Status: Re-write/Re-Post

Missing You

The Scare;

“MOM! I’M ENGAGED!” shrieks Lucy, bursting through the front door, Drew following smiling at his bubbly new fiancée… Chris dropped the toys he had just picked up, Abby shrieked, not caring that her son was sleeping soundly upstairs. He could nap tomorrow; this occasion was too good to be quiet for.

“OH MY GOD!” Abby shrieks, hugging Lucy tightly.

“My baby!” cries Anna, hugging her and kissing her. Drew looked at Chris who looked stunned, he stared at Drew. Drew knew that Chris was finding this hard, it was his baby sister….Chris had been the main male role in her life, ever since their father died.

“Really?” he whispers, Lucy skips over and shows him the flashy ring, grinning ear to ear.

“We’re getting married!” she shrieks, kissing Chris’s cheeks. Chris hugged her tightly, whispering “Congrats” in her ear, he couldn’t help feeling protective of her.

“Thanks” cries Lucy, dabbing her wet eyes. She was so emotional lately.

That night, Lucy and Drew lay together in bed, Drew’s arms around Lucy and Lucy had never slept so well, knowing her lover, her fiancée, her Drew was right with her, curled up around her, stroking her arm gently as they lulled to sleep. This is where Drew belonged.


Drew and Lucy had been engaged for almost a full week now, and Drew just told Lucy that he was going back.

“WHY?!” cries Lucy, stomping into the kitchen.

“Because…Lucy I have a contract to finish. I was only there for a few months! I have to complete my two years before I can even think of resigning” explains Drew annoyed, he had told Lucy this many times, he followed her in the kitchen, and she was getting ice cream out and shoving big mouthfuls in.

She looked miserable, red, puffy eyes; she was wearing an oversized t-shirt, and Capri pants. Her hair was thrown into a messy bun and had no makeup on whatsoever, but Drew still thought she looked pretty.

“I can’t believe you! Why the hell did you freaking sign up in the first place!” screams Lucy. She heard the front door open but ignored it.

“I told you this from the very beginning, in fact I told you when I was 15! This is my dream!” snaps Drew, his patience had limits.

“YOU’RE MY DREAM! WHAT ABOUT MY HAPPINESS!” she yells angrily, throwing her spoon in the sink and slamming the freezer closed.

“Lucy…” begins Drew.


“I KNOW!” shouts Drew, and then in walks Joey, Chris and Abby…Charlie was at nursery today.

Abby looked between them “What’s going on?” she demands, seeing Lucy crying hysterically.

“Why she crying!” demands Chris, dumping the groceries on the dining table.

“ANDREW IS GOING BACK!” screams Lucy, pointing an accusing finger at him. Joey looks at his brother shocked.

“But you’re on break-” he begins.

“It was only temporarily, I asked for some time off to see Lucy…I was only given a month. I need to continue my training” he says stiffly, glaring at Lucy.

Lucy was pacing up and down.

“Calm down, sweetie….calm down” soothes Abby, stepping forward.
Lucy choked on her tears “He’s leaving again, me and his baby!” she snaps.

“My baby? What it’s just mine now!” snaps Drew, his anger was welling.

“YOU DID THIS TO ME! YOU DID THIS!” she yells, it was pathetic really but she was too angry to understand what she was even saying.

“It’s my fault now?” asks Drew in disbelief, clutching the door handle for support.

Joey looked at Lucy carefully “Luce…you okay?” he asks carefully, seeing her face pale.

Lucy had stopped crying; in fact….she was holding her stomach.

“It hurts…the baby….” she whispers quickly, desperately. Panic in her voice.

Drew’s anger washed away “What’s wrong?” he asks worriedly.

Lucy glares at him “Like you care! You’re leaving me again!” she hisses, and then cries in pain.

“LUCY!” shouts Chris, running to help her. Lucy slides to the floor, panting in pain

“CALL 911” shouts Abby, Joey runs out and Drew is temporarily frozen as Lucy wails in pain.

