Status: Right now, I'm really pissed with the internet..I'll wait 'till I get home to continue..cheers!

If We Ever Meet Again

Chapter 3-Er, hello?

Okay, this has GOT to be the worst first day ever! First of all, let's rewind and remix:

I walked into Biology and handed the paper to the teacher for him to sign. He took the paper and glanced at my face. Then, he made a DOUBLE take.

" So, you're Anna Jensen? Welcome to Forks High. I'm Mr. Bates," he said, in a LOUD voice. Instantly, whispers were heard. One of the girls in the front threw me a dirty look.

" So, that's the girl that we saw with Jasper," one of the girls whispered snottily.

" Fat chance," her friend scoffed. " I'll be the only one that can fill her shoes," she added, snobbishly. Great, everyone here thinks I'm with Jasper. " And anyway, she's new. Who does she think she is? Bella? As if! She's not even pretty!"

That did it: I snapped. I crossed the class to the girls and SMACKED them across their face.

" What do you think you're doing, Miss Jensen?" Mr. Bates yelled, panickly. " It's your first day and you've already smacked someone!"

" It was my duty to shake some senses into these girls, Mr. Bates," I replied icily. I turned back to girls. " Well, looks like I'm a LOT prettier than you two," I snarled, noticing with pleasure that my smack left a bright red mark on their faces, one of them had it across the bridge her nose. " Oh, look! I think your nose is coming off!"

" Mr. Bates!" they shrieked shrilly. Mr. Bates sighedin exasperation.

" Lana! Amanda! Go see the nurse and check that nose of yours. Miss Jensen, I have no choice but to send you to the principal. Take this note," he said as he scribbled something on a piece of paper, " and hand it to the Principal,"

And so, I am now sitting outside the principal's office, occasionally receiving pitiful glances from Ms. Cope. Damn those two, I thought. If only they hadn't provoked me in the first place. I know that some part of it was my fault for not being able to control myself but...well, they were the idiots.

" Miss Jensen, the principal will see you now," Ms. Cope called. Well, I braced myself, here goes. I walked into the principal's room.

" Well, sit down, Miss Jensen," the Principal said. " I was told that you just registered today at Forks High, so I'll just say welcome to Forks High. I am Principal Greene," he said slowly. " Miss Jensen, I was told that you got in a fight with Lana O'Shelley and Amanda Fiore. Can you explain to me why you got into a fight with them, on your FIRST day here?"

" Sir, they started it! They provoked me about Jasper Hale and I was just proving to them that I don't have anything to do with him! I am not THAT interested in him! I was made fun of in class, before class even started! How the HELL am I supposed to control myself when they openly disgraced me? I-" I babbled on. I didn't know how long I babbled.

" Enough, Miss Jensen!" he ordered. " I am very, very disappointed in you. I thought that having you would make a bit of difference. I-" I cut him.

" Difference? Sir, having ONE new student isn't going to make any difference! I-"

" Miss Jensen, please present yourself at detention at 5:30pm with Mrs. Grace," he said coldly, cutting me off in midsentence. " I hope you'll rethink about your actions. Not to mention your rudeness the ME," he said, without anymore compromises.

" Excuse me, sir, for saying this," I said as I stood up, ready to leave. " but I think YOU'RE the one that has problem with rudeness. I was merely trying to explain myself but you didn't give me any chances to do so." With that, I flounced out of the office.

It was already lunch break. I sighed as I made my way to the cafeteria. As soon as I entered it, whispers were heard. I ignored them as I went to buy my food. When I went to look for an empty table, most of it looked like it was already taken. I sighed.

Great, I'm going to be shunned because I just hit the two, most popular girls in school. Whatever, I thought. As I was walking absent-mindedly across the cafeteria, someone touched me. I flinched at the touch. It was icy-cold. When I look up, I saw it was Jasper. I breathed out in relief.

" Care to join us?" he asked, indicating towards the table where he and his siblings were seating. I nodded eagerly. " Oh, and don't mind Rosalie. She's a bit cranky today," he cautioned, pulling towards their table.!! I am sitting at Jasper's table!!!! I can't believe it!! your face Lana O'Shelley and Amanda Fiore!! Haha...wait...why does the girl (Rosalie, I think) is sulking? She doesn't like me at their table? Wait, Jasper...
♠ ♠ ♠
So, what do you guys think? Please, comment, I really need to know what y'all really think about this story. its kinda like my first fanfic....oh, and about her...I know I promised about her in this chapter but I thought about getting Anna into a fight so that she'll get to sit with the Cullens...after this, okay?