Status: Right now, I'm really pissed with the internet..I'll wait 'till I get home to continue..cheers!

If We Ever Meet Again

Chapter 6-(Jasper's POV) Acceptance?

As soon as Anna went into her house, I sped off in the direction of our house. The house where we, the Cullens, are free to be who we really are. While driving, I ran the conversation Anna and I had had over and over again. She was a sweet girl, probably with a bit temper problem, who thinks she is a mere plain girl. I chuckled to myself when I saw the memory of her eating messily. She was a lot like Bella, my sister-in-law, except she probably has a lot more on self-preservation than Bella.

Then, I remembered our conversation about Alice. My dear sweet Alice. Gone because of a stupid, idiot misunderstanding. If only that Paul can control his rage, Alice wouldn't be dead. I bit my lips hard, trying not to think of Alice. Thinking of her only made me upset, angry or confused.


" I'm sorry, Jacob, but I really don't understand what you are trying to say," Carlisle said calmly.

" Well, we heard that one of your leeches took a bite at one of folks at Forks," Jacob spat. Edward, Emmett and I tensed to sprang, just in case things got out of hand. I was trying to manipulate their feelings.

" But I can assure you that none of us did," Carlisle continued. He was getting nervous. He probably wondered if it was true. I saw he glanced at me but I shook my head, stiffly for I knew I had not feed on one human ever since I joined his coven.

" Better be true, doctor, or you all will go down," Paul cut roughly.

" Don't talk to my father like that," Edward growled. He was getting edgier, probably because of the nasty thoughts the wolves were thinking. Paul smirked.

" Oh, yeah? What are you gonna do, punk?"

" Edward, easy, son," Carlisle cautioned him. I could feel Edward getting tense, to sprang on that little mutt.

" I thought your pack won't attack one of it's imprintee," Rosalie intervened. The wolves, except for Jacob, laughed.

" Yeah, we thought we shouldn't. But then you leeches had to go and bite those innocent people!" Paul snorted.

" Then, you yourself have broken our treaty," Carlisle said. " You promised not to attack us on account Renesmee being Jacob's imprintee. We knew ourselves well enough to to have attacked any one in Forks. Alice would've seen that and Edward wouldn've known."

" Leave Nessie out of this, doc," Jacob snarled.

" She's my daughter, Jake! And this is my family your pack is attacking!" Bella snarled back. Situation was getting out of control. And then, all I knew was Bella and Jacob was snapping at each other. That set Paul of. It was fortunate we were outside the house.

Next thing I knew, we were all fighting. I was searching for Alice frantically. Suddenly, I heard a ripping sound and a piercing scream from behind. I turned around in horror and saw three wolves, three enormous wolves tearing Alice apart.

" No," I whispered. I was frozen to my spot. And then, it was over. Alice was torn to pieces. Pieces that couldn't be assembled. The wolves had ran for it. Edward and Emmett wanted to pursue them but I couldn't. I tried to pour my venom on her pieces but it didn't work.

I felt my world went black. I had lost my soulmate. My one true love. Suddenly, I felt a rage that I had never experienced before. It took a lot of effort from Edward, Emmett and Carlisle to restrain me. Esme couldn't watch me feeling despair and hopeless. She was utterly upset at Alice's death.

Rosalie and Bella managed her pieces. When they wanted to burn the pieces, I thought I could go mad. It took them a lot of persuading and a lot of effort to prevent me from doing the same thing as Edward had done when he thought Bella was dead: provoke the Volturi.

It took me at least a year to get over Alice's death.


I shook myself of the horrible memory. I shouldn't be remembering it. It was horrible. But then, I smiled to myself. I had found a suitable replacement for Alice. Annaliese Jensen. I laughed to myself. Even their name was almost alike. I had been spying on suitable girls for weeks before she arrived. I decided to choose her because she didn't know anything, nor feel scared of me. Plus, she was more or less like dear Alice. Esme is going to be ecstatic about it. But then, I remembered of Rosalie's response when I mentioned to her about Anna, before lunch. Emmett had been cool with it but Rosalie? This is going to be hard, I thought.

I now have arrived in front of the house. I hurried inside to tell Esme and Carlisle the news. I looked around but saw no one.

" Esme? Carlisle?" I called. Esme was by myside in an instant.

" Emmett just told us," she said joyfully. " What was she like? Emmett said she was a bit like Bella."

" She was a bit," I admitted. I remembered how her scent, though it hadn't appealed to me like Bella's had to Edward, was sweet and warm and..lovely. I knew that I had probably fallen for her.

" Did her scent appealed too much to you?" Carlisle asked. He was sitting on the sofa, watching Esme and I intently.

" Not as much as Bella's had to Edward." Carlisle nodded. My joy was shortlived. Rosalie stormed into the living room, her face was full of anger.

" Carlisle, you don't honestly thinks he should be spending his time with Anna Jensen, do you? He lacks self-control," she said, throwing me a dirty look.

" I have complete faith in him. So long as he doesn't do any mistake," Carlisle said calmly. He eyed me but I shook my head, indicating that I didn't try to do any harm to her. Carlisle smiled, satisfied with me. For now.

" But-"

" Rose, you should be happy that he is finally getting the closure he needs," Esme cut in. She patted my shoulder. " Do what you must. Avoid what you shouldn't," she advised. I nodded my head. I was so happy that they supported me. Well, Rosalie is a different matter.

" Nessie is going to flip when she finds out that her Uncle Jasper has a new girlfriend," a sly voice said from behind. When I turned around, I saw Edward and Bella standing at the stairs, grinning at me. " Speaking of Nessie, here she comes," Edward muttered, grinning as his daughter flung herself at me.

" You know, you've got a lot of questions you've got to answer to me. First of all, you've got to bring her here," Nessie said, knocking me on the floor. " Can you, Uncle Jasper?"

" Bring her here?" I asked, bewildered. Then, I thought about it. Should I bring her here and meet the rest of the family? Would she agree to do so?
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 6-Acceptance will be quite long as it will be broken in to two parts: Jasper's POV and Anna's POV...and the mystery behind Alice's death is revealed...thanks for reading, subscribing and sure to stick to this 'coz I've got some pretty good ideas of how the ending will be..