Status: Right now, I'm really pissed with the internet..I'll wait 'till I get home to continue..cheers!

If We Ever Meet Again

Chapter 16-Consider Yourself Warned

I was totally confused. Who are these guys? What do they want from me? I felt Jasper's arm tightened more around me.

" Have the bloodsuckers brainwashed you?" Paul asked me. " I doubt not. They did the same to Bella," he said, nodding towards Bella, who was crouching over Nessie protectively.

" Who are you?" I stammered again. Paul threw his head back and laughed. Laughed out loud, you know. Like, really loud.

" Doesn't she know what you are?" he asked Jasper, who was baring his teeth menacingly. " Kid, do you know what they are? Do you actually know that they're not even humans?"

" Paul, back off!" Jacob shouted. Too late, though, I thought.

" They're bloodsuckers," Paul said slowly, as if each word could cause me pain. " Leeches. Parasites. Do you know what they are?" When I didn't respond, he edged forward, hissing, " They're vampires."

" I already knew that part," I said feebly. " Don't need to be reminded."

" And you're not going to run for it? When you know perfectly well that they could turn from a friendly, family to a murderer from just one whiff of your blood. When you know perfectly well thta they could tear you from limbs to limbs so that they could enjoy the taste of your blood. To satiate their thirst. This has happened before." I couldn't take it anymore.

I broke free from Jasper's protective arm and lunge at Paul. And next thing I knew, I was screaming in pain, clutching my left knuckles with my good hand. I stared at it and saw that it was broken. Three things happened at once: Carlisle rushed over to me, Jasper lunged at the boys only to find Edward and Emmett had tackled him to the ground.

" Edward, Emmett, take Jasper into the house. Esme can you help Anna into my office. Anna, do you want your arm treated in my office or the hospital?"

" I don't care," I whimpered, twitching my hand a bit, only to experience another jolt of pain.

" Good. My office, then," he told Esme, who was by my side in a flash. She gently took me by the arm and half-carried,half-dragged me to Carlisle's office.

(Carlisle's POV)
" Carlisle, I'm so sorry," Jacob quickly said, looking horrified at what happened just now. Bella snorted in disgust.

" Nessie, get into the house and go and watch the television," Bella muttered to Nessie, who gladly scuttled away from the scene with Rosalie tagging along.

" Jacob, if you please, leave," I said coldly.

" It was her f-" Paul started to say.

" Go!" I snarled. " We lost Alice to you once. We're not going to lose another member of our coven to your pack again."

Paul was speechless. I knew he was battling with his anger. Let him, I thought, if he touches one of my family again, I'm going to rip his furry head off.

" Do we still have a treaty, Paul?" Edward was by my side again. " Do you think we really have a treaty with your pack, after what happened to Alice?" Paul grunted soberly. " You should consider yourself lucky that our patience is stronger than yours. If not, you might be lying in pieces now," he said nastily.

" Tell the girl to consider herself warned," Jacob said coldly. " And," he hesitated, " tell Nessie that I miss her."

" She will not hear anything from you again, mutt!" Bella snarled.

" Go," I said again. " I don't want you to trespass my land again. If you do..." I let them think what suitable punishment would be given to them should they ignore my warning.

And they left, Jacob being the last one. When he did leave, he gave Bella and Edward a very pleading look but scurried away quickly when Bella snarled.

Anna's POV

I waited for a few minutes for Carlisle to come and check on me in his office. Esme had given me some ice to put on my wounded knuckles. It was a good thing it was my left one or else I'd probably had a hard time handling myself.

" So sorry for the delay, Anna," Carlisle said, suddenly appearing at the doorway. " We had some issues with the wolves." He got to work immediately, muttering something unintelligible under his breath.

" Did something happen after we left?" Esme asked Carlisle, who was busy doing something with my damaged knuckles.

" No," Carlisle muttered. " The wolves didn't want to leave at first. Especially Jacob but I-"

" Wait," I chimed in. " Jacob and Paul are..werewolves?"

" Not Hollywood werewolves," Carlisle said, chuckling. " But yes, they're wolves. Not were, just wolves."

" Okay..," I said, thinking I should go and see a psychiatrist. There's no way I could bumped into two mythical creatures in one place. Oh, no, I thought, Forks may have driven me out of my mind.

" Where's Jasper?" Carlisle asked Esme suddenly. My ears perked up in interest.

" Rosalie and Emmett took him to the mountains so he could unleash his anger there on a couple of deers, maybe," Esme said, shrugging slightly. " They should be home in a couple of minutes. Or hours."

" I hope Emmett and Rosalie managed to calm him down. Enough to come home and send Anna home," Carlisle said, glancing at me. " Anna, please don't be afraid of us after what you just see," he said, finally finishing his work on my hand. " There you are. Just remember not to hit anyone after this for awhile," he smiled. " I was really surprised when I saw you hit Paul."

" I thought he was normal like any other boys," I said, examining my hand which is now in a cast. " his friends all like him?"

" Yes," Carlisle said, starting to pack all of his equipments. " Maybe you ought to go and play with Renesmee. But make sure she doesn't break anymore of your bones," he reminded me as I hopped down from his work table.

" Thanks, Carlisle," I said, scuttling out of his office and nearly ran to the living room, where Nessie was snuggled up against Edward and Bella on the sofa, with Rosalie next to them.

" Anna," Bella and Rosalie breathed out in relief.

" You okay?" Bella asked anxiously. " I'm sorry it happened in front of you," she said miserably.

" It's okay," I said. " I thought you were with Jasper and Emmett," I said to Rosalie. She shrugged.

" He's okay now. He's with Emmett. Are you okay?" she questioned me back. I was a little touched that she was beginning to accept me. I smiled a bit.

" Yeah, I'm okay. I hoped I didn't endanger all of you," I said, plonking myself onto a nearby couch next to them.

" No. You didn't. They've had it bad for us ever since Bella joined our family," Edward snorted. " At least, not Jacob, Embry,Quil, Leah-" and he rattled on the names I've never heard before.

" Okay, stop. You're making me dizzy," I said, pressing my hand to my temple. " Where's Jasper?"

" Miss me already?" a playful voice said from behind us. I turned around and saw Jasper leaning against the wall near us. His eyes were wary though he was smiling. " I'm sorry I was really mean back there," he apologized, looking embarassed at his lack of control over his behaviour.

" It's okay. I don't mind. How can they not feel me punching them?" I asked ruefully, caressing my casted hand.

" Because they're as hard as us. I've tried," Bella said, showing her icy cold right hand. " Once, something I felt inappropriate and I punched him in the face. Only to have my hand broken," she shrugged.

" What did Jake do to you?" Nessie suddenly chimed in, looking interested.

" Nothing. It's an adult thing," Bella chided her daughter, who pouted her lips. She turned to me and shot me a pleading look.

" I'm sorry, Nessie but Anna and I have some business to do," Jasper said briskly, taking me by the arm. " C'mon, Anna," he said, pulling me to the door. I saw that he was careful enough to take me by my good arm.

" Bye, Nessie. See you later," I said, blowing a kiss to her. She pretended that she caught it and waved to me before continuing to watch the television.

" So...," I said, as we stepped out of the house, " where the hell are we going?"

" I actually don't know," he said, grinning. " I was thinking of taking you home."

" Ah..." I groaned. " Well, let's go and get coffins for ourselves before we face Albert." He chuckled heartily.
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Sorry to those who had the first one...I decided to change it after a thought