Status: Right now, I'm really pissed with the internet..I'll wait 'till I get home to continue..cheers!

If We Ever Meet Again

Chapter 21-Nightmare Begins

Have you ever felt that you have finally achieved something in life that had made your life meaningful? I did. After I met Jasper, we became friends. Amy and Ruth became my bestest buds. Jasper was a little bit special. But I still love them.

However, have you ever felt that something might destroy that particular happiness? I did. Only I didn't realize it until it was too late.

It began one day. As usual, I was hanging out with Amy and Ruth. I was to go to the Cullens' house later with Dad. He wants to get closer to Dr. Cullen, whom he thinks was a bit creepy. Personally, I feel comfortable when I'm with the Cullens. Then again, I've been hanging out with them for a while.

" I really can't believe that you and Jasper are officially going out!" Amy squealed. I rolled my eyes while Ruth, who was working on my hair, laughed.

" Amy, I've been going out with him ever since my first day at school," I pointed out.

" No, you haven't," Ruth cut in, tugging a bit at my hair. " You guys have been going out just as friends. Not as dates."

" Ruth, I'm comfortable with his family. I've been hanging out with them after Jasper first brought me to his family."

" You only hang out there because his niece wants you too," Amy said, filing my nails.

" Yeah, Anna," Ruth agreed. " We can see that you're a bit uncomfortable when he stares at you."

" Hey, who would say that they're not uncomfortable when a boy stares at them? It creeps me out!" I said, giggling. It was a bliss when I'm hanging out with Amy and Ruth. It somehow made me forget that a vampire is in love with me and vice versa. It made me feel human.

" Jasper is gorgeous!" Amy and Ruth cried out. " How can you be uncomfortable with him staring at you?"

" He's a boy. And I'm not comfortable with any boys except for my dad."

" Most girls in school would do anything to have him stare at them in interest."

" Name one," I said simply.

" Lana O'Shelley! Duh!" Amy rolled her eyes.

" Okay. I get it. But can I ask you why am I treated like a Barbie doll?" I asked them. I've been in Amy's room for hours with the both of them torturing me.

" Girl, you've got to look good for your first official date!" Ruth cried. Amy made that tsk,tsk sound.

" It's not my first date because my dad's going to be there. With me. At the Cullens' house. No where special," I sighed.

" Jasper would love to see you pretty!" Amy muttered.

" He doesn't mind how I look like."

" He's going to change his mind when we're through with you," Amy said gleefully. I rolled my eyes and kept quiet, letting the both of them finish their torture.

30 minutes later

" I hope the Cullens are ready for us," Dad grumbled. " Why did I ever let you date him?" he continued to grumble all the way. " And why did you dress up so fancily? I thought tonight was just going to be a family meeting?"

" Blame Amy and Ruth. They had me stripped to a chair so that they could dress me up like a Barbie doll," I muttered. Actually, I don't think Amy and Ruth did too bad. Well, the hours spent were bad but the outcome is...okay. They had put me in a sea-green dress, plain but proper. And they had put my hair in a knot at the top of my head.

" Where are you actually going? Come clean with me and I might let you continue dating him." Dad suddenly burst out. We were only a few more metres away from the house.

Ever since the start, when we climbed into the car, my guts had been telling me to cancel our plans. I don't know but somehow I knew something wasn't right.

" Aunt Anna!" came Nessie's shriek. I smiled. Dad was sure going to freak out.

" Hey, there, Nessie," I said, giving her a hug. " Dad, this is Renesmee, Bella and Edward's six-year-old daughter. But we call her Nessie," I added as she jabbed my back with her sharp fingers. " Nessie, this is my dad." Dad gave Nessie a reluctant hug which she returned eagerly.

" Nessie, remember what we told you?" came Carlisle's voice. " Albert, such a pleasure to be finally meeting you," Carlisle said warmly, his hands outstretch, as if to embrace Dad in a friendly hug.

" Nice meeting you to, Dr. Cullen," Dad said with a half-hearted smile, shaking Carlisle's hand.

" Please, call me 'Carlisle'. And this is my wife, Esme," Esme came into view, giving Dad a quick but welcoming hug. " It's a pleasure to have you here."

The other Cullens were already at the dining table. Jasper was no where to be seen. That made Dad somewhat smug.

" Where's your son?" he asked Carlisle as we all sat at the empty chair.

" Oh, they're all here," Carlisle said, raising one eyebrow at him.

Dad coughed a bit. " I meant, your son who is currently dating my daughter?"

" Is Jasper really dating Anna?" As though right on cue, Jasper appeared at the top of the staircase wearing a very expensive looking T-shirt and a rather tight-fitting jeans.

