Status: It's going :)

Living a Dream


I still can't believe what just happened. Maybe because it happened out of the blue or just because I never actually expected it to happen. I mean, I actually have a band. If you can call it a band yet. We formed about 3 minutes ago, we all met 3 minutes ago, we don't have any lyrics or music and we still haven't heard Alexa play. But, I feel in my heart things are right and that this will grow into something good.

"Ang!" Jade's voice snapped me back to reality.
"Sorry, what?"
"I said, we could go to the venue, there's a bunch of drum sets there so we can hear Alexa play. Plus, the venue is all empty."
"Yea, let's go."

* * *

We entered the venue and, as Jade said, it was empty.
"There's a drum set on the stage." Jade pointed to it.
We got to the stage and Alexia sat behind the set.
She took the sticks and started doing her thing. My and Jade were blown away. We looked at each other in surprise.

When Alexia stopped playing, me and Jade started doing our little dramatic act to show her that we loved it. We just need to do things our own little way. She laughed at us.
"So you liked it?" She asked shyly.
We stopped fooling around and spoke in unison. "You're amazing!" She laughed once again.

"So, I'm in?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Yes!" I yelled and started jumping like a kid.
Alexia looked at Jade like she was looking for an explanation of my behavior.
"She just has a slight form of ADHD." Jade joked.

* * *

I entered the bus all happy and smiling like a six year old child who just got an ice cream. I plopped down on one of the two armchairs.
Matt, Matt and Lee were sitting on the big three-seater sofa, playing xbox, as usual. Jona was either sleeping or wondering somewhere and Oliver was siting in the second armchair opposite of me.

"Hi guys!" I greeted cheerfully.
The three guys playing just muttered hello's, not even looking away from the TV screen. I frowned.
"Don't let 'em annoy yeh. Yeh know 'ow they are when they play xbox." Oli smiled at me.
I smiled again. "I don't care how there little fucks are impolite, they can't do anything to ruin my day."
"Realleh? 'Ow's that?" He looked at me curiously.
"I'm really happy today."
"Me and Jade met a roadie today and she's a drummer. So we heard her out and we decided to form a band. You already know how big of a wish it was for me and Jade." I smiled.
"Yeh I know. Well, congratulations. I 'ope to see yeh on Warped one day but not as our roadie. And, Ang, yeh need to start calling 'er Blacky!" He said seriously. Than we both started laughing.

The weird feeling in my stomach erupted again. I feel it every time he laughs, smiles, or does something cute, like when he gave me chocolate. And he even remembered my favorite one! And what can I do when Oli's laugh is so melodic and...well, his.

God, this needs to stop. I can't feel like this! I suddenly feel nauseous. I stop laughing and get up. I walk to the bus door and turn around. "Guys I'm going to BVB's bus." While turning around I catch Oli's confused look. I hurry off the bus and to Jade.
♠ ♠ ♠
New one!
I wanted this one to be kind of a started of a few things..
So what do you think?
Pretty pretty please tell me what do you think :) Constructive criticism is very welcome :)
And, once again, sorry for bad attempt of writing words like they sound in British accent..