Status: Right now, I'm really pissed with the internet..I'll wait 'till I get home to continue..cheers!

If We Ever Meet Again

Chapter 5-Erm, who is she?

The rest of the day went smoothly. As soon as class finished at 5:15pm, I went to Mr. Varner, my Trig's teacher, to ask where I could spend my detention.

" Only your first day and already in detention, Miss Jensen?" he asked sceptically.

" I...lost my temper," I said curtly. " So, where can I do my time?"

" With Mrs. Grace, at the detention room on the second floor. Good day, Miss Jensen," he said shortly, gathering his books and stalked out of the room.

I sighed. When I look up again, I was quite surprised to see Jasper standing at the doorway, grinning at me. I grinned back and hurried to collect my stuff before I went to catch up with him.

" First day and you're already in detention? Wow, that has got to make to the top of the list. Even Bella Swan wasn't like that. A rebel," he commented.

I snorted. " Well, I'm no angel." He laughed. " Will you quit it already? Mr. Varner just teased me about it," I complained. He laughed even harder.

" So, would you like me to escort you to detention?" he asked me playfully.

" Yeah..sure, whatever," I replied, pretending to be upset over his teasings. Big mistake as it only made him laugh harder.

We soon stood in front of the detention room's doorway. He turned and flashed me his special smile.

" I'll wait for you at the car park," he whispered, before walking away.

I was stunned for a moment. When I regained my senses back, I called ," Wait! You don't have to wait for me to finish detention!" I hurried to catch up with Jasper. " I think you should just head home," I said, keeping my eyes off him.

" Well, if I do, who's gonna send you home? You don't have a ride, do you?" he asked, teasing me slightly. He caught a strand of my hair that was blown by the wind and sniffed it. He sighed. Then he stared straight into my eyes, saying," I'll still wait for you in the garage. Don't be late." With that, he left, moving at a very graceful pace.

" See you later," I muttered. I stumbled back into the detention room, just in time as Mrs. Grace gave out her instructions.

" Ah, Miss Jensen. Good to have you here. Please take a seat," she instructed me. There were a dozen or more kids in detention today. And I'm one of them, I thought, sighing as I took a seat behind a beefy, blond boy who look like he would smash anyone's face if they crossed his path. Dad is SO gonna flip out, I thought miserably. Mrs. Grace's instructions, well, be gone with it.

When she finally settled down, I had time and more space to think. Mostly it revolves around Jasper and his strange family. I felt really touched at Jasper's thoughtfulness. No one, except for my parents, has went this far to make sure I'm safe. Jasper's readiness at taking care of me is quite..I don't know how to say it.

" Okay, you can go home now. Think what you have done to make you deserve detention and try not repeat it, AGAIN," Mrs. Grace's stern voice broke my fantasies. Whoa, I guess I've been daydreaming again. I picked up my bag and scuttled off to meet Jasper, who, as I've expected, was waiting in his car.

When I got near to him, I stopped. I could feel people's eyes on me. And know what they're thinking, specifically Lana and Amanda. I hesitated. Should I or should I not? I thought. Jasper rolled his window down and peered at me, just like he did this morning.

" Are you coming?" he asked, sounding thoroughly confused. Suddenly, his beautiful face broke into a grin. " You know, you should just be ignoring them. They don't have the power to stop you do the things you like and want, for instance, getting into the car with me so you can get home faster," he joked. I couldn't help it but grin. Yeah, I decided to ignore them and took the ride.

Without another word, he sped off out of the lot as soon as I slammed the door shut. We kept in silence for a while. I twiddled with my fingers, wondering whether I should ask him about Alice or not.

" You're fighting with your emotions, aren't you?" he suddenly asked. I spun around to stare at him, shocked. He took in my expression and shrugged, grinning slightly. " I can feel it. You're confused about something. You want to do it but you can't or don't want to."

" H-how do you know?" I asked him.

" I have some gifts," he replied, staring at the windscreen, his face was serene. " So, do you have something to ask? If so, just fire it," he said casually.

" Well..there is," I began carefully. " I was wondering about...your," I stopped, I don't have the heart to continue.

" It's about the girl, isn't it?" he asked. " You were wondering about my family, about me..and about girl," he said. And as he spoke, his hand shook slightly, his voice hardening and his face looked like it was carved out of a stone. It was like he already knew who I was talking about, but he was hesitant to say her name out loud.

" Uh..y-you don't h-have to tell me..if you don't want to," I stuttered, afraid of him for the first time. He took a deep breath and focused for a while on the road. " I'm sorry if what I said hurt you," I mumbled, staring at my fingers.

" I'll tell you when I think I'm ready," he said, his tone was a lot calmer. I understood what it meant: he wanted privacy. I nodded.

" Yeah, sure...okay," I agreed. Suddenly, the car stopped in front of my dad's house. " Uh..see you tomorrow," I said, awkwardly.

" See you tomorrow, Anna," he said, flashing me a smile. He paused for a second. " Oh, and Anna? Forgive me for my rudeness just now," he apologized.

" Oh..not at all. I don't mind," I replied, grinning. " Well, good night," I bid him farewell. And he sped off.

Leaving me without any answers to my questions.
♠ ♠ ♠
she will come in later..:D