" Sorry to keep you guys waiting," he bounced all the way down the stairs. Dad eyed him warily, as though thinking about running away with me. " Nice to meet you again, Mr. Jensen," he said, holding out a hand to Dad. Dad stared at it for a while before shaking it, wincing slightly at the cool temperature.

" You look nice," he murmured to my ear, very low enough that Dad couldn't hear. Dad, noticing our close contact, gave a fake cough and said," Shall we get to matter at hand?"

" Absolutely," Carlisle said, heading towards the dining table. Dad threw a dirty look at us (Jasper's hand was now around my waist) and followed suit, with Esme tagging along eagerly.

" Listen here, Carlisle," Dad started as soon as everyone sat down, " I am expecting your son to take full responsibility on my daughter. And I'm not saying I don't have any trust on her or him. However," he pressed on the word," I have a few restrictions."

" I'm sure Jasper would be pleased than ever to oblige to those restrictions," Carlisle said calmly, glancing up at Jasper who made faces. Nessie giggled.

" Number one: No sleeping together until you guys are married and that's not even until 5 years after graduation," Dad started. I groaned. Really, does he even have to mention that part in front of everyone? " Annaliese, you, too, are going to oblige or you won't be meeting him anymore," Dad warned me. My jaw went slack. He ignored me and continued with his terms. " Secondly: no kissing until she's 18. I repeat, no kissing!" he pressed harder. " I won't hear any objections, keepish? Now, what was the next one? Oh, right: She's got curfew. You hear that, boy?"

" What is her curfew, sir?" Jasper asked him politely, despite all those ridiculous terms he was putting.

He thought about it for a while before saying," 9:00pm. If you two are on a date, make sure it ends at 8:30pm because I want her home by 9:00 o'clock. You hear me, boy?"

" Yes, sir," Jasper replied, again, too politely. Dad grumbled something about Jasper lacking of anger or resentment.

" Well, Carlisle, I think that's just about it. Make sure your boy follow all those restrictions," Dad said sternly.

" Absolutely, Albert. I will make sure Jasper obey all of those rules. You will, right, Jasper?" he added, looking at Jasper who looked utterly bored.

" Yes, Father," he said, politely. However, this time I had the feeling he was forcing it. Dad looked satisfied though not as happy as he should be. I have a feeling he'd be much happier if I broke up with Jasper.

" Would care to join us for dinner, Albert?" Esme asked, pulling out a few trays of food which looked really appetizing. I saw Dad's eyes nearly popped out. I could literally hear his stomach grumbling as the smell of the food filled the room. He quickly composed himself back.

" Sorry, dear Esme, I have a game with my ol' friends in Seattle. And Annaliese won't like it if I'm here, ruining her date." I rolled my eyes. " Best be off, then. Bye, Anna, have a good time!" he said, waving at me as he walked back towards the car.

As soon as the car was out of sight, I turned to Jasper. " You're going to obey all those rules, are you?"

" Well, I'm not a rule-breaker," there was a snort from the kitchen. No doubt who that would be, " so, I guess I will follow it," he shrugged.

" And since when did we call Carlisle 'Father'?" Emmett wanted to know. Esme poked him but he flashed a grin back at her.

Jasper shrugged. " I thought it would be much appropriate. Considering the fact that Albert would be expecting us to regard Esme and Carlisle as our real parents." Emmett guffawed. " So, what are we going to do with you?" he asked me, putting his arms back around my waist.

" I know, I know!" Nessie jumped up and down. " Can we make her up with the make-up set Sue gave me?"

" I'm already made-up, Nessie," I said, ruffling her ringlets. " I've been tortured by Amy and Ruth all day long. Don't expect me to oblige you."

" Aww...please, oh please, oh please!" she begged me. " I'm terribly bored. Daddy and Momma are always together. Uncle Emmett doesn't like to look like a girl. Aunt Rosalie doesn't want her hair ruined. Granpa Carlisle and Granny Esme-"

" That's enough, Renesemee," Edward said, clamping her mouth shut. She struggled against him but he held her firm. " Sorry, Anna. We neglected her a bit," he grinned. " Bella, shall we hunt?"

" Sure, let's," Bella said, dragging Nessie, too. Carlisle and Esme said they wanted to join them. Emmett and Rose had disappeared somewhere. Leaving Jasper and me alone, in this house. Uh-oh...

" Uh..why are they all leaving us?" I asked Jasper.

" They wanted to give us some privacy. Also, they wanted to keep Nessie entertained. So, what shall we do?"
♠ ♠ ♠
I am home for a week. So, i'm going to try to finish it as soon as possible.