Status: Right now, I'm really pissed with the internet..I'll wait 'till I get home to continue..cheers!

If We Ever Meet Again

Chapter 12-Relief

I sat still after hearing his explanation. So I remind him a lot about Alice, his lost love. I felt pity for him. Yet I felt angry at him.

" Anna?" his anxious voice broke through my thoughts. " You're not angry are you? Because if you are, please let it out so I would know what to do," he pleaded.

I let out a sigh before facing him. " Jasper, I'm angry at you for doing this. But at the same time, I feel quite..honoured you did it. Does that make any sense to you?" I cracked a smile when I saw his dumbfounded face.

" You're angry but at the same time, you're not?" I nodded. He laughed. " Anna, you're the most remarkable person I have ever met."

" Took you long enough to see that I am remarkable," I muttered. He laughed again.

" Would you be angry if I do this?" he leaned forward and kissed me gently on the lips. My mind started to buzz. I felt slightly dazed, startled to find his face a few inches from mine. " I won't let anything happen to you, now that we are comfortable with each other."

" By comfortable you mean-?"

" Well, we can do stuff that we couldn't do earlier. So, it's cool with you right?" I nodded slightly, still daze. " But I don't think it's cool with your dad. I see him peering through the curtains. Best be off now," Jasper said, getting out of the car and strolled casually to my door.

" What are you doing?" I asked him as he opens the door for me.

" Just letting Albert see how gentleman I am. And that I haven't done anything to you," he smirked. " C'mon, I'll escort you to the door. Albert probably wants to know why I sent you home late."

As we made our way to the door, there was a click of a lock and next thing I knew, Dad was at the door, glaring at us. Well, mostly Jasper since he had his arms around my waist.

" Took you long enough to get her home, Hale," Dad snarled. This startled me a bit since when I had seen him chatting with Jasper earlier, I had thought that he liked Jasper. I guess that has changed slightly since it's nearly 3 o'clock now.

" Dad," I muttered, " Don't be rude." Seriously, Dad has to go to temper management classes. I haven't seen him in one of his rage since Mum and I moved to New York. I thought he had gotten over it already.

"' Don't be rude'?" Dad spat. " Anna, it's nearly 3 o'clock in the morning and you're telling me to not be rude?"

" I'm sorry, Mr. Jensen. I lost track of time. Anna was playing with my niece and she also forgot about the time. And my niece didn't want to let Anna go," Jasper explained calmly. " I didn't do anything, I swear."

" Can I actually trust you?" Dad growled. " That you haven't done anything, anything to her when you were together?"

" We were never alone together, Mr. Jensen. My family was thrilled to see Anna. My niece especially."

" What about just now? In the car? What were you doing? Making out?"

" Dad!" I groaned. " Will you please keep all your dirty thoughts to yourself?"

" I am just speaking like a father, Annaliese." Uh-oh, never a good sign when he uses my full name. " What were you doing just now, Hale? Come clean with me and I won't press charges."

" Press charges? For what?" Jasper wanted to know. " We were just talking. I was telling her how...-" he broke off. He took a deep breath and continued, " Alice died. Does that sound like making out to you?" Okay, I think Jasper has got to stop now or Dad would just explode.

" Dad, drop it, okay? We didn't do anything illegal," I pressed on the word illegal, just to be clear to him. To Jasper, I said," Well, good night, Jasper. It was nice meeting your family. See you in school tomorrow?"

" Yeah, sure."

" Will you be driving her to school again tomorrow?" Dad wanted to know.

" Dad!"

" I'm just saying!" Dad said defensively. I sighed before dragging him into the house. I cast another look at Jasper who was still standing at the same spot before I shut the door. " What were you really doing, Anna? Sitting in a car, alone, with a guy!"

" Nothing! Drop it, Dad. I'm tired. Let's go to sleep. I've got school tomorrow," I said, sighing in exhaustion.

