Status: It's going :)

Living a Dream

Wait, what?

After a long, fun and most of all exhausting day of shopping me and Jade needed to talk to uncle Tom about the details of the tour. We were still processing everything and the real excitement just hit us.

"God, I can't believe I will tour with practically all of my idols." Jade exclaimed while plopping down on one of the benches outside of Fashion Show Mall.
"Me neither." I sat next to her. "I seriously can't wait."
"I wonder whose roadies we will be." Jade said.
"Yeah me too. We should ask Tom that."
"I agree. He's probably at the office. We can go there and ask him?" She looked at me.
"We should. And we need to ask him to tell us all the details of the tour."
"We better get going than."

Jade tried to get up but the weight of her bags pulled her back on the bench. She sighed in frustration and tried once again with more strength. I laughed at her laziness. She just gave me the shut up look and made her way to the car. I got up and followed her.

When we got to the office Norah greeted us.
"Hi girls. Tom told me the news." She smiled.
"You will let Jade go, won't you?" I asked.
"Of course." Her smile widened. "I know that's like a dream come true to you two so I would just be a pure bitch if I didn't."
I smiled. She called Tom over the inter phone to tell him we're here and he told her to let us in.

Tom's office is exactly the same as the first time I saw it. Magazines, CD's and different papers spread all over the big table and him smiling behind it.
"Hi girls." He smiled. "What brings you two shopaholics here?"
Jade laughed sarcastically to his comment which made me laugh and that ended up with them laughing at me. That is, laughing at my laugh. If that even makes sense.

When we all got it together we started to talk about the tour.
"You girls have nothing to worry about. Older and more experienced roadies will help you, all of the band members on tour are more or less normal people."
"More or less?" I quirked an eyebrow.
He laughed. "I'm joking. Don't worry about anything. I wouldn't let you on this tour if I didn't know you will be safe." He stated.

"We know." Jade smiled. "Soooo, who's roadies are we?"
"I know there's a reason you're here." Me and Jade put our angel smiles on. But in reality we looked like five year olds on crack. Tom laughed at us.
"You really want to know?" He asked and we nodded enthusiastically.
"Well, I thought Jade could be with Black Veil Brides and Lana could be with Bring Me The Horizon."
Our mouths opened and we just looked at each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm soooo mad at myself for not updating this!!
But here's finally a new chapter! :)
Oh and, Happy Easter everyone!
Peace and Love,
Angie ♥