Status: Right now, I'm really pissed with the internet..I'll wait 'till I get home to continue..cheers!

If We Ever Meet Again

Chapter 19- Guilt-ridden

It's now been a few months since the first time I met Jasper. Now, when I'm not spending the day with Dad, or Amy and Ruth, who are now very chummy with me, I'd be at the Cullens, where Nessie would claim me as her own, much to Rosalie's jealousy and Jasper's annoyance.

" Aunt Anna! Catch me if you can!" Nessie called out to me one day when I was spending the day at the Cullens' house. Emmett, Edward and Jasper had went off on a hunt.

" Alright. You asked for it!" I replied. But much to my annoyance, she was already out of sight. I ran after her. I could hear her giggles and taunts from one the trees. I hurried over to that particular tree but when I reached there, she had already disappeared.

And me, being the vulnerable mortal I am, is panting now. Sweat poured down my face, making me look really silly. Then, I deliberately drop dead to the ground, pretending to have fainted.

" Aunt Anna?" Nessie called, and, as I had planned, was suddenly by my side. " Aunt Anna!" her voice now had risen to a shrill octave. " Playing dead isn't funny, you know!" she cried, sounding really annoyed.

" And who said being a human forced to go after a vampire hybrid was fun?" I asked back, sitting up straight so suddenly that she actually took a step back. She pouted her lips. I laughed, unable to contain myself and gave her a pat on her bronze ringlets.

" Renesmee, stop torturing Anna. She's exhausted!" Carlisle called out. She groaned.

" Aww....she's been running for only 5 minutes! She can't be exhausted now!" she complained.

" I'm still human, you know," I reminded her, getting up and starting to walk back to the house.

She rolled her eyes and in a flash, was by Esme, with her arms around Esme's waist. " Why can't she just join our family? Why can't Uncle Jasper change her into one of us?"

" That you'll have to ask him," Esme said, patting Nessie on the head. Then, she looked at me gently. " It'll do so much good to Jasper to have you in the family," she said softly, looking at me fondly.

" If I'm changed into a vampire, who is going to take care of Albert? I can't leave him alone. He has no one in this world. Besides me," I said softly, looking at Nessie.

" Aww...Aunt Anna! It would be neat if you changed into a vampire! You and Uncle Jasper could be together forever! Or even better, you get married first before you got changed into a vampire. Make love..that way, I could have a cousin!" she said enthusiastically, her eyes shining brightly.

" No, Nessie. I'm never going to change into a vampire," I said gently, but firmly.

" What about Uncle Jasper?" she demanded. " Are you prepared to break his heart?"

" Renesmee," Carlisle warned her, afraid that she got too far and hurt my feelings. She ignored him.

" No, I'm not prepared to break his feelings. But, if he loves me, he'll let me go on with my choice," I said finally. She fell silent for a while

" What if you're on the verge of death?" That stumped me. " What if by becoming a vampire was the only way to save your life and not break your dad's heart?"

" That I haven't decided yet," I said ruefully, ruffling her ringlets. There was suddenly a rustle from the forest. " Oooh, I think that might me them. Coming home at last," I muttered, grinning a bit despite my guilt.

" Nessie!" came Emmett's voice. In an instant, all three of them are standing in front of me. Really, if I haven't got used to having Jasper popping in and out of my room so suddenly, I'd probably have a heart attack.

" Miss me?" Jasper said, suddenly appearing by my side. "" I missed you," he said playfully. He grabbed me at the waist and gave me a hug. I giggled nervously.

" Uncle Jasper," Nessie suddenly chimed in, " wouldn't it be superb to have Aunt Anna in the family?"

" Oh..I never thought about it. Let's see..yeah, I think I'd like that. Anna Cullen," he grinned at me. I stared at him in disbelief. " What?" he asked me, his face a mask of confusion.

" Slow aren't you? How much blood did you consume to make you this slow?" I asked him sarcastically. He continued to look blur. I sighed. " She wants you to change me into a vampire."

" Oh," was all he could say when he finally understood Nessie. He looked at me like he was still confused. " Do you want to? I can do it now," he suggested, leaning in against my neck. I prodded him in the middle, only to feel pain.

" It's not funny," I growled. He chuckled.

" Just kidding," he said, ruffling my hair. " Nessie," he suddenly said in a grave voice, " Let's just face it, okay?" He looked so grave that I nearly agreed. But somehow, the other Cullens looked like they were about to burst out laughing. Especially Edward, who seemed to have a lot of trouble composing a straight face. " Aunt Anna doesn't love me. I'm not too perfect for her. I'm not he-" I clamped my hand onto his big fat mouth.

" Shut up. Just shut up" I nearly screamed. " Of course I love you! You're perfect to me. I-I-I..," I suddenly realized that it was a set up from him to have me confess my love for him in front of his family. I felt my face burn.

" You do?" he asked me from behind my hand. There was a playful look in his eyes. " You really do?" My face went darker red.

And next thing I knew, Emmett and Nessie were both on the ground, howling with laughter. Even Carlisle couldn't help hiding his laughter. Edward, Esme, Bella and even Rosalie were all trying to hold themselves from rolling on the ground too.

" Great. I'm the laughing stock of your family," I muttered to his ear. He grinned at me, before hugging me.
♠ ♠ ♠
......Jasper<3Anna so much.......