Status: I realize that I haven't updated this in, like, a year. I'm going to try as hard as I can to re-write some things and get some new chapters out!

Love That Never Dies

Erase Me

Waking up I groaned at the sunlight peaking in through the window. Last night was horrible, I couldn't fall asleep because of the fight with my parent's and also because I was thinking of Matt. He's almost exactly like the Charles I have come to know in my dreams, and he seemed to really care about me already. I was surprised to find out that Matt was having the same dreams as I am, and I feel way better knowing I'm not the only one going through this. There is still the one fundamental question that keeps racing through my mind.

What does it all mean?

My thought's were cut short as I felt a vibration errupting from under my pillow. Opening up my inbox I saw that I had six new messages. They were all just random ones from the guys saying how much fun they had with Allison and I, and about how drunk they are. It made me laugh, it was too cute. Finally I clicked on the message from Matt: "Good morning! Hope you got a good night's sleep. I'll see ya soon. ;P" I re-read it again confused; what did he mean he was going to see me later?

"Honey, wake up!" my mother said knocking on the door. Sighing I shut my phone and got out of bed.

Breakfast that morning was awkward, but at least they didn't yell at me like I expected.
The rest of the day was pretty boring, I actually sat down and with my mom and listened to my dad go over his sermon once more before tomorrow morning. Allison also called and asked how last night went and of course she was fuming for my parent's being stupid about the situation, but she was proud of me for sticking to my guns.

"I can't believe your dad was being such a dick!" she complained. Swinging on the outside porch swing I agreed with her, "I know. I just don't think they understand. But I'm over it, they can't treat me like I'm a kid. I'll be eighteen in a little less than two weeks." Hearing my phone beep, I realized I had another incoming call.

Checking, my caller ID said Matt. "Hey, I gotta go. Matt is calling," I told Allison. "Oohh lover boy!" she went on to make kissy noises, but by then I already hung up on her.

Clicking the talk button I put the phone up to my ear saying, "Hey!"
"Well, someone sounds better today. What are you doing?" he asked. Kicking my feet I told him, "Nothing really. I'm actually really bored. You?" He sighed, "Still on the road. We're about an hour out of Huntington Beach."
We really didn't talk about anything too important, I was just glad that I got to hear his voice.

- - - - - - - - - -

It was Sunday, the most boring day of my whole entire week. Every Sunday is the same thing; wake up early, go to church, sit there while my dad drabbles on, go out with them to brunch and chit chat with their friends.

Not to mention, they seemed to shove me in the direction of Jay Miller. He's the perfect little church boy that my parent's are begging me to get with. I often thought about just doing it, but that was before the dreams started and now that Matt is in my life I just don't think it's gonna happen. I finally feel like the missing piece of my soul is back, and I can now live to the fullest with Matt by my side.

Sitting down in the first row of pews I got situated and waited for this day to be over with. After about 15 minutes my father's sermon got interrupted as the doors opened up. I was trying my best to ignore the whispers but finally I couldn't take it anymore and had to turn around. Thinking that it was just someone who overselpt finally coming I turned around.

I stifled a squeal as I realized who it was. Matt and the other boys stood just inside the door looking around awkwardly. "Oh my God in heaven," my mother whispered, shaking her head in a disapproving way. I quickly turned around back towards my father and attempting to refocus on the sermon I've already heard.

What were they doing here? How did they know where I lived?

I glanced over at Allison, who was staring at me with a sly grin on her face. Oh, I see. Shaking my head I had to crack a smile. It's only been a whole day since I've seen Matt, yet it seemed like a million years. I kept turning my head to see if they were still there; they were but now they were sitting in the last pew. My eyes met Matt's and he grinned at me.

Quickly turning around I telling my mother, "I'm going to go see if those men are lost okay, mom?" She took a look back at them, grimaced and said, "Yes, but go quickly. I don't want you hanging around strange men for too long."

Ha, if only she knew.

I just about jumped out of my seat and made my way to the back pews as the older people shot me worried glances. I smiled at them reassuringly. I could tell my by father's change in voice that he wasn't happy that I was walking out of his sermon, but I suppose he just has to get over that.

When I reached the boys their faces lit up like houses at Christmas time. I motioned for them to step out into the lobby with me and the quietly followed me out the doors. As silently as I could I shut the doors once they all filed past me and then turned to face them. "Oh my God! What are you guys doing here? You nearly gave all those people a heart attack in there!"

