Status: I realize that I haven't updated this in, like, a year. I'm going to try as hard as I can to re-write some things and get some new chapters out!

Love That Never Dies

At least I can say I stand for something

"Be sure to call me, yeah?" Matt asked while handing my phone back to me. Smiling, I nod my head. He gently pulled me into a hug and I gave him a good squeeze. "I will if you will, " I said with a laugh. I breathed in deep, taking in Matt's scent before reluctantly pulling away. He placed as kiss on my cheek before turning and hopping on the bus. He turned around and gave me one last dimple filled smile before walking towards the back of the bus.

Allison and I said our goodbyes to the guys; hugging and exchanging numbers with them all. This turned out to be a great night, better than I had expected. They were all so sweet to Allison and I, and I am forever grateful that they took care of me.

Jimmy being the last one to say his goodbyes gave a quick hug to Allison, saying goodbye and to call him and all that, before turning to me. "Buh-bye Emmmyy!!!" Jimmy said picking me up and spinning me around. Laughing I replied, "Jimmy I'm going to puke on you!" He quickly put me down before giving me another hug. "I'm so glad I met you. Text me!" he yelled running towards the already moving bus. "Bye Jimbo!" I screamed waving.

We watched the bus safely make it around the corner before turning and heading towards Allison's car. "Thank you so much for bringing me tonight Allison. This is why I'm glad you are my best friend," I said wrapping my arm around her. Stopping she turned towards me, "So, what was up with you and Matt? I can't hold in my curiousity anymore!"

Chuckling, I told her.

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"No way! That is so weird!" she exclaimed while driving down the highway. "You're telling me," I replied looking out the window. "It really is cute though, and it makes sense! I was wondering why he looked at you the way he did. It was kinda creepy at first, but now I understand!" she squealed. I'm glad it made sense to her, but to me it still confused the hell out of me. I guess no one really knows why things like this happen. It still makes me wonder why Charles and Michelle, why Matt and I?

"What are you going to tell your parent's when they find out you're talking to a twenty-eight year old man!?" she asked me. That's a good question. What was I going to tell them? My dad would kill me! "Well, somethings are just better off being kept a secret," I told her. She burst out laughing, which in return made me grin. "What!?" I asked her. "I just can't believe you just said that. You tell your parent's everything! Not that I'm complaining, I like this rebellious side of you coming out."

"Well, I think I'm old enough now to not have to let them know every little thing going on in my life. They can't keep me locked away forever."

Soon after, my phone started ringing violently. I casually glanced down at my phone to see who it was. It read Ma. "Oh, shit." I said before turning down the radio and answering my phone.

"Hey ma. What's up?" I asked, my voice sqeaking. "I'd like to know the exact same thing," my mother replied. "Wh-what do you mean? I'm with Allison," I stuttered. I heard my mother sigh, as well as my father in the background. He seemed a little pissed off. "Emily Michelle, I know you are with Allison but where are you? And don't lie to me, your father and I both know that you and Allison are not at her house. We paid a little visit because you left your phone charger in your room. When we get there, the house is completely dark; no one is home!"

Shit fire and save matches.

Knowing that I couldn't lie I just flat out told her. "Allison and I went to the Chameleon to see a band. We're on our way home now, it's no big deal. We're fine mom." There was some whispering before I heard my mother hand the phone over to my dad. "You are to get your ass home right this instance young lady! You're mother and I aren't happy with you right now," he said before I heard the dial.

Sighing I slid my phone shut. "I am in deep shit. I thought you're parent's had us covered!" I said looking over at Allison. "They did!? How was I supposed to know they were going to leave and your parent's were going to come over?" she replied angrily.

"I'm not blaming you, I'm just pissed at this whole situation. Just get me back to my house before they really freak out."

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"Let me know how it goes, okay? Call me if you can," Allison said before I shut the door and headed up the sidewalk. Before I could manage to get to the front door, it opened revealing two very angry looking parents.

With my head down I walked in passed them and headed towards the stairs. "Where are you going?" my father asked in a rather harsh tone. "To my room," I replied simply. "We need to talk to you Emily," my mother said. Sighing I turned around, "I'm really tired okay? Can I just go to bed?"

"Not until we discuss tonight's events," dad said his, words laced with venom. I've never seen my dad this angry before, it scared me a lot. You would never think a preacher could get this worked up.

"Why did you lie to us?" my mother asked me. Shifting my weight to the opposite foot I mumbled, "Because I wouldn't be able to have a life if I didn't."

