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My Hopeless Love For Damon Salvatore

Going on Forever

Damon was at my house before I was. Damn his fast driving and amazing speed. He was on my bed like usual. 
"Oh!" I shrieked at first sight of him. "I didn't expect you to be here so quickly" I added a nervous giggle after. Then he was right in front of me.
"You're cute when you get nervous." he smirked.
"I'm not nervous." I lied. I hadn't felt nervous like this since the first time I met him.
"Oh really? So you won't be very nervous if I do this." he kissed my cheek and I tensed. "Or this." he kissed my neck, and I stopped breathing. "So, you're not nervous at all?" he raised his eyebrows at me.
"Nope, not one bit." I lied again. I was doing a lot of lying today.
    "Okay, whatever you say, love." he kissed my forehead.
"So, how is forever going to work out? I'm going to die and get old. Then you'll be alone and that means that I would have broken my promise." 
"I'm sure that there is something that we can do to make it work, my Princess of Darkness." he had a small smile on his face, and happiness lingered in his eyes. 
"You would do that for me?" I knew that I had implied it, but I didn't expect him to be okay with it  very much suggest it.
"Darling I would do anything for you. Just tell me when." I thought about it for a moment, it didn't take long for me to decide. 
"Today, right now." I smiled at him. I knew what the procedures were to make me a vampire, and I knew that it would probably not be the most comfortable thing in the world, but if it meant being with Damon forever, than whatever happened to me would be worth it. 
"Are you sure? You don't have to do this now."
"If we don't do it now then I'll just put it off until I'm 50. And even I wouldn't date me then."he laughed at me
"Okay, come on." he grabbed my hand and took me out the window to his house.
"In case I go crazy and insane, I want you to know that I love you. I will love you no matter what." I kissed him. I knew I wasn't going to go insane but I still wanted him to know that.
"You'll be fine. Here, drink." he cut open his wrist. I had never had his blood before, and I was a little nervous, but I kew that if I didn't do it now, the wound would close up, so I quickly complied. In my mind, I was freaking out, everything in me told me that what I was doing was completely and utterly wrong and I should just stop right there. But a very small part of me was telling me that what I was doing was right. 
The blood tasted sweet, not like what I had imagined, not that I thought about blood that often, but still. 
Damon pulled his wrist away. "I'm sorry about this." I smiled at him, knowing what was coming next. He snapped my neck and I went blank. 
I woke up, not to much longer I suspected, and saw Damon watching me.  
"Well that didn't take long." he gave me his hand so he could help me up. He then handed me a glass of blood. The smell had over come me. I didn't know how Sara could stand not to drink it. But when I looked at it, I suddenly knew what she felt. If I drank it I would loose what humanity left I had. I would feel like a different person, probably not even feel like a person at all. I knew that if I didn't drink it, I would wither away and be... dead.
 I looked up at him and gave him a 'oh God, what have I done' look. He gave me a half smile in return. I took it and drank it. It also tasted sweet, but in a new way. It was... Calling to me practically. I wanted more as soon as I drank it. I realized what a danger I could be to everyone, so I stopped.
"Well that was abrupt." he took the blood from me. 
"I think that I should be on the animal diet, not people."
"Why? The normal people diet makes you stronger, and tastes better. If you go the Stefan way, than you'll be weaker, and it kinda sucks, even Sara does both sometimes." I would have to have a talk with her.
"No, I'm going with animals, it'll be better for everyone that way. Trust me, there's nothing wrong with it." I smiled at him hopefully.
"Stubborn now that we're a higher race, aren't we?" he sighed. "Fine, you'll go with Stefan tomorrow morning."
"But Damon, I can't go out during the day, I don't have a ring." 
"Yes you do. Inside your ring there is the stone that makes you be able to go out into the sun. I had someone enchant it. You'll be completely fine." I hugged him and kissed his cheek. 
"Oh Damon, thank you so much." I whispered in his ear. I couldn't help but wonder why I wasn't as crazy as Sara had been, maybe it was because I had been more aware of what was going to happen to me than Sara was. That was probably it.
"Now, my Princess, you should get some sleep. You will be a new person in the morning. And I will be right here. Stefan and Sara will be here in the morning, you'll hear them, I can promise you that." when he mentioned my senses, I suddenly realized that I could see, smell, hear and all of my other senses were better. He picked me up bridal style, and took me up to his room. He placed me down on his bed, kissed my forehead, and he left. 
Then next morning, just as Damon said, I had heard Sara and Stefan come in. I got up quickly, the speed of vampires quickly, and ran down to see them.
"You did what Damon? Do you realize what she is probably going through? If you really loved her, you would never have done this to her. Way to-"Stefan  was cut off, or stopped mid-rant at Damon. They all looked up at me as I was standing at the balcony.
Sara spoke first. "Oh my God Kaylee, you look completely-" Damon cut her off.
"Beautiful." his eyes were those of adoration. I hadn't looked at myself before I left the room, but I didn't really consider the fact that I probably looked very different. 
I rushed down to see everyone. I stood by Damon, he wrapped his arm around my waist, I leaned on him, wresting my head on his shoulder.
"So, what are we talking about?" I raised my eyebrow in an accusing way.
"You." Damon said.
"Ah. My favorite subject." I smiled
"I was going to take you hunting this morning if I'm correct." Stefan said.
"If it's alright with you."
"Oh it's fine, let's go." Sara kissed his cheek. "Love you." he whispered to her. He took my hand and rushed me off. I learned to hunt, and I was already good at controlling my urge to kill people, so I was doing alright so far. 
When we came back, Sara and Damon were sitting on the couch watching some random television show.
"Welcome back my blood thirsty darling." he kissed me.
"She did really very well, and I think that she will be fine around people. You can probably go home tonight." when Stefan said that it made me feel like  I was in a hospital, saying I could be released from it. Hmm Dr.Stefan Salvatore, it had a nice ring to it.
"We need to go do something Damon, we'll be back soon." Sara said, and walked out arm in arm with Stefan.
Damon turned to me and smiled warmly. I could feel the love coming off him, just as I'm sure he could me. 
"Well, it looks like I'm going to be able to keep my promise after all." I smiled at him
"I don't know what I would be able to do without you in my life. I love you Ms.Hansin, like I never thought I could."
"Oh Damon, I love you to. I will never be able to be without you. And no matter what happens I will always be with you." I grinned lovingly, and kissed him.
Mid-kiss, the doorbell rang, and when Damon answered it, I saw myself looking back at me. She's supposed to be dead.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, I made it, all this way 10 stars thank you everyone! You kept me writing and for that, I owe you, so I decided that I would make a sequel. Look for it in a couple of weeks! and the 'Princess of Darkness' thing, isn't mine, I just loved to much from the books, I used it... But it is L.J.Smith's, not mine