If You've Got the Nerve


The hike up to Stoatshead Hill wouldn’t have been that difficult if it didn’t take place so early in the morning. I would have asked one of the twins to piggyback me up - I’m sure would have been happy to do it - if they weren’t in such a foul mood due to their small row with their mother before we left. I walked between the two as we hiked up the hill trying the whole time to locate the Portkey.

I looked up from kicking through a tall patch of grass when there was a call from up ahead. I spotted the familiar face of Amos Diggory. I recognized the boy next to him as the Hufflepuff Seeker. He was good looking to say the least.

“Hi,” he greeted with a winning smile. We all greeted him in a similar matter except for Fred and George who looked downright pissed. I rolled my eyes. The combination of a moody mother going off on them and meeting with the captain of the Hufflepuff Qudditch team must not have been their idea of a pleasant morning. Talk about holding a grudge.

“All these yours, Arthur?” Amos asked, looking around at our group. Mr. Weasley corrected him saying his were only the red-heads. He pointed us out in turn. I gave a small wave to Cedric when I was introduced as “the twins’ friend”. I was usually always introduced like that. Not that I wasn’t on good terms with the others. It was just more often that I was seen by Fred or George’s side than Ron, Hermione, or Harry’s.

“Merlin’s beard, Harry? Harry Potter?” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at Amos’s exclamation. That was always what caught their attention. I slipped out of the group to join the twins in examining the old boot on the ground that Amos had named the Portkey. My ears zoned in and out of the conversation after Amos exclaimed to his son, “…You beat Harry Potter!

“Is Quidditch really all guys are ever concerned about?” I thought out loud. George shrugged without a smile. “Blimey, you guys look dead upset.” No answer. “Well, I guess you guys are too upset to keep going. I’m sure your dad will understand. I’ll just – ”

No!” I was tackled to the ground as soon as they realized what I had been saying. I grinned triumphantly. “Feeling better, then?” I asked glancing over to where they had tumbled to the grass beside me. They both gave me small smiles.

There was a silence and we all looked up to see the others staring at us with curious expressions. I gave a second small wave, “Hi.” Mr. Weasley shook his head and Amos moved the grab the Portkey.

“We’d best get going then. Come on, kids.” We all crowded around with some difficulty. Mr. Weasley instructed us to place a finger on the old boot and we did as told.

“Three…two…one.” And we were all yanked forward. At least, that’s what it felt like. My eyes snapped shut and I begged myself not to get sick from the spinning and tossing feeling. After what seemed much too long, my feet connected with solid ground. Stumbling, I fell hard onto the grassy ground. I let out a groan. Thinking it would at least be safe to open my eyes, my lids lifted and I was met by a hand extended in front of me with a smooth voice in my ears.

“Need help?” I looked up into the face of Cedric. Grabbing his hand, I let him pull me up off the ground and dusted off the old jeans that I had thrown on this morning when I had woken up.

“Thanks,” I gave him a grateful smile, “I’ve never been good with that kind of stuff. Bill’s made an excellent habit of catching me every time I travel with Floo powder. Thanks to him, my face is still intact.” He gave me a smile and a small laugh.

We were soon on our way to our campsite. Cedric and his father would of course be staying at a different site than us. Fred was trying to talk me into trying one of the candies that they had managed to smuggle out with Ron’s help while Harry was helping Mr. Weasley with the Muggle money.

“I’m not eating it, Fred!” I whispered harshly.

“Come on! It’s not that bad, I promise.” He said back just as quietly. He kept shooting a glance at the Muggle. I wasn’t sure if he was afraid the Muggle would ask what it was or if he was hoping he would ask what it was.

“Fred, don’t even think about giving that man…giving him whatever that is…He’s a Muggle.” Fred shrugged like it was nothing, “Reckon memory spells have been flying at him all day.” His gaze turned back to me, “Please? I can reverse it in a second if the antidote doesn’t work.” My eyes widened, “You don’t even know if the antidote works?” I hissed. He only grinned. I glanced back at our group in an attempt to just drop the conversation right then and there.

“Don’t you trust me?” I sighed and looked back at the twin, “Of course I trust you, Fred. Just…not with that.” I pointed at the purple and orange candy in his hand. He popped it in his back pocket.


Obliviate!” Our attention snapped up to the wizard that had suddenly appeared amongst us. The Muggle had taken on a far off look as his memory was shifted and picked apart. He handed Mr. Weasley a map and his change. Before long, we were again heading off at a steady pace.

It was a while before we made it to our campsite that was placed on the edge of the woods. I stood awkwardly as mostly Harry and Hermione worked to set up the tents.

Grabbing my bag, I moved to the completed tent that was set up for the girls. I crawled into the tent and stood with a stretch. I recognized the large inside as just slightly smaller than the tent that I had often gone camping with the family in. I wasn’t complaining though.

Ginny and I raced to the bunk beds and I claimed the bottom one. She gave me a weird look as I lounged on my claimed spot.

“What? I like the bottom.” I heard a laugh much too deep to be a girl’s and someone threw themselves on top of me. “Great to know, love.” I felt my face flush as Fred made himself comfortable on top of me.

“Not like that!” I shoved him off me onto the floor. “What are you doing here? You’ve got your own tent.” He was sprawled on the floor with his arms crossed behind his head. “Come to pay a visit.” He replied coolly.

“Fred, get out of our tent.” Ginny threw a pillow down that hit her brother right in his grinning face. I made no move to stifle my laughter. “Want to play like that, do you?” Fred leapt from the floor and managed to drag his shrieking sister down from her bunk. I grinned at the sight of the two. Fred always did know how to get Ginny to laugh.

“That’s enough play, children. Fred, what are you doing in here? Never mind. Come, come; look at what I’ve got to start a fire!” Mr. Weasley burst into the tent to fetch us brandishing a box of matches.

We all trudged out to watch with amusement as Mr. Weasley attempted repeatedly to start a fire. At one point, I began to move over from my spot leaning against a large rock in order to aid him, but George held me back.

“It’s the only entertainment we’ve got until the match.” He complained. “Besides, he looks right happy with them.” Ginny added with an amused smile. “You’re all horrid.” I commented, but couldn’t contain my smile.

“You love us for it.”

“Mm,” I nodded as Fred took a spot behind me with his head resting on my shoulder.
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'Nother update. Hope you like. It'll get more exciting soon. Hopefully. Haha
