If You've Got the Nerve

The Burrow

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Bang and cue owl screeching.

“I’m sorry, Nexus! I’m sorry! Ron! Is this your bloody book that’s almost killed me?”

Cue freckled, lanky, red-head popping around one of the many diagonal walls of my second home.

A nervous look was splashed across his face until his eyes landed on the book that I kicked across the floor towards him. He shook his head quickly.


With that, he popped back out of sight. I blinked down at the book. Should have guessed.

I took a seat on the tightly packed trunk that I had been dragging down the long flight of twisting steps and let out a breath. I reached a hand out to stand the cage of my Eagle Owl, Nexus upright from the sideways position it had tumbled into. He flapped his wings indignantly. “Sorry,” I murmured again, handing him a treat through the thin bars. He seemed pleased enough with this. I smiled at him and glanced around my surroundings.

The things I’d be taking with me to my fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were packed and ready.

Ever since I was twelve, I’d spent most of my summer holiday here in this house and even some of the other holidays like Christmas and Easter. “This house” being the Burrow. Home of my two best friends and their family. Also the occasional home of a few of my other friends.

This year was just a bit different though. This year we were all heading to the Quidditch World Cup. My stomach twisted and a grin spread on my face at the thought.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t notice someone had joined me in the entrance to the kitchen until two arms were flung around my neck.

“What’s got you so cheery, love?”

My heart leapt in my chest and not just because of the scare the sudden question gave me.

“Fred, get off me. Your hair is still soaked.” I said as coolly as possibly when the smell of his freshly washed, fiery red hair filled my nostrils.

Fred Weasley was one of my best friends along with his twin brother George. Of course, I didn’t know I’d become so attached to the two when I met them back when I was a first year at Hogwarts. Lee Jordan, one of my other closest friends, had brought a huge spider on the Hogwarts Express and had been attempting to show eleven-year-old me when Fred came to my rescue. He had pulled his friend away and they'd both run to find George so they could show Ron, their youngest brother, the spider. The only reason they wanted to show him was because he was deathly afraid of the hairy buggers.

I wan't took fond of them myself but you learn to adapt when you're friends with the Weasley family.

“What’s got her daydreaming this time?” Hermione asked as she walked into the room to grab her book from the floor. She examined it before dropping it on a pile near the steps.

“My rugged good looks.” George answered offhandedly as he leapt over the final steps and sped past us to the kitchen.

“You mean my rugged good looks.” Fred retorted, finally standing and bringing his arms from the embrace he’d had me in; not before shaking his head just to splatter me with water of course.

“Gits. You’re twins; you have the same rugged good looks.”

“So you admit it.”

They grinned in unison. I rolled my eyes and stood to stretch my legs.

“Why’ve you got all your things packed?” Fred asked with a piece of toast shoved hastily in his mouth.

“Dad wants me to send my stuff over there. He says you lot already do enough by taking me in every summer so he’ll be taking everything to the station himself along with mum.”

“Are you kidding? Fred and George would kill us if you weren’t here every summer.” Ginny said wisely as she too popped down the stairs.

“Can he take our load too?” Fred asked innocently.

I ignored the words with nothing but a swift roll of my eyes. “Has Harry arrived yet?” I asked the room.

“We’re leaving to get him at around five.” George answered while pouring himself a drink.

“Oi, boys! I’ve got a bit of bad news for you.” I said suddenly and happily after easily getting bored with the discussion of our later engagements. I took a seat next to Fred and snatched his toast from him. The twins looked at me curiously. “The Irish are going to kick your little Krummy right off his broomstick.”

Fred snorted as if the idea were preposterous.

“You only say that to agree with Bill.” George protested.

“As she should.”

“Bill, darling!” I squealed and threw myself at the older Weasley to embrace him tightly. He laughed lightheartedly.

“Morning, Nox.” I grinned up at him as he ruffled my sandy hair in his usual greeting.

“Does everyone have their things packed? We’ll be leaving at the crack of dawn, you know.”

“We know.” everyone answered in unison. The fact had been pounded into our heads ever since we had gotten the tickets.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully up until we were to leave to get Harry.

“Where are Fred and George?” Mr. Weasley demanded when we had all gathered around for the trip. Even I didn’t have an answer to his question.

“Just go on without them.” Bill suggested.

I shook my head. “Do you want to deal with angry twins? Because I swore off that duty years ago.”

The better part of an hour had gone by before Fred and George finally stumbled down the stairs.

“You still have a bit of soot on your face, Fred.” I offered helpfully. He grinned like he was happy I knew they had been up to no good.

Mr. Weasley grabbed the floo powder and tossed and handful of it it on the regular flames. They roared like an emerald monster.

Mr. Weasley was the first to go. Fred, George, Ron, and I followed soon after.

I knew something had gone wrong the second I stopped spinning. It was still pitch black and I was shoved hard against what felt like a brick wall.

Ouch! Fred, no, go back!”

Oh, hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
Do you know how hard it is to write a Harry Potter story on Word? "Weasley" is spelled wrong, "Muggles" is spelled wrong, blah, blah, blah. Stupid program. AnyWay, a new story! I really need to stop starting new ones. I'm sorry, it's an addiction. And I know this is short and crappy as hell, but it'll get better. Promise.
