School Days


Kirstie pov

"Soup soup a tasty soup soup"
The mighty boosh blared out from my mobile as my alarm went off. I retrieved it from under my pillow i chucked the covers off me and went for a shower. The moment i got out of the shower i heard my ring tone go off so i answered groggily it was my mate best mate Laura
"hurry up lazy ass we’ve gotta get to school early today to set up for the talent show this afternooon dont forget your bass." laura said at 100 miles a hiur down the phone at me.
Okay chill it girl. its like 7:30 in the mornin its to much to cope with ring tom and dan and remind them becase there bound to forget.
"okay toodles" she said putting the phone down on my. i put my taking back sunday cd in to my cd player and was singing along while i was trying to find my black skinny jeans i couldnt find them so i put my stripy black and white ones on. i got a random band tee from my draw. made sure i had everything straightend my hair and put on my eyeliner on. i was reday. i got my black hoodie. checked myself in my mirror to check if i looked okay. i picked up my grubby back pack my bass and my art work i was like a pack horse. i went downstairs and saw my mm just pickiing up her car keys.
" mum! mum!" i shouted at her. she turned around looking at me
"yes dear?" she asked me.
"can i get a lift to school i have all my art and my bass to carry please?" i asked giving the puppy dog eyes.
"Okay but hurry up" she said walking to the car
i ran back into the house. mobile,keys,headphone for my mobile,pen, art stuff,bass,lads. yep got everything. i locked up the house as i ca,me out put all my crap on the bakseat sat in the front and put my haedphones in so i couldnt listing to the likes of old love songs on the radio i was listing to good bands like misfits,iron madien,blackflag, and my mates band lavondyss. lavondyss are realy good the screamo/alternative. we got to the school gates and i saw the realy cute guy in my year and he was chatting to i assume a new guy he was cute to. i said bye to my mum in the car. i saw the jocks and cheerleaders planning to something so i played them at there own game and walked straight through them. i saw a foot scrawney heeled foot being strehed out so i stood on it in my realy hard calf lenght boots. she squeeled in pain. i saw it was kristin and i was quite pleased with myself. i carried on walking as i turned the corner i saw kirstin rolling arund the floor in pain and i saw the cute guys ;aughing at her pathecticness. i walked into school and walked to the music black to drop off my bass. i put in in my music locker so it was safe. so i locked it up and carried on walking up to the art room and i heard my name being called and i knew who it was because laura was the only person who called me kirstie everyone else called me pansy. so i stopped for her we walked into art together.
"i heard you broke kristins ankle good work girl" laura said with a big smile on her face. i put my work in the draw so all i had now was my grubby backpack with me. we walked towards our hangout. near the science block.
"no i saw her trieng to trip me up so i stood on her foot simple as" i explainee to laura.
"still good work. did you see them hot guys near the gate?" laura asked me her eyes twinkerling i knew she was up to something.
"yeah fit as or what" i replied
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who wants more??