‹ Prequel: Teachers Pet.



“Della...”I lifted my heavy head and turned my head toward the voice.
“Della, wake up.”My weighted eyes opened slowly, seeing Dumbledore in front of me.
“Professor Snape has fallen ill. I suppose I will be escorting you to class today.”
Snape was never sick, he was in class every day, just to make sure he could ruin and taunt me.
“You look ill too child.”
“I’m fine.”I croaked, my throat felt as if I had swallowed glass. My stomach screamed for food and my head pounded for silence.
“Stay in bed today-
“No I’m fine-
“That wasn’t a question. Rest, you look like hell.” Oh gee, thanks.
Dumbledore turned to leave but I caught his sleeve.
“Sir...I have one question before you go.”
“About Professor Snape.” The Head Master froze.
“Feel better, Della”
“Sir please!”
“I know what you are going to ask, and I cannot answer it!”
“Is Snape my guardian?” Dumbledore froze once again at the door, his head low.
“Is he the real reason I’m here?” My voice broke, the rawness of my throat began to fight every word I spoke.
“He did bring you here...and he is assigned to look after you. But no Della. You are not his Ward. He chooses to watch over you, not because he has to.”
“Is he watching over me because Voldemort told him to?”
“Those are serious accusations, Fletcher!” Dumbledore whipped around and glared at me.
“So you know?”
“Severus is not what you think he is, and you’d do well to hold your tongue!”A vein formed in his forehead. “This is something you have no business poking about in, and you’d best stay out of it!”
“I have every right, sir!” I screamed through choking vocal chords.
“If Snape is working for Voldemort to turn me into a weapon-
“Fletcher, that is enough!” The loudness of his voice knocked the air from my lungs.
“Love is his weapon...” Dumbledore whispered.
“He would never hurt you, let alone give you up to the dark lord.” I sat still and stared at the floor.
“I can’t stop him- I can’t stop it.”
“Stop what-
“Go to bed.”With that, Dumbledore was out of the dorm, slamming the door behind him.
What is he hiding...what can’t he stop that he can’t tell me about...
I shrank under the covers and pulled them around me in a cocoon. I was warm and safe under the covers, and I refuse to come out till this day is over.