Status: It's going :)

Living a Dream

"Your A Great Friend"

Once again, guys kicked ass on stage. The crowd was wild, and whoever was on after them, will have major shoes to fill. One by one they got off stage and passed their instrument to the tech guys.

"Great show guys!" They all flash me grins.

They were discussing moments of the set and debating over the best one. I roll my eyes at them. They did it after every show.

"I'll go check if the merch girls need help." I turn around to go but someone grabs my wrist and spins me around.

"Nooo! I told yeh Amanda's comin'. Yeh need to meet 'er Ange!" Oliver whines.

I really didn't want to meet her and I didn't understand why I needed to. "'Ome on! If the girls need 'elp they'll call yeh." He insisted.

I sigh in defeat. "Fine!" He smiles victoriously.

The guys continued discussing the set and I rocked back and fourth on my heels. A few minutes later I heard a loud squeak behind me. I turn around, expecting yet another crazy fan girl. But before I could call the guard Oli walks straight to the tall, skinny, brunette girl and plants a kiss right on her lips.

I guess she's more of a girlfriend then a fan girl. When they pull away the girl - Amanda - says 'hi' to all of the guys and then her eyes land on me.

"Oliver, who is she?" She says with disgust in her voice and I just glare at her.

"I'm Angela." I flash her a fake polite smile. "It's nice to meet you.." I trail at the end, acting like I never heard of her name before.

"I'm Amanda." She just continues with the rude tone. "Oliver's girlfriend." She emphases the word 'boyfriend'.

"Hi." I say simply and send her a small wave. She gives me a glare.

"Who are yeh?" Her rudeness is starting to annoy me. The bitch doesn't even know me.

"Like I said, not even a minute ago, I'm Angela." I say my name slowly, like she's retarded. Who knows, maybe she is.

I swear a small growl escaped her lips. "I know that, I mean what are yeh doing 'ere."

"I'm their roadie." I point to the guys.

She turns to Oliver. "Yeh didn't told meh your roadie is a girl."

"I didn't think it matter." He defends himself. Don't know why but his statement hurt a bit.

"Well it does, Oliver." She narrows her eyes at him. "Why didn't you tell meh? Are yeh hiding somethin' from meh? Are yeh fooling around with-with that?" She points at me in disgust.

For her better sake, and me not going ape shit on her, I stomped to the bus, furious.
Who does the bitch think she is? I grabbed my iPod, put it on shuffle and got in my bunk. Music filled my ears and I instantly felt relaxed.

I don't know how much time passed when someone slowly peered trough my curtains.
"Ange?" Oliver waved in front of my face, knowing my earphones are in my ears and I don't hear him. I turned my iPod off and put it on the shelf. He got in my bunk and sat where my legs were.

"What's up?" I ask.
He sighs. "I'm sorreh for Amanda. She's-" I cut him off.
"It's fine. I'm fine."
"That's the second time yeh said that today and I don't believe yeh." I sighed.
"Well, I am. you don't need to believe me." I say harshly.

He stayed silent. "So..where's Amanda?"
"She went 'ome." He looked at his feet. "I realleh don't know what to do."
I quirk an eyebrow. "About what? Amanda?" He nods.
"What about her?"
"She's always like this. And it's so annoying. Everything would be perfect if it wasn't for her possessiveness." It looked like there was more behind his statement but I shrugged it off.

I stayed silent and he just looked at me. I looked back at him and saw that he was expecting an answer.
"Sometimes just one obstacle can be the end of and relationship, but sometimes one obstacle can be seen trough." I look at his eyes. "You'll know what to do. Just don't think about how one of you will get hurt if you end it, it it wasn't meant to be, it wasn't you'll both get over it." I give him a reassuring smile.

"Thanks Ange." Ge gets out of my bunk. "Your a great friend."
♠ ♠ ♠
First of, a huge thank you to all of you who read the story, and an even bigger one to you that comment and/or subscribe!
november_rain Mollz<3
the waiting room.

thank you all!<3

opinions on this? hope you like it :))
oooh, and P.S. do you like this layout better or?