Gimme A Kiss


"I saw him again, Sevilin." I whispered into the boy's ear.

Sevilin was my best friend, and he was currently sitting on my lap, playing his video games as I had my arms around his waist and my cheek resting against his shoulder.

I could almost feel the boy rolling his eyes. "You see him every day Meztli." He said, "Why don't you just talk to him?" He asked me.

My head shot up off his shoulder, and I slapped his back as I sat back, him still on my lap as I crossed my arms.

"You're so stupid." He said, "If he wanted to talk to me, then he'd have done so by now. He obviously doesn't care to engage in conversation with me, so I won't try talking to him."

Sevilin paused his game, and turned to stare at me.

"Meztli, the kid sits in a bush just to watch you walk by. I'm pretty sure he'd be too afraid to even look you in the eye." He said. "Let's face it, the boy's petrified of you, and it doesn't help that we have like four other friends walking with us all the time."

"So you're saying I to him as in initiating a conversation with him?" I asked, wondering what drugs this boy was on.

"Yes." He said, groaning. "You've liked him for forever, so just ask him out, or at least talk to him." He told me.

I rolled my eyes, "It's not that simple, we-"

"No, Meztli, you've avoided him since pre-K, this has got to stop." He said.

I smirked, "You're only saying that because you want to hook up with his older brother Dimirti."

Sevilin looked like he was choking on his own spit. "W-What?" He asked, and I laughed at him.

"Yeah right." I told the boy, "You know what I'm talking about." I smirked.

The boy blushed, then looked up at me with fearful eyes, "How did you know that? And that I'm gay even, not even my parents know." He said quietly, sinking down into the couch.

I pulled him into my lap, smiling gently at him, "I just kind of knew?" I said quietly. "And don't worry about anything, I'm your best friend, it's my job to know these things." I told him and kissed his cheeks.

He looked down at his skinny jeans, blushing, "Dimitri wouldn't like me anyway, so I don't even know why I would try and be with him." He said quietly, defeated.

I frowned at him, "Don't worry, my love." I told him, "Now you know what it feels like to want to procrastinate talking to them."

He frowned at me, "Then we will do it tomorrow, together." He said, smiling and I smiled back at the boy, kissing his forehead.

"Sure, doll." I whispered, "Tomorrow."

I looked around as I heard a loud banging; someone had walked through the door. I looked and saw Kyle, who had immediately went to the fridge, looking for something to eat. “Hello to you too.” I said, and gently tightened my arms around my best friend.

Just because we were all friends didn’t mean that they all got along. They could….i don’t know, they could just tell that there was something different about Sevilin, and they didn’t like him that much, so it made me that much more protective of the small boy.

I kissed his cheek as he remained silent, playing the video game once more.

“Why don’t you have anything to eat Meztli?” He asked and I shrugged.

“Maybe because you eat it all?” I asked, and heard laughing.

“Yeah,” He said, “Because it defiantly isn’t Sevilin that’s eating all this, because that kid’s so skinny."

I frowned and pulled him closer as I heard him let out a sigh. “Leave Sevilin out of this, Kyle, I don’t know why you’re always bringing him up, because you don’t like him or some shit, but he’s my friend, so leave him alone or get out of my house.” I growled.

Not a moment later, I heard a scoffing, and the front door slam shut.
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one/two chapters to go