Status: An experimentation. Don't know to continue or not

Best Friends

The End Of Beginning

It’s like the hundred times he told me that he loved her so much, like really much this whole day. And he even didn’t stop until then. I was still there, right beside him, staring at him with my deepest sympathy on my face.

Mourning to the funeral of his relationship that just occurred like ten hours ago. Not in million years, I’ve ever thought my best friend could slip a tear for a girl. Well, he didn’t actually cry, but his blue orbs were dimmed and looked glassy, you could tell it.

He kept telling how great his ex girlfriend was, how amazing, how wonderful and all that shit he kept blabbering about. He displayed his ex girlfriend as a saint angel and I could tell he was worshipping her aside from his love to his God.

He sporadically yanked his brown locks, telling me how frustrated he was. He was dying and he asked me to turn back the time if only I could. He wanted to fix things just for his former Aubrey.

Aubrey Almedinger. I’ve never thought he could date her in the first place. Well, she was gorgeous, tall, and quiet nice to me. We’re not really close, but Andy bonded us together. He had always said that his best girlfriend was really cool to be his lovely girlfriend’s friend. I didn’t really know what his mean, but I simply took it nicely.

But there’s something about Aubrey, something’s different, something’s not good that I couldn’t place it. I wasn’t being a jealous bitch toward their relationship, why would I be jealous? I didn’t like Andy in that way. He’s my best friend, whoa.

The worry started to grow on me. I didn’t really like Aubrey. She started to annoy the hell out of me. Especially when she called me with names. Andy said she was drunk and she didn’t know what she was talking about. However, it occurred to me, she said something about a girl and a boy couldn’t last longer to be best friends, they soon would turn out into lovers and shits. There is no such thing as just best friends, she convinced me.

Aubrey even told me to stay away from her boyfriend. And I was like What the fuck? Is she nuts or what? Andy and I aren’t in love, for fuck’s sake. That’s when I began to fantasize they broke up someday. Well, it’s more like a everyday prayer for me.

And finally the day had come. No. I didn’t mean like that, I didn’t mean to make Andy turned out like this. I didn’t expect how Aubrey could change his life in 3 years. I just wanted Andy to be happy. Maybe partially was him being together with Aubrey, but it’s not happiness I saw through them.

Aubrey tried to break his religious side. She wanted to destroy his commitment with his God and so on. I didn’t know why she would do that for him. Although I wasn’t really a religious girl, but I respect Andy’s choice. He’s like a nun. And yes, he’s still a pure thing virgin.

On the other way, Aubrey had always wanted to feel his pureness, she always wanted to be his first, eventhough he’s not her first. But Andy was being Andy, he refused with his so-called mature reasons. Aubrey never got her chance. It’s really ridiculous to know that Aubrey dumped Andy because Andy didn’t want to give in, she said she was sick of it. What a horny bitch, I was glad finally, they’re over.

“I lo—“ Andy started again but I cut him off.

“I’ve heard enough, And. I guess it’s better that way from now on” I tried to convince him but he only groaned.


“No buts. Now, I want you to have a rest”

“Scout, you don’t understand!”

“We can talk about this later, Andy. We still have a lot of time tomorrow. Now, sleep” I pulled up my blanket over my head and snuggled inside it. On the other way Andy sighed longingly and decided to join me, he took the spare blanket and slept right next to me.

Moments later, I could tell he was fast asleep. Because of his rhythmical breath and the low snore. His low snore never bothered me because he looked like he’s sleeping like a baby. When you look at his sleeping face, you could tell about the real Andrew Joel Glass by his purely peaceful slumber. He looked happier when he was asleep.

I smiled to watch his closed beautiful eyes were hiding underneath his brown locks. I rubbed his cheek and then decided to close my eyes.

I woke up in the morning, feeling like a newborn. The sound of chirping birds and the widely opened curtains woke me up from my slumber. I threw my legs to the floor and sauntered out from my bedroom to find something to eat.

Andy wasn’t in my side when I woke up, I guess he’s already left to his house or somewhere. When I reached my kitchen, I found my mother was making some baked sausages and garlic bread for the breakfast. But she wasn’t alone.

Andy was there sitting on the stool while he stared at his mobile phone solemnly. I walked to them and joined Andy. I sat on the stool next to him after I slapped his back of head.

“Oi!” Andy muttered as he rubbed his head.

“What are you doing?” I asked

Andy arched his thick brows to me, “Doing what?”

“That” I pointed his cellphone “You look you’re about to ask that cell phone for a date” I joked lamely but Andy ignored me. He didn’t answered me before I nudged his side. “What’s with you?”

Andy sighed. “Nothing,”

“It doesn’t look like nothing. You look…. Helpless?”

“You don’t know me” Andy murmured and then started to grab his garlic bread and munch it.

“Sure, I don’t know you since we firstly met when you just moved to the next door and we started to be bestfriends” I rolled my eyes.

Andy sighed, “I just called Aubrey”

I abruptly gasped, “WHAT?”

“But she didn’t pick it up. I’ve called hundred times, but she still ignored it. She even rejected my last 2 calls”


“I need her, Scout. I need to get back to her”

I was silent. The guy in front of me wasn’t Andy I knew. This guy was too hopeless and lifeless when a bitch dumped him. He wasn’t Andy anymore. He wasn’t the wacky Andy with his idiotic manners. The Wacko Jacko wasn’t his alter ego anymore.

I goggled him fro a moment, examining his pathetic feature, his unusual self-sober and I found no life in his eyes. What had Aubrey shoved him?

I sighed deeply and stared at him for a moment. I examined his pathetic figure until something popped in my head.

I need to help my best friend to get out from this mess. He needed a distraction. He needed a date. And he needed a help from me to find a descent date.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this for an experiment, I dunno if it would work or not, but this is just nothing other than for Glassjaw's purenessvirginity sake! I hope my friend could continue this and start a co-written story with Andy's POV (X. SOON VERY SOON!