh...yeah, I had dinner with Dad back at our house," I said, trying to sound polite.

" How about a cup of hot cocoa?" Carlisle suddenly asked. " It's still early. I think Renesmee would want you to stay for a while," he said, looking fondly at his granddaughter.

" Oh..okay, sure," I said, shrugging slightly. Within a blink of an eye, the Cullens were all over the place : Edward and Bella were wrestling with their daughter, who wouldn't let go of me. Emmett was talking with a low voice to Rosalie. Carlisle and Esme were in the kitchen, preparing hot cocoas. Wait, hot cocoas? Do they eat human food?

" Come on. Let's go to the kitchen. Get off, Nessie!" he said pulling Nessie's firm grip off of me. I could fell my blood surging to my fingertips. I guess she gripped a lot harder than I thought.

" I don't know, they really like me?" I asked him as we made our ways towards the kitchen.

" Of course," he said warmly, smiling. " Esme was beside could actually feel the joy and excitement radiating from her..Carlisle is, of course, with her...he doesn't mind as long as I'm in control of myself," he explained. " Edward is used to this experience..Bella, well, she was our recent member after Nessie was born so they don't mind...Emmett loves you," he chuckled, " which, of course, makes Rosalie fuming with jealousy."

" Emmett...loves me?" I nearly choked. There was a loud chuckle from behind me.

" I sure do, Anna!" Emmett called from behind me. I giggled a bit. I could feel myself easing up a bit. The Cullens like me! I could leap with joy.

" Wait, are you all going to drink hot cocoa with me?" I asked Jasper when we arrived at the kitchen doorway.

" We can eat human food...but the thought of having to cough it out later is quite painful," he explained, chuckling when we saw Carlisle taking a sip of the hot cocoa out of a mug. His forehead was creased with thought. " That's what bugging us, actually...," he said.

" So..," he said as he leaned against the kitchen sink where Esme was brewing a large teapot of hot cocoa. " What do you think of us?"

" A lot different, actually," I admitted. Esme chuckled softly before reaching out to pat on my shoulder.

" We're quite different from you, dear...but we're still the same average American family," she said gently, her gold eyes smothering me. I smiled at her, thinking of Mum. Yes, Esme reminds me a lot of Mum.

" Alright...the cocoa are ready," Esme said. Within a second, all of the Cullens were in the kitchen.

" Do we really have to drink this?" Nessie asked, sniffing the cocoa.

" Yes, you do..if you love your Aunt Anna," Esme said, taking a sip from her cup.

" You'd better be grateful I'm doing this for you," she told me, winking slightly. Then, bracing herself, she gulped down the whole cup. And she gagged. " That is disgusting!" she complained.

" I think I made it just like how the instruction told me to do," Esme said, picking up the hot cocoa's container. " What do you think, Anna?" she asked me suddenly.

I was quite startled. " Oh...," I said, trying to cover my mistake, " it's just like what Mum used to make when she was alive," I said. Then, I stopped. I suddenly realized that I was talking about my mother. Automatically, my eyes felt hot.

" Oh, Anna dear...I'm sorry for bringing the subject up," Esme said, pulling me into a hug. I flinched a bit at the coldness of her skin. I let out a shaky laugh.

" No...I wasn't supposed to think about it anymore..sorry," I said, wiping my eyes. " So, what's next on the agend?"

And for the rest of the night, I played with Nessie, braiding her hair while chatting with Esme, Bella and even Rosalie. I could feel that Rosalie was slowly warming up to me. Jasper occasionally laughs at me when Nessie would suddenly disappear and my face became a mask of confusion.

Emmett was delighted to find that I was as funny as Bella. He kept teasing me, finally breaking the tension between Rosalie and I. Even Rosalie laughed at me when I was swung off my feet and hanged upside down by the ankle by Emmett.

It was the most enjoyable time I have ever had. It was like I had found my family again, with Carlisle as my dad and Esme as my mum. Ever since I was young I had always wanted to have lots and lots of siblings. I guess even if I didn't have my own, the Cullens are perfect to be them.
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Well, you can see how the Cullens warm up to Anna...even Rosalie...:D hope you like it..and the more comments I get, the more encouraged I am to continue..I'm just saying..:D