"What was that!?" my father yelled walking towards the staircase. Without realizing it, I took a few steps back trying to get farther away from him. "Phillip, please!" my mother wailed grasping his arm.

I couldn't take this anymore. I'm tired of them telling me what to do and when to do it. I'm tired of them seeing me as this perfect little girl that they once had. I just want to be a regular teenager who gets to actually have fun once and a while.

"Look, I'm tired of you telling me what I should and shouldn't do! I am my own person, and I want to experience the world on my own terms! I don't want to have to live my life through you guys, I don't want to have to ask you if I can go to a concert with my best friend. I shouldn't have to! Mom, dad; I'm a teenager. Teenagers are supposed to rebel and get into trouble and have a little fun. That's all I want; I just want to have fun in life. I don't need you guys breathing down my back every damned second of the day! Just let it go, please!" I screamed, tears brimming my eyes.

They stood there silent for a few moments and I could see my dad's temperature rising. With that I ran up the stairs, into my bedroom and slammed and locked the door.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Stripping off my layers of sweaty concert clothes I turned on the shower to the hottest it could get. I climbed in and just let the water wash all the worries away. I couldn't believe I just screamed at my parent's like that. I've never raised my voice to them before, and they've never really yelled at me like that either. I wish I could rewind the night back to the concert. I wish I could be backstage with the guys again, having a good time. That was the most fun I've had in a long time, and I actually got to feel like a kid for once.

Sighing I scrubbed all the grime off my body and washed my hair before finally turning off the water and stepping out of the shower. I changed into my most comfy pyjamas and climbed into bed. Reaching for my phone I saw that I had two unread messages.

The first one was from Allison: "Hey bud. How did everything go with your parents? Let me know! I'm here for you." Replying back I said: "Dad was furious, it was scary. Then I screamed at them, it was pretty bad. I'll tell you the whole story tomorrow. Goodnight."

Then I looked at the other message; it was from Matt. A smile appeared on my face as I opened the message up. "Hey Em. Call me, I need to hear your voice."

The butterflies in my stomach started up again as I hit the "call" button. My heart was beating so fast in my chest as I heard the ringing on the other end.

"'Ello?" I heard a slightly groggy voice say. "Hey Matt. It's Em," I answered trying to sit up in bed. "Hey, I'm glad you called. I missed your voice," he said. I heard some shuffling as I'm assuming he climbed out of his bunk. A blush creeped on my face for the millionth time today. "I miss your voice too," I told him. I started to get emotional, which was odd for me.

"What's wrong babe?" he asked me. The tears from earlier started forming again and I had to stifle them as they ran down my face. "Emily. What is it?" he said, worry coating he words. "It's my parent's Matt. They just think that I am Miss fucking perfect and I can't stand it. Tonight was the best night of my life and they had to ruin everything. I just want to leave it all, I fucking hate my life."

"Don't say that Emily. They were just worried about you, they love you and they don't want anything bad to happen. It's normal, everything's going to work out. I promise," he replied back. "How do you know, Matt? How do you know that they are ever going to let me out of their sight again?" I cried.

"I don't know babe, I really don't know. Just please, please stop crying. Do you want me to sing to you?" he asked. "S-sure." I said wiping away the salty tears.

I heard him clear his throat before he started singing, "Your hazel green-tint eyes watching every move I make. And that feeling of doubt, it's erased. I'll never feel alone again with you by my side. You're the one, and in you I confide more. And we have gone through good and bad times. But your unconditional love was always on my mind. You've been there from the start for me. And your love's always been true as can be. I give my heart to you. I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you."

By the time he finshed what he was singing my tears had dried all up. "T-that was b-beautiful Matt. T-thank you," I stammered out. "Anything for you Emily. I mean that. I'm only a phone call away if you need me. Hell, any of the guys are just a phone call away. Now, get some sleep. It's been a rather tiring night for you. I'll call you tomorrow, I promise. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow Mattie. Get some sleep," I said to him. "Alright, bye babe," he said before I heard him reluctantly hang up the phone. "Goodnight" I whispered into the phone before closing it. Plugging my phone into the charger I turned off my light and tried to close my eyes and get some much needed sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second update today.

Freaking B-A song right there!

So, let me know what you though.
I know you guys are slacking A LOT with comments, so please try your best to let me know what you think. The story can't survive with silent readers!

I'll try to update as soon as I can, but that all depends on how many comments I get.
Happy reading!