“ARGH!” she screams, clutching her stomach.

“Lucy…” says Drew, snapping out of it and runs and crouches down beside his fiancée.

“You…” begins Lucy, and instantly clutches his hand tightly, the pain transferring into his hand, but he kept a straight face.

Abby was dabbing Lucy’s forehead with a wet towel and Chris was now rubbing her back.

“Lucy, I’m sorry” squeaks Drew, he was so scared now. He couldn’t lose this baby, he couldn’t. Lucy’s eyes softened. She knew had over-reacted and she was being overly emotional, but the thought of him leaving again killed her. She knew his break was temporarily, she just wished she didn’t have to face losing him again.

“Not now” she mumbles, and clutches tighter…awaiting for help.


Everything seemed in slow motion then, music could have played in the background for it. Lucy shouted in pain, Drew whispered soothing words, clutching to her hand. He was terrified to properly speak.

Abby tried to help ease the pain, Chris was worried for his sister and Joey rushed back in saying the help had arrived.

The door was pulled off its hinges almost as Joey let them in, two paramedics, one female, and one male. The female looked about thirty and the male looked around forty, mid-forties maybe?

They were experts at this time of thing, emergencies. They saw the young girl on the floor, clutching her stomach. The young man beside her looked so panicked and scared; they felt sorry for him also.

They knew exactly what to do, a stretcher was bought in, with the help of Drew and Chris, Lucy was lifted onto the stretcher, the woman named Rene put an oxygen mask on Lucy’s face, that had gone an awful pale colour. The man known as Carl; strapped her on and they pushed the gurney out. Drew following extremely close behind.

“Only one member of family in the van son” says Carl as Lucy was slid in.

“I’m her fiancée” explains Drew panicked, not taking his eyes off Lucy. Carl’s eyes softened and nodded, letting the 20 year old on.

“We’ll meet you there!!” shouts Chris, taking Abby’s hand and Joey waved quickly before following them.

“Don’t give up Luce” he whispers to her, kissing her sweaty forehead. A dazed expression on her face, but you could see she was scared as hell.


The smell of disinfectant lingered everywhere, the constant murmur of voices and beeping irritated Drew was he paced in the waiting room of the ICU unit of the hospital. Lucy had gone unconscious for some reason unbeknownst to the doctors.

Chris, Abby or Joey hadn’t arrived yet, leaving Drew to worry alone.

Drew waited for hours, four in fact. Chris was sitting nearby, his knee constantly jerking. Joey was reading a Mother’s magazine, and Abby was on a coffee run.

Anna, didn’t even know yet.

Suddenly, the doctor approached Drew, who looked dreaded with guilt…He had caused this.

“Mr. Marks? I assume your Miss Valance’s fiancée?” he asks gently, Drew nods eagerly. Chris stood up instantly and walked over.

“Is she alright?” babbles Chris, and the doctor smiled weakly.

“Miss Valance’s baby got distressed and somehow moved around, causing the umbilical cord to wrap around its neck, making it struggle. Miss Valance was put under a lot stress which caused her to black out”

“Is she okay?” Chris asked panicked, he was worried sick.

The doctor smiled gently, reassuring him “I assure you Mr. Valance, Lucy is going to be fine. We have untangled the baby, put her on some pain-relievers and a tiny amount of morphine to calm her, the baby is now settled and Lucy will be awake when she feels like it. She’s just tired from the panic. Lucy and the baby are perfectly healthy otherwise” explains the doctor.

Both males, sighed with relief “When can we see her?” asks Drew desperately, he had some major apologizing to do.

“Miss Valance is being transferred to the maternity ward, we’re going to keep her overnight but she’ll be free to leave tomorrow morning.”

“Thank you doctor” mumbles Chris, as they shake hands, as do Drew too.
“She’s in ward seven, room 387” says the doctor. Drew nods and sees Abby come running back.

“Is she alright?” pleads Abby.

Drew nods slowly “She’s going to be fine, I’m going to go talk to her” he mumbles, and without another word, walks to the nearest elevator.

