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My Hopeless Love For Damon Salvatore

Over Reacting

"What do you need?" I asked. I felt, scared. His dark eyes glared at me, revealing only hatred.
"What did Stefan say to you?" His voice was full of venom
"He-he told me to stay away from you." I was shaking, and it wasn't only from the cold. There was definitely something going on.
"Is that all?"
"Yeah, I think so."
"Good. Go back to class, your going to be late."
"I already am." I whispered to myself as I walked back into my class room.
"Hey Kaylee, how was you talk with your mom?" Mrs. Northfield asked. I was slightly confused at first.
"I-It was good." I smiled and sat at my usual table with Mickayla. We were watching a really stupid movie about cooking. I noticed Stefan looking at me. I shot him an awkward smile, and then continued watching the movie.

School felt like it went by fast after that. I couldn't get my mind off my conversation with Damon though. It was really strange.
I was waiting outside the school, and I saw Stefan's Porsche pull up.
"Get in." He said as he was opening the door from the inside of the car. He wasn't as demanding as Damon, which was a nice break.
I slid into the seat and shut the door. Stefan left the school parking lot and off we went.
He didn't say anything for a while.
"You're probably wondering why I'm the one taking you home tonight, aren't you?" He questioned, looking at me.
"Well, yeah, I was sorta." I said, looking strait into his eyes. He looked, concerned in a way. I couldn't figure out why though.
"I have to tell you something, something about Damon."
"Is it about why to stay away from him?"
"I know that this is going to sound fairly strange coming from me, considering that he's my brother," he said, glancing at me every once and a while to make sure that I was paying attention. "but, there is a reason to stay away from Damon. He's dangerous Kaylee."
"Dangerous, how?"
"He can hurt you. He's been with plenty of girls, and not one of them has turned out remotely alright after Damon."
"Oh..." I said, my voice trailing off.
"I know that it's hard for you to stay away from him after he's... attached himself to you. He's claimed you."
"Wait, he can't do that though. I'm not property. This is not the 19th century."
"Just, be careful, and don't let him into your house, alright?"
"Ok, cool thank you so much Stefan." I said, I was about to get out of his car, when I remembered that I had wanted to ask him a few questions. "Before I leave, I have a couple of questions."
"Why did you tell me to stay away from Damon?"
"I wanted you to have a fair warning. None of the other girls did, and they are all damaged beyond repair."
"Are you and Mickayla really dating?"
"We're dating about to the extent that you and Damon are."
"One more, sorry. What's Damon going to do when he finds out that you took me home?" I asked.
"Oh, don't worry, he'll get mad at me." He smiled, he looked like he was remembering something.
"Cool. Thank you so much for the ride, and the warning." I said to him as I got out of the car.
"Yeah, no problem. See ya."
"Bye." I said, and shut the car door.

I had gone to bed fairly early that night. I felt mentally exhausted. I was about to fall asleep, when my phone rang. It was blaring Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance. I sat up and answered it, not even bothering to look at the ID.
"Hello?" I answered, my voice coarse and rough.
"Hey babe." A sweet voice came from the other end.
"Damon, are you aware of the time it is?" I asked, throwing my head onto my pile of pillows, of which I had about six, which probably wasn't good for my back.
"Yeah, it's like, 10:30, were you asleep?"
"No but close. What can I help you with?" I asked.
"Well I wanted to know what you did after school."
"I went home."
"I was really just checking to make sure that you made it home safe with my brother driving."
"If you already knew that he took me home, why are you calling?"
"To check on you, love."
"Alright. Good night, Damon" I said.
"Sweet dreams, love. You know, you really shouldn't sleep with so many pillows, it's bad for your health babe. Bye"
♠ ♠ ♠
So, i've been trying not to make it all 'twilighty' and unfortunately, it always ends up being like twilight. If you have any suggestions on how to make my story better, that would be greatly appreciated!