Status: Right now, I'm really pissed with the internet..I'll wait 'till I get home to continue..cheers!

If We Ever Meet Again

Chapter 20-Kiss...Again

Our moment of happiness was interrupted when we all heard a wolf howling from the forest. I shrank in fear, remembering what Carlisle told me about Jacob, Paul and the other boys. However, the others relaxed because I supposed they are familiar with the wolf.

“ Relax,” Jasper said, rubbing my shoulder in a reassuring way. “ That was just Seth Clearwater.”

“ Seth Clearwater? Who is that?” I asked him, eyeing the forest, ready to bolt into the house if I have to.

“ Don’t tell me you haven’t been hanging out with any humans!” Jasper groaned. I smiled. Truth was, it was kinda hard because they were the one who avoided me. Scared to death by Lana and her crony by the looks of it. Only Amy and Ruth had obviously defied Lana’s decree. I was really grateful because they stuck to me, no matter how harsh Lana’s threat was.

“ Oh, know, Lana,” I said, pointedly. When he still looked confused, I said, “ She obviously threatened the kids at school to death. That’s why they’re avoiding me. Told them some horrible tales about me, I suppose,” I shrugged. “ Hey, I still have my dad. And Amy. And Ruth!” I said when he continued to gaze at me accusingly.

“ And they’ve never mentioned about the reservation?”

“ What reservation?”

“ The reservation in La Push!” all of the Cullen said, apparently annoyed by my lack of information.

“ Oh...,” I grinned. “ La Push. Right. Dad might’ve mentioned it once.” Jasper sighed in exasperation. “ So, the kids, Paul and Jacob and the other boys who came last time, are they from there?”

“ Yeah...and so’s Seth Clearwater.”

“ Is he a wolf?”

“ Yep.”

“ I thought wolves and vampires don’t get along....,” I wondered, just as a gangly, dark-haired boy, probably about my age appeared next to where Edward was standing.

“ Now what story have you guys been feeding her?” the boy demanded. Edward chuckled, before ruffling the boy’s hair. “ I hope you’ve been telling her that we’re really,really good.”

“ Are you?” Rosalie interjected acidly. The boy shrugged a bit before his eyes found me.

“ So, is this the infamous Annaliese Jensen?” he asked, striding over to where Jasper and I were standing. “ Hi. I’m Seth Clearwater. I heard Jasper talking about me just now,” he grinned, offering his hand. I shook it. It was blazing hot, which made me froze. “ Oh, and don’t mind the body heat. It’s a wolf thing.”

“ You’ve been eavesdropping on us?” Emmett suddenly asked him. “ Wait, did you hear when Anna pledged her love for Jasper just now?”

“ Yep..enough to make me puke. You guys were almost as worse as when Bella was smooching Jacob all over,” he made a revolted face. “ I didn’t know you were that romantic, Jasper,” he teased Jasper who chuckled. Bella chucked a small rock at Seth, who casually flicked it.

“ You just have to blurt all the details, huh, Seth?” she asked through her gritted teeth. “ God, I never knew boys could gossip like girls!” Seth laughed cheerfully. Apparently, this particular wolf is perfectly comfortable to be around Jasper and his family.

" Hey, Annaliese, do you-"

" Please, call me Anna...I hate people calling me 'Annaliese'..."

" Why?"

" It reminds me of when my dad yells at me.." I grinned. Seth barked out a laughter.

" Okay. So, Anna, do you always stay here for dinner?" he asked, rubbing his belly. Esme and Carlisle laughed.

" Come on in, dear," Esme said fondly. Seth gladly went with the rest of the Cullens, except for Jasper and I.

" So...," he began, " you really love me? I mean, really love me?"

" Uh...," my eyes darted towards the door which Rosalie had left it open. " I'm hungry. Let's go and eat!" Just as I was about to bound towards the door, he caught me by my arm.

Next thing I knew, his lips were on mine. I got lost for a second when I heard someone 'ooh'ed from inside the house. I broke away from him and saw Emmett and Nessie, both of them had their noses pressed against the window glass.

" Let's...let's go inside," I stuttered, wobbling a bit towards the house, feeling embarrassed. Jasper merely shrugged and chuckled.
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Hey..sorry for the hold-up...usually when I have written a decent, long chapter and leave it for a minute or so, when I wanted to submit it...then it suddenly, automatically logged, sorry for the hold-up, again...cheers..