" What school? Tomorrow's Saturday!" Really, Dad can be annoying when he wants to. I sighed in exasperation and bolted upstairs, not wanting to hear him raving nonsense.

As soon as I was in my room, I turned the lock, not wanting him to barge into my room raving his never ending nonsense again. I just hoped Jasper didn't made it into his bad books. I leapt onto my bed and closed my eyes, enjoying the soft, warm mattress. I was about to drop into a deep sleep when a voice woke me up.

" Did you bonk your head at my house? Or did Nessie hit you?" the voice said, sounding amused.

" Jasper?" I sat bolt upright, not believing my eyes and ears. " What are you doing here?"

" You do know that tomorrow is Saturday, right?" he asked, flipping a book I had left on the table open. " I was rather surprised when you said that."

" Said what?" I asked.

" Said that you were going to see me at school."

" Oh, never mind that. What are you doing here?" I hissed. " In my bedroom?"

" I can't sleep so I thought I could stop by and check on you," he said carelessly.

I slapped myself on the forhead. He is nuts. " Did you listen to the warning behind all those ravings my dad said just now?"

" I was aware of it. Why?"

" Jasper, you have got to be kidding me! He is going to kill you if he finds you in my room!"

" He won't if you stop talking. Or maybe we should just whisper to each other?" he asked, smirking slightly.

" You're impossible. Yet you said I was the impossible one," I muttered darkly. " Would you mind? I want to go and clean up first." He just shrugged and I snatched a pair of pyjamas that I had already took and went to bathroom to wash up.

When I got back to my room, I had assumed that he had went back to his house and I could have a nice, long sleep. But no, he was still in my room, except now he was lying on my bed, his feet dangling of the edges.

I sighed in exasperation. " You're not leaving are you?" He shook his head, grinning and patted the spot on the bed next to him. " You're kidding right?"

" Nope. I think it's time for us to know each other better."

" I'm tired and sleepy. You're niece was a nightmare," I complained, plonking myself next to him on the bed. Whatever happens, I could simply push him of the bed since he was lying near the edge of the bed. I guess.

" Nessie loves you," he said softly, turning slightly so that he could face me. " She misses Alice, you know. And I think there's something about you that reminds her more about Alice. You even look a bit like her," Jasper said, gently caressing my head.

" I can't look like her. She must be prettier than me. I mean, vampires have super beauty right?" He stared at me for a second before nodding. " So, how can I look like her?"

" I've got a picture of her here. Wanna see?" He reached into the pockets of his jeans and pulled out a picture. I took the picture and stared at it.

It was a picture of a really beautiful, adorable girl with short spiky black hair and pixie face. Her eyes were gold, like the rest of the Cullens. She was tiny as a doll. But I still didn't get it. How can I look like her when I actually I don't?

" Your hairs' shade is somewhat dark. It's dark brown, almost black. You have pixie face, too, if you haven't noticed it yet. You're tiny."

" I am not!" I said heatedly. It really annoys me when someone says I'm tiny. " I'm 5'3"...that's gotta be tall!"

" Well, okay. You're taller than her. But your features somewhat resembles her. And probably there's a lot more. But I can't deny that you have you're own..." he struggled with what he wanted to say, "...specialty. There's like this magnet that pulled me to you."

" Well, that's a relief." He raised his eyebrows. " Well, what I mean is, I thought you picked me because I smelled good enough to eat," I joked.

He laughed. " Yeah, you smell good. Good enough to eat, actually." And with that, he kissed me again on the lips.

The next morning, I woke up feeling cold. I knew that I had dreamed about chatting with Jasper late into the morning. I only fell asleep near 4am. The cold I'm feeling right now must probably be due to me forgetting to shut the windows down. Still feeling sleepy, I shut my eyes once again, when a voice whispered in my ears.

" Anna, your father is raving like a lunatic downstairs. He's been yelling at you to get up for ages," the voice said, sounding rather amused.

My eyes flew open and I fell off my bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
What would Albert do? :D