Status: Right now, I'm really pissed with the internet..I'll wait 'till I get home to continue..cheers!

If We Ever Meet Again

Chapter 2- My Name Is.

"'re new here, huh?" the guy asked. He had a very pleasant voice.

" Uh..yeah..just moved here," I said, slipping a stray strand of hair behind my ears. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw him became rigid.

" When did you move here?" The way he asked these questions were as if no one knew I was coming back after 7 years of living in Manhattan. " Where did you live before?"

" I moved here about 3 days ago. I used to live here 10 years ago before my mother and I moved to Manhattan," I said, carefully staring at the windscreen.

" You used to live here? WHy did you move?"

" I was born here parents got divorced and my mother got the custody of me so she decided to move to Manhattan. More sunshine, she said," I said, chuckling weakly at Mum's weak excuse. " You know, it's been 15 minutes since we started to talk to each other, but I don't even know your name, nor you mine," I pointed out, turning, for the second time, to face him.

He chuckled. " You want to know my name, huh? Well, you've got to tell yours first," he said. He was laughing harder now.

" Uh..okay," I blushed. " My name is Annaliese Jensen, but usually people calls me Anna," I said. " So..there, you're turn."

" So, you're Albert Jensen's daughter? I never knew he had a daughter," he said, trying to calm his laughters down. He had a very musical laughter. " given name is Jasper. Jasper Hale," he introduced himself.

So...his name is Jasper. What a weird name, I thought. But he's gorgeous and I can't think of anything else when I'm with him. I feel very calm with him, although we just met.

We kept silent the rest of the journey. Finally, we reached the school. Carefully, he parked his car next to an old, rundown and rusty Sentra.

" Well..that's my family waiting." I jumped hearing his voice behind me. I didn't notice he was right behind me, really close. He smelled really nice. He pointed to a brutish-looking boy, probably a senior, and a (I closed my eyes) very gorgeous, blond-haired girl. " We should get together sometime. If you want to," he added, starting to climb the stairs towards his brother and sister. " See you later."

I didn't know what to do now. I felt lost without Jasper by my side. Looking around, I saw a few kids staring at me, whispering together. It was embarassing. I clutched my books and bag closer and went to the office.

In the office

" Hello," I greeted the receptionist. She raised her head from a letter in her hand and smiled.

" Hello. What can I do for you, dear?" she asked kindly.

" Uhm..I'm a new student here. My name is Annaliese Jensen. I just transfered here," I explained.

" Oh, Anna Jensen, right? Well, welcome to Forks. Here's your timetable and your map. You should study it before you get lost. And, by the way, I'm Ms. Cope. You can refer to me whenever you need me, okay?" I nodded and smiled. She was very warm and jolly.

As soon as I stepped out of the office, two girls approached me. Uh-oh, are they going to ignore me or-

Yep. They didn't ignore me. I am now currently walking between Amy Williams and Ruth Walters, the two girls I met. They are now dragging me to my first class : Biology.

" So, Anna, how are you enjoying Forks?" Amy asked me. I hesitated. The truth is, I wish I was back in New York. I miss home. I miss Mum. I miss everything that I've done there.

"'s okay. At least, I'm still alive, right?" I joked. They laughed at my weak attempt to be funny.

" Well, I hope you do 'coz New York and Forks ain't the same. It's a lot greener and less sunshine than New York," Ruth pointed out.

" Yeah, I know. I was born here," I said half-heartedly. These girls are WAY TOO chatty. As we were rounding of a corner towards the Biology lab, we bumped into Jasper and his brutish brother.

" Oh, hey, Anna," he said, nodding in my direction. " Good luck!" he muttered as he swept pass us.

" Wow!" Amy and Ruth said together, staring at me wide-eyed. " Jasper's changed a lot since she died," Amy whispered to Ruth. " How come he knows you enough to greet you by your nickname?" Amy demanded to know.

" Oh..I bumped into him on my way to school," I replied, wondering who was this girl they were talking about. It seems like I have a lot of questions for him when we meet up again, I decided. I want to know ALL about his family.
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Don't get confused. Let's just say, Bella and Edward decided to get married BEFORE Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie leaves. And the girl..well, you'll know in chapter three..COMMENT please!