Status: I realize that I haven't updated this in, like, a year. I'm going to try as hard as I can to re-write some things and get some new chapters out!

Love That Never Dies

The dream.

The room was dim except for a few lit candles scattered around the room. I was staring intently at the fire that was crackling and popping in front of me. I was wrapped in Charles' arms reminiscing about what we just did together. Charles was perfect, and everything I could have asked for. He was my father's day time body guard and soldier in the militia. That is how I met Charles after all, and that's how I fell in love with him at first sight. I knew my father wouldn't approve of the relationship that Charles and I had wanted, so that's why we've been secretly meeting each other. It's been going on for a few months now and I wouldn't change any minute of it.

Turning towards him I examined his sleeping figure. His face was as calm as ever, his mouth slightly open with a faint snore escaping him. Behind those closed eyelids I knew there was the hazel eyes that I first fell in love with, the eyes that just sucked me into a different world; a world where it was just him and I. Smiling to myself, I hated that I had to interrupt his peaceful world, but I knew time was running out.

Gently running my hands down his face and on to his exposed, muscular arm I whispered, “Charles... Charles wake up.” I saw his one eye peek open and a faint smile appear on his face. “Mhm,” he groaned, gently pulling me closer to him. Quietly laughing to myself I began to trace the outline of his toned chest.

“I have to get going, my father is probably in a fit of rage wondering where I am. He thinks I joined Ally and her family for supper.”

With a sigh he opened both eyes and took the sight of me in. “But I don't want you to leave,” he said with sadness in his voice. A slight ache erupted in my heart hearing him say that. “I know you don't want me to leave Charles, but I'll see you tomorrow. You'll be following my father around like a little puppy, just like you do everyday,” I whispered with a smile on my face.

Giving me this 'very funny' look he said, “If it were my choice I would be following you around all day like a lost puppy.” He stretched as he said this, letting me have a peek under the covers. I chill ran through my body thinking about it. I quickly reached over and kissed his chest before attempting to get up and put on some clothes. “Hey, where you going?”

Looking back at him I told him, “I've got to get some clothes on. You can't expect me to go back home dressed in nothing!” He nodded in agreement and I once again attempted to get up, taking the one sheet with me. With a grip of steel Charles wouldn't let it go and he started laughing out loud at my attempt to pull on it. I just sighed and let go, exposing my body to him.

He made an animalistic growl and jumped up coming after me. I just stood there with a grin on my lips and my hands on my hips. Bringing the sheet with him he came up to me and wrapped us both in it. His head rested on my shoulder, his warm breath cascading down my neck. “I love you Charles, forever and always,” I whispered in his ear. “I love you too Michelle. Nothing will come between us and our love,” he replied leaving a trail of innocent kisses down my neck and shoulder.

Suddenly, there was an intense banging on the door with lots of yelling. More than one person was outside the door and I could see torches were lit. Charles' head flew off my shoulder and looked back at the door. He let go of me, quickly kissed me on the lips and ran over to where his trousers were. I found another pair of his trousers and a shirt and quickly put them on. Running over to Charles, I held onto his hand as he approached the door. Before opening it he turned towards me, grasped my face and gave me a deep, passionate kiss.

The door then burst open and there stood my father. He was so angry you could see the steam coming out of his ears. He looked like the Devil himself. Behind him was Ally, who had a face of regret.

“Michelle! How dare you defy me!” my father shouted as he walked farther into the room. “You let this man take your purity! You have fallen under the Devil's spell. Lust has consumed your soul and you have turned into a little harlot. I...”

“Don't you ever call her that! She is your daughter and the woman that I am in love with.” Charles shouted. My father shot daggers at him before turning back to his guards. "Burn it to the ground," he said as he walked out.

The guards slammed the door shut and surrounded the house throwing torches through the every window. I ran to Charles and held on to him as tightly as I could. "Charles, what are we going to do!?" I shouted as tears rolled down my face.

He looked around the room knowing that there was nothing that they could do except burn. Everything was catching on fire too quickly to be put out, so he took hold of Michelle and dragged her to the middle of the room. Sitting down on the floor he placed her on his lap and held on to her with all his strength. Looking at her in the face, he noticed her tears and tried his best to wipe them from her eyes. The smoke was getting too heavy to breathe and Charles knew the time was coming.

He hugged Michelle to his chest and started humming in her ear. "Everything will be over soon my love. We will be back together some day. I love you." Kissing her one last time, they held on to each other and refused to let go.

Screaming I woke from my all too real nightmare.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I am finally writing again!
This is my brand spankin' new story and I hope you like it.
It's dedicated to my best friend Emily because of her freakish obsession to Matt Sanders.
Comment and subscribe please!