They all chuckled as they thought about that happening. "Well, we had some time off so we thought we'd come spend time with you and Allison," Johnny said, his eyes lighting up when he said Allison's name. "Plus, Mattie here doesn't shut up about you!" Jimmy said smirking in Matt's direction. Glancing at him I gave him a smile but then continued to talk to everyone else, "Well, I'm glad you guys came! Now come here and give me some hugs!" I demanded. They all smiled and did as they were told. One by one they gave me hugs, except for Matt who waited until last.

Then all of a sudden, the door burst open and Allison barrelled through it. Quietly shutting the door, she turned around with a cheshire cat grin on her face. She ran up to all of them and squeezed the daylights out of them. I noticed she held on to Johnny a little, okay maybe a lot, longer than the other guys. It made me smile, Johnny seemed like a really good guy.

Turning my attention back to Matt he gave me his dimple filled smile before opening his arms saying, "Come here." It wasn't a demand but my feet automatically took me in his direction.

I wrapped my arms around hs waist and felt his strong arms wrap themselves around me. I took in the scent that I've missed dearly. I was content there with my head on his chest and his heart beating in my ears. I heard snickers come from Allison and the other guys. Rolling my eyes I let go of Matt's waist and pulled away.

He rest his arms around my waist instead, pulling me closer and whispering in my ear, "I missed you." That little comment just made my heart melt and I felt a tingling sensation course throught my body. I then felt my face get hot as he placed a kiss on the top of my head.

Now, I know I should have felt weird about all of this, but I wasn't. I barely know the guy, but I just can't help but be drawn to him. I'm not sure if it was because of our past lives together but it just felt natural.

"So, how long are you guys staying?" Allison asked pulling me out of my thoughts. Brian, whom I never really hear talk replied, "Two weeks." That made me automatically smile. Two weeks with Matt. Two weeks til I turn eighteen. "Oh goodie! That means you guys will be here when Emmy here is legal!" Allison stated, wiggling her eyebrows at Matt. I just placed my head in my hands and stood there. She is so embarrassing!

"We just gotta find someplace to stay in this shithole town," Zack said, changing the subject.
True, I thought. There is one motel, but I wouldn't count it on being the most sanitary. I leaned back and rest my head on Matt's chest and closed my eyes. He gently rubbed my hips where his hands rest. I've never been touched there by anyone, but I wasn't complaining.

My moment of comfort soon ended when I heard the loud chatter of the sermon ending and people getting ready to leave. Right as the doors opened I pulled away from Matt's comforting embrace and put unwanted distance between us. I smiled at everyone who exited and started to leave the church. They all eyes up the heavily tattooed men and pulled their children closer.

Finally, my mother and father came out eyeing the boys as well. "Hey mom! Hey dad!" I started enthusiastically, "this is Matt, Brian, Zacky, Johnny and Jimmy. They're taking a mini-vacation from touring around the country." My father eyed them up before putting on his facade and shaking all of their hands with a fake smile plastered on his face. "Yeah, we were really excited to be able to relax away from it all. Just gotta find a place big enough for all of us to stay," Jimmy said with a smile. That put an idea into my head.

"Hey, why don't they just stay with us?" I questioned. "I mean the house is huge and we have plenty of room. We even have a pool house." My mother looked at me like I was crazy. My father looked ticked off.

"It's the Christian thing to do, mom. They are in need of a place to stay and we can provide that for them," I told them. My mother looked back at my dad and they were communicating through their eyes.

Looking at the guys I saw them all with pouty faces on, their eyes pleading. Jimmy looked the most convincing and I couldn't help but laugh out loud at him. "It would be the Christian thing to do," my mother started. Sighing my dad said, "Fine, fine. But all of you are staying in the pool house. I don't want men I don't know walking around in the main house." With that, he took my mother's hand and walked away.

Oh good Lord, this is going to be a crazy two weeks.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I realize that this chapter kind of sucks and it's just a random filler.
Emily was urging me to get a chapter out ASAP, and I did.
Tell me what you like, don't like.
Be honest.

Oh, and I know that my chapter titles have no connection to the story, they are just songs that I was listening to at the time. So here is Kid Cudi "Erase Me"

Comment, Subscribe, all that fun jazz.