When Love Became a Regular Customer

Chapter 1

“Enjoy your coffee!” I smiled at the customer leaving the shop. Taking a quick glance at the clock, I untied my apron and got ready to head out. Right as I was clocking out, the bell above the door chimed. I spun around to see a guy standing there-maybe twenty or twenty-one- in black jeans, a graphic v-neck, and dark sunglasses. He had dramatically layered blonde hair that hung slightly in front of his covered eyes. He could have come across as mysterious or tough. But when he smiled his little-kid smile, that exterior melted away. I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get for you today?” I asked uniformly, trying my best to keep my breathing even.

He pondered, pursing his lips slightly while scanning the menu, “I’ll have a white chocolate mocha with no whip and a chocolate chip muffin, please.” He said, grinning once again. I returned the gesture and added up his total. He paid me, placing the change in the tip jar.

He took off his sunglasses to reveal dark blue tinted eyes. I caught my breath, trying unsuccessfully to focus on making the drink. He stood there, humming softly. It was a song I recognized.

“You know heartbeat?” I asked. Most people didn’t know the song or the band, Stereo Skyline, which sings it.

He smirked, “I should by now. I play it almost every night.” My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. He smiled and answered my unspoken question, “My name’s Brian Maddox. I’m the bassist for Stereo Skyline.” He held out his hand for me to shake. My mouth fell open as I nervously reached up to take it.

“I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you. My friend Haley and I are your biggest fans.” I told him, sounding like a fan-girl.

He nodded in appreciation, smiling once again, “Hey, thanks.” He said, taking the drink I finished from my hands. “Listen, I don’t think I can handle this muffin all by myself.” He said dramatically, “I might need some help eating it.”

I smiled, “I might know someone who just got off work who could help you out.” I offered playfully.

“Would she be interested?” He asked, leaning on the counter.

I leaned forward, “I think she’s very interested.”

He smiled flirtatiously, “And what might her name be?”

I felt stupid for not introducing myself sooner, “Riley. Riley Storm.”

He grinned, “Well, Riley storm, what do you say we go eat this muffin together.” I smiled at his innocence.

I nodded and closed up shop. We walked out the door and into the cold together. After about five minutes of walking and talking and eating, we reached what I assumed was his apartment. It was a tall, modern-looking building with a doorman.

“Is this your place?” I asked him, stepping into the glass elevator.

He shrugged, “Sort of. It’s my best friend Rob’s apartment. My house is in Dallas, Texas, but I practically live here too.”

I smiled thinking about how similar their story was to my own. My best friend Haley lives with me at our loft in Long Island, New York- maybe five miles from Rob and Brian’s apartment. Haley and I were in a band as well, called Every Highway. We played similar music, and were completely living the dream.

A long minute later, the elevator reached floor five with a ‘ding’. He placed his hand on the small of my back to lead me to the right room. We reached room 502, and he held the door open for me.

“Hey man,” Brian said, doing some form of hand-shake with Rob. My stomach filled with butterflies, and I felt the urge to giggle. But I restrained myself, thankfully. “This is Riley Storm. She works at Starbucks up the road.” He explained, lifting his chin to where I was standing. Rob turned to see me, and his face softened into a smile.

“Hi,” He said simply. I knew him as the shy one.

“Hey,” I said quietly in return.

“So, I was thinking we could go out and do something. A movie maybe?” Brian suggested. I shrugged.

“Well, we could always go back to my place. My movie collection is pretty impressive.” I said.

“I like that idea.” Rob said. Brian nodded in agreement.

“Let’s head over there then.” Brian said, holding the door for me once again. Rob stood and joined him, letting my pass in front of him out the door. I blushed for no reason at all, and walked out with Rob following.

I took them back to mine and Haley’s apartment a few miles down, holding lighthearted conversation the whole way. Rob seemed quiet, but I suppose anyone seems that way when they’re with Brian. After a few minutes, we arrived at our large, black door. I turned the key and walked in. Haley was cooking dinner in our kitchen. It smelled like her famous lasagna and garlic bread.

“I’m home!” I called out, glancing behind me, “With guests!” I added.

Haley walked out, “Who’s here?” She asked, freezing when she saw them. “You’re… you’re… You’re Stereo Skyline.” She said somewhat quietly.

They nodded, subtly chuckling, “I met Brian at Starbucks, and I met Rob back at his apartment.” They each held up a hand in greeting, “Guys this Haley. Haley, “I thought, “You probably already know who they are.”

She blushed and nodded. “Welcome to our home.” She said with a grin.

They nodded in thanks, looking around at the interior design. “It’s beautiful.” Rob said softly.

I glanced at Haley who shared the same thought I did. Rob Michelsen is the most adorable thing ever? Yes. That would be what we both thought.

“Thanks.” I said to him. “Haley worked pretty hard on it. And it’s nice to know it’s done.” We all looked around to take it in. “So, what movie are we thinking about watching tonight?” I asked, taking off my coat.

Brian shrugged, “Chick-flick?”

I raised an eyebrow at smirked, “You watch chick-flicks?”

They both blushed, “Sometimes.” Rob said, embarrassed.

Haley and I laughed, “That’s the genre we have the most movies in. We have, “I started listing titles, “The Notebook, I Love You Beth Moore, Letters to Juliet, Pride and Prejudice, Win a Date with Tad Hamilton, all the Disney movies you could imagine, Dear John-”

Brian and Rob answered at the same time, “Dear John,” They said.

Haley smiled, “Coming right up.” She walked into the kitchen to take out her lasagna, and then came back to the living room to start the movie. We all sat on our large, black couches. The seating arrangement was Brian and Genni on one couch, and Rob and I on the other. Somehow, that’s just how it worked out.

But who says I’m complaining?
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This is only the first chapter. Let me know if you would like another one. :)