If You've Got the Nerve

Letter to Home

Despite the icy encounter Fred and I had in Hogsmeade, we weren’t fighting when I got back. I didn’t inform him or George of what I’d done on my visit, shrugging off George’s interrogation without a word. In turn, they told me nothing of what they had done while I was gone. Lee had come round wanting to know what the three of us had done in the village – he hadn’t gone at all – but I told him that we had stayed back in the castle to relax. It wasn’t until he left to study for his coming exams that I realized just how much lying I was doing lately.

A few days had gone by and I was sitting up in my dorm, a blank piece of parchment smoothed out on the book that sat on my lap. Everyone else was asleep and Nexus was out hunting. The only light that I was provided with was that of the almost full moon hanging in the inky black sky. I was twirling a quill in one hand, my mind trying to pick out what to write in the letter that I was writing for my parents. Finally, deciding I would just write what came to mind, I dipped my quill in ink and scratched out the first few words.

Dear mum and dad,

School is going great. We’ve just finished with the Second Task in the tournament. Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory – the two champions for Hogwarts – are tied for first place. They haven’t told us anything about the final task, but everyone is sure it will be just as thrilling as the first two. Though, a lot of us are wondering how they judges will top them. Dragons and Merpeople!

Classes are going just as well as last year. I’m still getting excellent marks in Potions and I’m still working at improving in History of Magic even though I still don't know how it will help me in the future. I’ve taken Divination again this year. It's really starting to stick with me, even if our teacher is a bit –

I stopped writing. My mind cast about for the proper word to use. I didn’t want to make professor Trelawney out as a nut, but I couldn’t lie and say she was a brilliant teacher either.

A few drops of ink hit the paper. I scribbled some excess ink off on a scrap piece of parchment and continued with my letter.

– even if our teacher is a bit overenthusiastic. It's interesting and I look forward to advancing further along the curriculum.

As for everything else happening in school, nothing has really changed. Like you said, mum, I've hit a few bumps, but it's nothing for either of you to worry about; I can handle myself.

Thank you again for sending the dress. The ball was lovely and I had a lot of fun.

Can’t wait to see you this summer.


I read over the letter again. I was stretching the truth at some points, but I always did that in my letters home. If I told my parents everything I got up to during the school year, they would go mental. Stretching the truth was part of the reason I hadn't been banned from seeing the twins.

After deciding it was good enough, I blew on the ink to help it dry, then rolled it up and tied it closed with a small scrap of ribbon.

Once the sun had risen, I made my way quickly to the Owlery. I had to skip breakfast to make sure I made it back in time for morning classes. Nexus hadn’t returned to my room, so I was planning on using one of the school owls that were always available to students. However, my eyes fell on a familiar black owl once I stepped up the last few steps to the Owlery.

“Nex, why didn’t you come back?” I scolded him, making my way up to the second level where he sat. He hooted at me, his large eyes landing on me then turning back to a tawny owl that sat on the same perch as him. I stared at him in disbelief. “You’re getting better luck than me, you bloody bird.” He hooted again.

I held out the letter to him. He looked at it then back at the female owl. I frowned. “You still have a job, you know,” He hooted again, but held out his leg for me to tie the letter to. He nipped my finger. “Yeah, yeah. Just get the letter to mum and dad, will you?” He jumped in place once, then spread his wings and took off out the window. I watched him go until I could no longer see his dark figure then turned to his new friend. “You are one lucky bird,” She cocked her head as if saying “Don’t I know it,” I snorted at my own behavior.

I really needed to get back to talking to Fred and George if I was making up dialogue for owls.
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I know it's short and...well, a disappointment, I'm sure, but I'm going to post another chapter today. So maybe that will make up for it.

Thank you to everyone who comments! You guys are really too kind to me! <3
