Status: It's going :)

Living a Dream


Friday has finally come. It's about 5 or 6am here and we're both awake. We've packed everything for tomorrow and have already had the be smart talks with our parents and Tom. Right now we are watching the sunrise and drinking hot cocoa on the balcony. This has turned into a habit of ours. We both seem so calm watching this scenery but, inside, we are as anxious as we can be. We both couldn't sleep so we took our blankets, made cocoa and lay comfortably on two deck chairs.

Jade finally broke the silence. "It's going to be so weird watching sunrises somewhere else."
I nodded. "But they are going to be just as beautiful." I smile a little on that thought.
I almost fell asleep daydreaming about the upcoming tour when I hear someone open the balcony doors and peek trough them.

"Hey insomniacs." Uncle Tom's smiling figure approaches us.
"Funny." Jade said sarcastically. It's funny how she can be sarcastic even when she's half asleep.
"I'm going to the office. I'll be back around 3pm. See you then." Tom waved goodbye and left.
"Talk about being committed to the job." Jade giggled at my comment.
She looked at me. "We're going to have the time of our lives on this tour, I know it, so don't worry." She smiled reassuringly. I smiled back.
"Yes we will."

Later that day me and Jade were deciding what to wear for the party. As always we do everything last minute, so we were getting ready an hour before the party. When Jade straightened her hair and I curled it up a bit we got dressed. As soon as we were done we ran to the car and drove of to 'The Stroke', where the party will be held.

Jade parked the car as close to the entrance as possible. There was a lot of people in front trying to get in. Trying being the key word. Me and Jade just walked up to the bouncer, acting like we own the place, of course failing at that and showed him the passes.
He opened the door for us, getting frustrated growls from the line in front of the entrance. Jade smiled evilly.

The place was packed. I sighed realizing how much time will it take for us to find a single member from BMTH. Lucky for me, I was with a Superwoman. She grabbed my hand and pulled me after her as she made her way trough the crowd. After a few minutes, that seemed like painful hours, of pushing our way trough she stopped and when I looked up I saw Matt N.'s smiling face.

"'Ello." He greeted us and we hugged.
"Where's Oli?" I yelled to his ear. The music here is so loud.
"At the VIP lounge." Jade rolled her eyes and I giggled. Of course.
Just as I was about to ask where is the VIP lounge Matt pointed to his left and smiled.

I grabbed Jade's hand and pulled her with me. She growled at me. "Now, now. No need to be acting like a dog." I laughed. She just gave me the look and I stopped laughing.
Jade isn't the happiest person to see Oliver due to him teasing her about her black dyed hair.

When we reached the door of the VIP lounge I flashed our passes to another guard and he opened them for us. I spotted Oliver right away. He was sitting in a semicircular leather booth with Jona and some other guys on his side. They seemed familiar but I didn't recognize them from this far. When I appeared at Oliver's side he smiled at me.

"Ang!" Great, another nickname. He got up and pulled me in a bear hug. A strange feeling came to my stomach but faded away when he pulled away.
"Black one!" He shouted at Jade. She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest.
Oliver had an annoying look on his face. "Still don't like yeh new name, eh?" He asked her playfully.
"Shut up, Sykes!" She growled.
"Calm down." He put his arms up in defense and looks at me. "How do yeh survive with 'er?" I giggled.
"She only acts like that when she's around you."
He smirked and Jade rolled her eyes.
"Anyway. Ang, Blacky-" With that he got hit in the head by Jade. Everyone in the booth laughed, even Oli.

"Fine, I'll stop." He said. "Ang, Jade.." He said her name slowly to make his point and, again, made everyone laugh. "This is Ashley, CC, you already know Jona, Jinxx, Jake and Andy." He pointed at everyone while saying their name. "Guys, this is Ang, our new roadie, and Jade your new roadie."

The guys all smiled at us and got up and hugged us. I heard Jade sigh under her breath in relief. They seemed like genuinely good guys and that calmed her and me.
The rest of the night went great. Jade was really getting along with the guys. Especially Andy. We were now officially ready for tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jade's outfit
Angela's outfit
Finally a little bit longer chapter!
Tour tomorrow!
Tell me your thoughts! Nobody likes a silent reader :)
Peace and love,
Angie ♥