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My Hopeless Love For Damon Salvatore

What is this feeling?

What is this feeling?

I was walking out of my room , and I threw the note in the waste basket as I was leaving.
“What was it?” My mother asked me.
“Just some ideas for a project we’re working on.” I lied, which was something I noticed myself doing a lot more often lately. Since Damon had moved here actually. The lying was worth having him around though, as much as I still hated to admit it.
Every time I had seen him lately- or even thought of him for that matter- my heart would flutter, and my stomach felt like it had butterflies in it. It was a sensation I hadn’t felt before. I had considered asking my mom about it, but I didn’t want to risk the chance of having Damon listening to us while on watch for Kahlid. Talk about embarrassing.
Stefan had stopped warning me about Damon, and now he was like a watchful older brother to me. When Damon had gone off to feed this weekend, Stefan had stepped in and took over as watch guard. It was sweet of him. Neither one of them had to watch after me, but they did anyway, and I was grateful.
I had eaten dinner with my mother, finished up last minute homework, and ‘went to bed’. By the time I had finished brushing my teeth and putting my pajamas on, it was 8:30. Damon was lounging on my bed reading my copy of ‘Wuthering Heights’.
“Hey.” I said walking in.
“This is a really depressing book, you know that, right?”
“Yeah, but it’s also romantic in a weird way. I mean, Heathcliff is mean because of Cathy, and he was mean because of her. He tried to win her back, even though he knew that she didn’t love him. He sacrificed his sanity for her, and she didn’t even notice. It’s kinda sweet.”
“You’ve clearly read it a lot.” He told me.
“I love the Bronte sisters, almost as much as I love Jane Austen. They’re classics.”
“I remember when they all went by fake names as authors to get published.”
“I’m glad you don’t look as old as you really are.”
“I’m the eternal stud.” I rolled my eyes at him and smirked.
“What’s wrong?” He asked as I went and laid down beside him laying my head on his chest.
I sighed. “I got a note from Sara. She came by while I was with you.” I told him what it said.
“She’s being influenced by Kahlid. Think nothing of it.”
“Alright.” I paused for a moment, thinking. “Will you stay with me tonight?” I asked looking up at him.
“Sure.” He said as he chuckled lightly.
“Thank you.” I closed my eyes, and I felt him reach up and turn off the bedside lamp, and I drifted off to sleep.
I awoke to the sound of my alarm and the feeling of Damon with me.
“Hey beautiful.” He smiled.
“Good morning.”
“We have to go to school today.”
I sighed. “I know.”
He stood up. “I’ll meet you outside at the usual time.” He kissed my forehead and left.
I got up, showered, and got dressed.
When it was time, I grabbed my backpack and left.

School went by quickly, after school, I went and got my hair cut, there was no more green in it, thank God. I had started to hate it. My hair was fairly short though.
“I like your hair. You look much older than 15 with it.” Damon told me later that night.
“I know.” I smiled.
“Well someone’s modest.” He said sarcastically.
“I try to be.” I was still worried about Sara, and I knew that you could tell. I wasn’t my usual self, but I was trying.
“Don’t think about Sara so much, love. It’ll be fine.”
“I just wish that Kahlid would leave us all alone.” I told him.
“That might be a little difficult.”
“I can sense him outside the window listening.”