Status: I realize that I haven't updated this in, like, a year. I'm going to try as hard as I can to re-write some things and get some new chapters out!

Love That Never Dies

The Fight

I woke up to loud snickering and a flash of a camera. “What the fuck, Brian?” I heard Matt groan. I felt the rumble of his words come through his chest. Opening my eyes I realize that Matt is now lying flat on his back and my upper body was on him. I snuggled my head deeper into his chest trying to block out the light and noise. “Sorry dude, It’s just too cute, I couldn’t resist.”

“You know what else would be cute?” I mumbled turning towards Brian, my eyes half open. “If you would shut the fuck up and get out of our room.” Matt chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, “Whoa there, tiger.” Brian made some sort of cat hissing noise and was flashing his claws before leaving the room. I put my head back on Matt’s chest and relaxed a little. “What time is it?” I groaned, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep. He grabbed his phone off the nightstand and looked at it, “About 11:30”

“My parent’s are probably furious. I should probably leave soon.” I squirmed around trying to stretch, but Matt just tightened his grip on me. “But, I don’t want you to leave. Not yet, at least. Two weeks, two weeks is all I’ve got.” I frowned at his words, realization hitting me like a ton of bricks. He did only have two weeks to spend with me before he had to go back to his normal life, all the way back in California . And I would be left here under my parent’s control. I don’t know if I can handle being apart from Matt, not when I just found him. I don’t want to keep living in the memories of my past with Charles. I want to live in the present with Matt. Snuggling closer to his chest I said, “I know Matty, I know.” He kissed my head and we sat in silence.

The silence was soon ended when a loud banging erupted from the front of the pool house. I jumped and Matt’s grip tightened around my waist. “Where’s my daughter?” I heard my father’s loud booming voice. “Shit,” I mumbled before quickly getting up. Matt got up as well, and put a random shirt on from the floor. “I told you they would be furious,” I said with a chuckle. “Come on,” was all he said before leading me to the door. “Wait,” I said clutching his arm. “Kiss me Matt. I don’t know what’s gonna happen and I want to remember your touch.” He didn’t hesitate as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. He kissed me deep and hard, before pulling away, pecking me once more. Reluctantly, we walked out of the room and down the hallway.

Walking into the living room I saw my father pacing back and forth while my mother was sitting on the couch tossing casual glances in Brian and Zack’s direction. “What’s wrong?” I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

“What’s wrong? What do you think is wrong Emily?” he started. “Your mother and I wake up and you are gone! Then we find you in our pool house alone with grown men! Please enlighten me on what you think is wrong.”

“Well,” I replied, “First off, it’s way too early for you to be yelling and second of all, these “grown men” are my friends, they wouldn’t even consider harming me. So you need to calm yourself, I did nothing wrong so BACK OFF!”

That really set my father off because he stomped over to me, getting in my face, “Don’t you ever use that tone of voice with me Emily Michelle. I am your father and I can yell at you and scream all I want.” His hand latched onto my arm squeezing it to the point where it really started to hurt. “Ouch, dad. Let go…”

I didn’t even have to ask twice because my knight in shining tattoos came to the rescue. He grabbed my father’s arm and barked out, “Let her go.” An involuntary shiver ran down my back at how much malice was in his words. My fathers must have felt it too because he instantly let go. He eyebrows furrowed in even more anger when I latched on Matt and he wrapped his arm around me. Pointing his finger at Matt he said, “You and your friends need to pack up your crap and get out of here today.” He glanced at me and then at Matt before turning around and storming away. He slammed that door so hard that I thought the glass would shatter.

“Are you okay, babe?” Matt asked, examining my arm. It was starting to turn purple and tingled when he ran a gentle finger along it. “I’ll be fine, I promise.” I said with a smile and then turned to my mother who was still on the couch. She had unshed tears in her eyes and her hands were shaking. “Mom, I’m fine. I’m sorry you had to see that,” I said sitting down next to her. “I don’t know why he gets like that and I’m sorry,” she started while looking at the ground, blinking back tears.

“You shouldn’t apologize on his behalf, he’s just an asshole,” Brian said. I cracked a smile in his direction because it was so true. My mother smiled up at him wiping her tears away, “I’ve never heard someone be so blunt about it. Everyone in this town adores the man. I used to adore him to, but lately… I don’t know. He’s changing and I don’t like it.”

There was a moment of silence before she stood up and made her way to the door. “I’m going to go see if he’s cooled down at all. Emily, I want you to stay here for the rest of the day. Your father is unstable and I don’t want you around it.” With a forced smile she opened the door. “Oh, Matt. You and your friends can stay for as long as you want. Don’t listen to what the asshole has to say.” Quietly, she shut the door behind her, heels clicking along the sidewalk as she went.

“I like her,” Jimmy said appearing out of nowhere. “Dude, where did you come from?” Zack asked getting off the couch. “Well, I ripped through my mother’s vagina…” he started before Zack stopped him. “Ew, god dude. That’s not what I meant.” Shrugging Jimmy said, “I know. I just like seeing you geek out and squeal like a girl.”

“Ha ha ha. Very funny James.” Zack retorted. Jimmy's face changed from a joking grin to a serious scowl before punching him right in the arm. "Never, I repeat, never call me James. You sound like my fucking mother."

"Yeah, yeah. Get the fuck over it Sullivan," he replied with a smile before skipping down the hallway towards his room. Jimmy turned to Matt and I, "That kid's gonna get it one day." Then he stomped off into the kitchen.

Turning to Matt I raised my eyebrows, "Overdramatic much?" Grinning he replied, "You have no fucking idea."
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't hurt me, okay?
I haven't updated this sucker in like 3 months or more.
And sorry it's shitty quality, that's all I can seem to come up with nowadays.
Comment and subscribe, yeah?

Oh, and another thing. I have an idea for a new story.
Even though I shouldn't because I can't seem to keep up with the ones I have, but I can't help it!
Anyways, if you've ever heard of or watched Dog the Bounty Hunter, this story is for you. I have an idea for a Leland Chapman story so if any of y'all would be interested in reading it just let me know and I'll start writing it. There aren't very many good ones of him on here, so I though I could maybe change that.

Just let me know, iight?