Status: New. Not prewritten like normal so defanatly slower. Keep/Kill?

Forgetting to Hate


“Are you ready?” Helena yelled from the room next to ours. A huge smile spread across my face.

It had been five years since I had met Echo, today we were going to the Vergessen court to speak.

As it turns out, Helen had fallen in love with Raven-one of Echo’s many brothers. They were coming with us to speak. The goal was a treaty between our races.

We had traveled to The City of Angels three days ago and had spoken at a number of other places, but today was the most important. Today we spoke to the council and the royal family.

Echo came up behind me and kissed my cheek. I smiled, watching as he fiddled with his hair. Where I was wearing a nice pair of jeans, a nice button up shirt and look entirely respectable, Echo had done his hair completely with all the peacock spikes and had on really tight jeans, with a tank top. At least I had convinced him to wear shoes.

I really should teach him some manners, but I find it too adorable. When we had finished, we waited for Helena and Raven to be ready.

I sighed when Raven came out of their room and Echo got him distracted. Helena and I had to pull Echo off Raven so we wouldn’t be late. And to they wouldn’t have sex in the hotel hallway.
I laughed at my beautiful boyfriend as he skipped in front of me. Finally, despite everything trying to make us late, we made it to the capitol building. Echo grabbed my hand and held it tightly as we walked in front of Helena and Raven. We were guided to a huge conference room.
I tensely waited as everybody filed in.

Then in came my parents. First my mother, her wings streaming behind her in a white dress.
Everybody stood up and watched as my father followed her in. Then came Jessie and Magnus.
Finally, Carmen and her boyfriend, who’s name I didn’t know. Ether way, they were both scowling.

Echo smiled at me once everybody was seated and stood up.
“We didn’t come here today for ourselves. We came for the people. And there is one thing that the people have done, that we could do, should do.” He took a breath, and looked at me. “They have forgotten to hate.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here you go.

Thanks to everyone who's read this!!!
you can thank
(who actualy messaged me)