Chris, Abby and Joey deciding that they should wait for Lucy and Drew to talk…


“Luce?” calls Drew softly, Lucy was lying flat on her back, the cover up half way over her petite swollen body, but her face was angled away from the direction in which Drew was standing, by the door way.

In fact she was turning right away, staring out the window. A sad, hurting expression on her face. Her small hands were over her stomach, her right thumb stroking it soothingly.

“Lucy” repeated Drew, his tone even softer and more guilt-filled.

“Remember that time when I had we were having shots at school? You already had yours done…and I was really scared” she suddenly says quietly, her eyes filling with memory.

Drew nodded “Yeah, you were shaking like a leaf” he states, remembering the exact day in fact clearly.

Lucy however, didn’t smile “And I was so scared, I begged you to go with me and what did you promise me Drew?” she says softly, and Drew winced.

He remembered. He remembered it perfectly. “That I would never leave you” he chokes, the guilt was drowning in him. He wanted to physically hurt himself for doing this to her.

Lucy smiled, but it wasn’t a good smile. It was filled with sadness and hurt.

“I knew you remembered” she whispers and finally looks over at him, her eyes filled with tears. Drew might as well punched his own heart out.

“Lucy, I’m sorry….I’m so, so sorry” he pleads, stepping in closer and stepping nearer her bed. He kneels down, ignoring the red plastic chair nearby and took Lucy’s cold, frail hands. She only loosely held back.

She didn’t reply, and just looked at him as the tears slowly dripped off her face. Drew brushed them away softly.

“I’m sorry for doing this. I’m sorry for everything I said. I’m sorry I made you stressed with the baby and everything….just know I’m so sorry” begs Drew, he was almost in tears himself.

Lucy nodded ever so slowly, he was completely genuine “I know” she whispers.

“It wasn’t your fault about the baby, I shouldn’t have reacted that way” she says quietly. Drew shook his head furiously.

“No, it’s okay, I should have broken it easier to you, I didn’t mean to be so harsh, I was just so happy I didn’t want to think about going back.” he says firmly.

Lucy tries to smile but knew it was no use.

“Do you really have to go?” she pleas, desperately.

Drew sighed sadly, and nodded, his own eyes now misty. Lucy was the only one that did this too him, drove him to tears.

Lucy was shocked, she hadn’t seen Drew cry in a long, long time.

“Drew” she coo softly, not wanting to see his dampened face, and brought her other hand to stoke his head. He leans closer, laying his head beside her. Their hands were now fully interlocked.

“I’m sorry” he cries gently, he sounded so guilty that it broke Lucy’s heart.

“Me too” she whispers, she felt sorry for doing this to him, making him choose…she decided that no matter what. Drew had to be happy.

“Drew, you can go back…and I’ll still be here waiting for you. Waiting to be your wife” Lucy coos softly, stroking his head softly.

Drew lifts his head up “Really? You’d do that?” he asks in disbelief, he wasn’t crying anymore, just red-eyed.

“Of course, I love you Drew…and a few thousand miles isn’t going to stop me doing so. You’ll finish the course and when it’s all done you’ll come home for me right?” she bargains.

Drew nods furiously “Yes, of course I will. I’ll come home for the baby. I can get some more time off if I work extra hard and there’s no attacks. I won’t be gone forever” he promises.

Lucy smiles sadly knowing they’d have to once again say goodbye “Then, we’re okay aren’t we?” she says warmly.

Drew looked at her, seeing her hand with the engagement ring on top of his own hand.

“When the baby’s born, we can get married and get our own place and everything. Then when I’m qualified, I can come home for good. I promise” Drew vows. Lucy smiles, thinking of it.

“It’s forever and always Drew, you know that” whispers Lucy lovingly. Drew unable not to kiss her any longer, reaches up, cupping her face gently and kissing her lips sweetly and longingly.

“Forever and Always Luce” promises Drew, kissing her lips again.

She was right, It was going to take more than a few thousand miles to separate this pair…and their baby.