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My Hopeless Love For Damon Salvatore


After my conversation with Damon, I slowly sat up in my bed, and looked out my window. No one was there. How the hell did Damon know? He was kind of creeping my out. There was some part of me that wanted to call back and ask, but that was probably what he was expecting.
I threw my body back on my bed, and tried to fall asleep, but all that filled my head was thoughts of Damon, shit. I couldn't go anywhere with out him somehow being there. I fell asleep, finally, hoping that I could get away from him there. Nope. I dreamt about him.
I was in my room, and looked around behind me, to find him there, he was suddenly very close to me. He pushed back a piece of my hair that had fallen into my face. He brushed my cheek with his thumb, it brought shivers through my body. There was a look in his eyes, a look of hunger, and a smile grew on his face. He went for my throat, to bite it, and I woke up.
I was breathing heavily, and sweating. I pushed my hair back, trying to figure out what that meant. There were so many thoughts in my head, and I felt extremely overwhelmed. The only thing that I heard that bit throats, was a vampire. I quickly threw that thought out of my head. Vampires don't exist. I felt like there was a part of me that was telling me that they did though.
I looked at my clock. 5:30. There was no way that I was going to go back asleep. Thank God it was the weekend though. I grabbed my phone and went to my bathroom. I was going to call Damon, but I didn't want my mother to hear me. I quickly dialed his number, and waited for him to pick up.
"Hey babe." He answered coolly.
"Damon, stay out of my dreams!" I yelled at him. Luckily my mom was a heavy sleeper, so there was no way she could hear me.
"I can't help the fact that you want me so much that you dream about me, love."
"I do not WANT you." I said through gritted teeth.
"Whatever. Then keep dreaming about me." He said.
He was probably smiling when he said it. Bastard.
I walked back to my room, and tried to fall back asleep. Of course though, I didn't. I grabbed my favorite book,Jane Eyre, and started reading.
I was half way through when I looked at my clock. It was 7. I hate time. It always moves by so slowly. I heard a knock at my window. I thought about ignoring it at first, but there was something that told me to look. I put my book down, and went to my window.
"What the hell Damon?" I whispered, as I opened my window and propped it open, letting the cool fall air in.
"I knew that you would still be thinking about me, so I decided to come over."
"Well, if you must know, I was not thinking about you." I hadn't actually stopped thinking about him since last night. I was pathetic.
"Can I come in, it's freezing out here."
I almost forgot what Stefan said to me, and almost said yes, but I caught myself.
"Why not?" He asked. "You've been talking to Stefan, right?"
"Well yeah, I have."
"Come on, please?" He looked at me, and his eyes suddenly looked different.
"No." I said, although with some effort, his eyes were hard to deny.
"Fine. Have fun thinking about me." And he swung himself onto the tree in my front yard, climbed down, and I shut my window. I went back to my book, thoughts of Damon spinning in my head.

By the time Monday rolled around, I had almost forgotten about Damon. Almost. I got dressed, and went outside, waiting for him. He finally pulled up, and I got in the passenger side.
"So, what was your dream about?" He asked as we left my house.
"On Saturday, when you called me to tell me that you wanted me to stay out of your dreams, remember?"
"It was- it was nothing."
"Tell me." He said, with a commanding voice.
"No, you never answer any of my questions. I'm not going to answer yours."
"You are so frustrating."
I smiled back at him, feeling very accomplished.
We drove to the school, but I had a feeling that this conversation was not over.

"Guys," I said to my friends as I was putting my stuff up. "guess what?"
"What?" Kenzie asked, very cheerfully.
"You know how Audrey says that she's dating Stefan?"
"Yes, she never stops talking about it, I feel bad for him." Sara said.
"Well, I asked Stefan, and he said that they weren't."
"Ha, that's awesome." Sara said, acting pleased.
"Well, guess what?" Kenzie asked
"I met someone this weekend. He's my dad's friend's son."
"Ooo, what does he look like?" I asked excitedly.
"Imagine Channing Tatum, as a teenager." She said, almost exploding with joy.
"OMG! That's awesome." I exclaimed.
"We have a dinner date for Friday."
"Where does he live?" I asked.
"In the city, but that's only an hour away from here, but were going to that new Italian restaurant in town."
"Tell me how it is."
"Of course." She smiled and we went to class.

I went home with Damon that night, and he would not stop pestering me about the dream, luckily I held out until we got home. Trust me, it was difficult. He kept looking at me with the same eyes that he did when he tried to get me to ask him in. Which was weird in it's self.
"Who's that?" He asked, looking at the black BMW in my drive way.
"I have no idea." I said, trying to figure it out myself.